Some more perk ideas (I will have some survivor ones soon too) hire me plz

You ever been in a situation where you can't swing a three gen, but pop is just not enough pressure to keep the game rolling? How about a perk that lets you swap progress with another gen?
After kicking a generator, this perk activates. The kicked gen is immediately put into the corrupt state after five seconds have passed, whatever generator the killer is staring at will have its progress swapped. This does not begin regression on EITHER gen, only swaps the gens. This will not synergize with pop, in order for that to happen you will have to kick the gen a second time. cooldown for perk is 120/105/90 seconds. (that is if we are still even doing tiers at this point expect a similar sentiment for the rest of the perks)
Kind of lame that only one killer can get hook progress without having to pick the survivor up... lets fix that shall we.
For every generator repaired, and when the end game collapse begins, the killer receives one stack of this perk. When the required amount of stacks is achieved, they can be consumed to summon a phantom hook on a downed survivor. After channeling for 3 seconds, a phantom hook will be summoned at the location of the survivor to instantly hook them. After a survivor is rescued from the hook, the hook will be destroyed. Survivors being healed cannot be channeled, and a survivor cannot be healed after channeling has begun. Tokens consumed per summon is 4/3/2.
Totems are lame. Survivors are always breaking my damn totems, but it takes to long to stop them even if I know they are working on it. I feel completely helpless and I certainly don't want to constantly drop chases and lose the game defending my totems. What to do, what to do... I got it, I will do it for them.
A blue hex totem is spawned and cleansing it does not remove this perk. Every time a survivor cleanses a totem, you gain one stack of this perk. For each stack of this perk the killers movement speed is semi-permanently increased by 1%/1.5%/2% for dull totems. If a hex totem is cleansed, one stack of bloodlust is also gained. Upon a generators completion, 1 stack will be removed.
The killer can no longer see hex totem auras
The killer can kick their own totems, doing so to hex totems removes their assigned perks.
Now I just need names for these...