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Dwight is Actually a Lot More Sinister Than I Remember

Peasant Member Posts: 4,104
edited September 2018 in Lore

Dwight Fairfield, the so-called "Nervous Leader".

When I first started playing Dead by Daylight I assumed that most of the survivors could contribute something positive to the group (minus Laurie [Sole Survivor =/= Teamwork]). This was especially true for Dwight Fairfield who's entire unique perk set is focused around finding and boosting others. This being said, after looking around at his quotes and his playstyle I have quickly learned that Dwight is the ultimate team killer.

First off are his perks:
Bond helps Dwight find others
Leader helps him boost others
Prove Thyself helps himself when there's a group

All of these perks focus on one main theme: Gathering survivors together. Granted, in some circumstances (Resilience + Leader + Toolbox) this can be a faster way of repairing generators. However, as proven by the infamous Depip Squad it is actually faster overall to split up generator repairs. So why encourage grouping up? The sandbag. With his teachable perks alone his allies more often than not receive the greatest bonuses. Knowing this it is very likely that if a killer spots Dwight and Meg for example on a generator the killer will target Meg over Dwight because she's working faster (9%>3%). Combine this with Bond and it becomes clear that Dwight's main defensive strategy is to lead the killer to people that are worth more than him.

This is reflected in some of his quotes:
", We have to work as a team, I need you to survive so I can survive!"
", I'll show you what I can do!"
", Listen to me if you don't wanna end up on a hook."

In the first quote, taken from Bond Dwight states that he needs his allies alive for him to survive. Given how minimal his bonus from Prove Thyself is he's likely referring to his need for decoys to waste the killers' time. Dwight lacks any abilities to evade killers, but his allies don't.

In the second quote, taken from Prove Thyself Dwight states that he "can do" things that people might not expect from him. This is, of course, a referral to his hidden strength at manipulating others. Dwight has the most noticeable cosmetics of all of the survivors, this is likely to further strengthen his ability to help the killer start chases.

In the third quote, taken from Leader Dwight suggests that by refusing to listen to his demands his allies will hopelessly perish atop the sacrificial hooks. This threat of sorts makes sense as he will be using his allies as decoys to facilitate faster repairs. This grants him leeway and motivation enough to ensure that his meatshields don't waste potential hits.

The habit of Dwight hiding in lockers was also likely formed from countless sandbags as he would flee to a more dangerous survivor then in the confusion wait out the action in a locker, only to emerge and sneak back to his latest generator.

So overall Dwight is a survivor whose sole purpose is to gather people together for the killer only to reappear when he believes they will be of some use to him.

Now to really briefly go off topic for all of you shippers out there, I believe the two most likely partners for Dwight would be Meg Thomas or David King. You see, Meg Thomas can easily distract a killer with Sprint Burst. Combined with the potential risk of Adrenaline most killers will be eager to target Meg early to prevent her from using this great ability. Meanwhile, Dwight is highly visible and has no tools making him a less desirable target. The reason why I could also see the David x Dwight ship sailing is that David can be a guardian. With Dead Hard and We're Gonna Live Forever he is encouraged to be the shield for his friends. Not to mention, that we all know how most killers will react to seeing a Dwight and a No Mither David on a generator.

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