Needing better Counter measures against slugging



  • valvarez4
    valvarez4 Member Posts: 868

    No, because killers always slug because they know they will see you anyway with the last hook. Without it you could find the hatch or he will need thrill of the hunt

  • Zarathos
    Zarathos Member Posts: 1,911

    If I was to compare what your asking for it would mean giving and hex undying, mettle of man level of power to survivor both of which had to and will be nerfed. Slugging is basically how high level killer players overcome excellent survivor player without it high level killers will lose vs high level survivors. It means the killer always has a chance to come back from a game. Making it so survivors can ignore the consequences of being slugged while ds exists in its current state is asinine. Someone was saying that even if killers adopt slugging to get around ds survivors will still complain about slugging and demand it nerfed I told them no your just being cynical but low and behold here we go again thanks for proving me wrong. Killers get low quality gen regression perks because it would be dumb if a killer could just lock survivor entirely out of a win condition by equipping a perk, never mind having it be base. slugging has a perfectly easy counter don't get god damn downed. Now if your saying as survivors you feel like your kit is underwhelming or lacking any nuance techs for some of the more difficult killer I can understand that. What survivor needs now is more ways to manipulate scratch marks and throw of the killers tracking not more second chances. Deception is a fantastic addition but if your advocating for more blunt force survivor strategies then you have no concept of just how asinine the suggestion is.

  • Kei_Ra
    Kei_Ra Member Posts: 56

    I think if the crawling speed was increased it would give killers a little more pressure to not slug

  • Kolonite
    Kolonite Member Posts: 1,346

    Free up a perk slot so now all DS users get DS/UB basekit lmaooo

  • Aneurysm
    Aneurysm Member Posts: 5,270

    There are loads of perks that counter slugging now. I run WGLF for the points and even in solo queue when the killer starts slugging as long as I'm not the first victim I just go and pick teammates up faster than the killer can get them down.

  • vacaman
    vacaman Member Posts: 1,140

    If they ever do what you suggest i can assure you that i will either quit DBD or just play facecamping bubba.

  • Zarathos
    Zarathos Member Posts: 1,911

    Couldn't agree more. New influx of players from crossplay with less hours so this is to be expected. The twins was a massive mistake no doubt about it. I don't envy the person who's left with the arduous task of balancing that killer.

  • NightWolfsFury
    NightWolfsFury Member Posts: 220

    Whoops... I meant to saying I'm NOT the best player, but I guess that's obvious, since I said I'm average right after. Lol

    I honestly feel like people underrate just how truly balanced this game is overall. It's like people see ONLY escape and ONLY 4k as a win, which just isn't true. True balanced would be 50/50. 2 kills, 2 escapes. All killers except 3 are above 60% win rate in red ranks, which is very balanced in my eyes (outside of Freddy with his 73%. Lmao).

    It's people who have this misconception listed above that really have an issue with balance. Sure, you will get dunked on as both killer and survivor, but again, that's okay. You can't win them all. But if you still get 2 survivors killed or escaped, it is a draw on either side for me. Anything more than 2 is a win in my eyes.

  • Aldath
    Aldath Member Posts: 30

    The number of times slugging everyone works as a strategy at purple/red ranks is pretty much 50/50. It's a risky strategy with perks like Unbreakable being meta nowadays, it can make you lose more time than playing normally, and it can revert your snowball.

    Plus it's boring for both Killers and Survivors.

    The fact that some killers like Twins have to rely on slugging an entire team to stay relevant is a signal of a larger problem within the game's design. Giving you a way to deal with slugging besides unbreakable would be further encouraging the dev team to ignore the underlying issues within the game and putting a band-aid on top of it.

  • Zarathos
    Zarathos Member Posts: 1,911

    A reasonable stance but the general game swings in a sort of you get two kills your likely going to 4 k anyways or you get 1 kill and 3 escape. The hook tracker will be nice way of assuring a killer he did better then simply I killed X number of survivors only. Unless it gets to exit gates and kills during that period doesn't feel as much that you won but that survivors made a terrible mistake. In most cases survivors are annoyed at the lack of mechanics available to them so when looping fails they tend to say its op. For killer its the unwinnable situations that can occur. Take some meta builds ds, unbreakable is the current specter haunting the killer role. If a killer downs a survivor especially if its an arduous game seeing unbreakable or ds rob them of the pick up/pressure respite is soul crushing. This feeling can come across for survivors like exit gate being spawned alongside each other with hatch nearby or just a very oppressive build like undying ruin. Its more individual mechanics driving a player mad. Downed immediately off hook is always going to feel awful it would be nice if there was a way to punish the bad unhook with the unhooker eating the down but that would cause a slew of new issues and exploitable nonsense.

  • NightWolfsFury
    NightWolfsFury Member Posts: 220

    I do agree with a lot of this. As an asymmetrical game, it will be very hard to balance to feel fair to all.

    Both sides do have perks that just feel unfair and annoying to deal with, but for me personally, I honestly don't think any perks or combos are broken. The only thing I thought was a little bad was Undying, just because it was a little bloated. Not because of what it did. I feel like a change they could've done was just remove the ability to see survivors on dull totems. That's it. But they went a different route.

    I do understand the frustrations on both sides, though. And hey, for end game, a kill is a kill! Take the sacrifice. 😉😉 Those can feel nice sometimes, especially if the survivor(s) decide to BM and you get a kill or multiple kills from it. Gotta run salt in the wound!

  • NightWolfsFury
    NightWolfsFury Member Posts: 220

    Rub salt**

    I would just edit my comment, but every time I do, it gets removed for "approval"... -_-

  • unluckycombo
    unluckycombo Member Posts: 582

    Nah, getting slugged might be boring, but there are counters against it. (For example, just being a decent looper and buying your team time to pick up a slug, or bringing a perk).

    Kinda the big thing to counter slugging imho is just time. A killer can slug all they want, but if they spend too much time on their next chase, they lose a lot of pressure compared to just hooking the survivor- it makes it a gamble, but a fair one.

    There are also perks to counteract it- UB is good, though I personally don't get much use out of it- Tenacity is good, Power Struggle is pretty pog, and Flip-Flop can be surprisingly strong. This isn't including stuff like WGLF which can get you up off the ground faster, or Adrenaline.

  • Killmaster
    Killmaster Member Posts: 429

    You should be able to revive yourself once per match and the Perk Unbreakable should let you do it an unlimited amount of times.

  • jester20k
    jester20k Member Posts: 827

    I always run wglf, and sometimes unbreakable. Slugging my squad is virtually impossible

  • SocialDistomancy
    SocialDistomancy Member Posts: 1,319

    To balance such a benefit out survivor queue length should go up another two to three minutes on average.

  • Mr_K
    Mr_K Member Posts: 9,184

    Spread out. Make the killer have to travel long distances.

  • AbstractSaucing
    AbstractSaucing Member Posts: 103

    I see It alot with the Wraith and The Pig. They're really bad at slugging and leaving, or slugging and camping the slugged survivor from a distance so that they can nag that next survivor and so on. I've also gotten slugged by getting window or body blocked into it FROM A DISTANCE away from other slugged survivors. Not all slugs are in the same spot or even away from hooks. I've even had killers carry me away from hooks and just drop me to go after someone else.

  • AbstractSaucing
    AbstractSaucing Member Posts: 103

    Half the slugs after that first slug happens BECAUSE we go over to pick up the original slugged player. If the player plays dirty then you're screwed anyways. Especually if they slug then hide in wait of the next