Olaf Thorgard the Viking Killer

PLEASE NOTE: I am by no means a professional at this so I welcome your CONSTRUCTIVE criticism in order to help balance it out. I'll be giving my opinion of why I did blank by putting them in parenthesis.
The Berserker: Olaf Thorgard
Appearance: Olaf is an undead Viking, he wears a Gjermundbu helmet with what is essentially Deathslinger’s eyes. His hair is a gray faded brown with a short beard covering his whole face, yellowed teeth and he grimaces constantly. The rest resembles pretty much what a Viking is: Tunic under chainmail, chainmail leggings under pants, and fur lined boots. He has a sword sheath at his waist. (Just how I’d like to see my man O L A F)
Animations: He walks similar to the Trapper or more upright with Bjørn’s claymore out, his carrying looks a bit closer to Myers, when hooking someone he just grabs them with his right arm and one hands them onto the hook (unlike other killers who need both hands), he smashes pallets by just lifting one leg up and crushing it in one blow (taking the full 2.6 seconds by lining up his shot), he rams his shoulder into a breakable once and then breaks it the second time. Climbing vaults has him put one foot up and lift the other leg up, over the window and down on the other side, ending by pulling his other foot down (putting his hand on the side of windows and jungle gym vaults.) He lifts his shield up to protect himself when stunned by a pallet or instinctively holds his arm up as if he has his shield out if he has Bjørn’s claymore out. Wiping blood off the shortsword is him just giving it a swipe towards the ground to get the blood off. Wiping blood off Bjørn’s claymore has him just wipe it off like Myers does for his knife. While carrying Bjørn’s claymore it’s upright off to the right, held with two hands. (I would really like this guy to look badass, especially since he goes boing.)
Height: Tall (The two heights are tall and average so ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ )
Speed: Walking 4.6m/s, Carrying 3.68m/s, Carrying Bjørn’s claymore 3.7m/s, Leap 8m/s (Claymores are heavy and viking goes boing)
Terror Radius: 32m (Standard terror radius, no conditional effects that change it so…)
Power: Berserk - The Berserker can switch between Bjørn’s claymore or his short sword and shield. Functionality wise the shield is just cosmetic, just a round viking shield. He takes 3s without a slowdown to switch weapons and if you stop switching weapons midway, there’s a reversed animation for undoing it so you can’t just suddenly stop switching and hit. He sheafs the shortsword and grabs the two handed claymore on his back where he puts the shield. Now he moves slower with the claymore except when he leaps, when he hits the ground, if anyone is in his radius they take damage. He has a 3s stun if he misses and a regular hit slow if he makes a connection.
If you pull a pallet down as he goes to hit the ground he gets stunned but the pallet breaks right away. If you miss he breaks the pallet and it slows as if he hit a survivor instead of a pallet break, leaving it up does nothing. This isn’t bad because he is slower than a survivor with the claymore out unless he’s in bloodlust 2.
When he leaps he reaches a peak height of 1.1m. Naturally this should prevent him going over low obstacles and he won’t go over jungle gyms. Other than the stuns, he has a 2 second cooldown on leap after landing from a leap (just so he can get back into things quickly, considering his slow speed. (Demogorgon is the only one that goes boing but not really, imagine a guy like Harold Hadrid pogo sticking around. It’s unique, is not overly complicated, and would mostly require players to time their jumps, lest they miss and leap too far.)
Hex: Odin’s Blessing - If a totem is cleansed or a generator completed more than 36 meters away from you, including this one. You gain a speed increase of 0.8m/s for 5/6/7 seconds. (I don’t think this is too bad, it punishes totem cleansing and gen completion but it’s not a super massive speed boost, this is a hex because it’d be absolutely OP as a regular perk.) ”Bless me this day Odin and I shall do Valhalla’s work!” - Olaf Thorgard
Einherjar's Strength - If a generator you have kicked in the last 20 seconds has stopped regressing, kick it to undo 12% of it’s progression and have the entity block it for 5 seconds. This perk has a 50/45/42 second cooldown. (I thought a mini Pop would be interesting plus it punishes survivors for tapping gens to stop regression while they’re there.) “Do not forsake me Odin, receive me unto Valhalla and make me one of your Einherjars!” - Olaf Thorgard
Warrior’s Gripes - Survivors that stun or blind you feel your overwhelming presence. Flashlights flicker for 30 seconds (making them effectively unusable) and you can smash the pallet that stunned you in 1.3 seconds. This perk has a 55/52/50 cooldown. (No perks have ever messed with flashlights which is weird, who doesn’t hate flashlights, plus this perk would have less use at high ranks where it would matter anyways, kinda better for noobs.) “I have done your work Odin! Why do you not send your Valkyries?!” - Olaf Thorgard
Arrowhead (Common) - Reveals the survivor near you for 1 second if you miss with Leap
Broken Sword (Common) - Swapping weapons is slightly faster.
Chewed Herbs (Common) - Slightly decreases the cooldown for Leap
Ostomen Coin (Common) - Slightly increase your leap distance.
Lost Axe Head (Uncommon) - Moderately increases your leap distance.
Monk’s Hood (Uncommon) - Reveals the survivor near you for 2 seconds if you miss with Leap
Rusty Dagger (Uncommon) - Recovering from a missed leap is slightly faster.
Shield Piece (Ucommon) - Slightly increases the radius that survivors must be in to become injured by Leap
Viking Runes (Uncommon) - Moderately decreases the cooldown for Leap
Hurstwic Helmet (Rare) - Swapping weapons back mid swap is faster but does not change the speed to swap to a new weapon
Monastery’s Chalice (Rare) - Significantly decreases the cooldown for Leap
Ostomen’s Muddy Boot (Rare) - Significantly increases your leap distance.
Ship Piece (Rare) - Moderately increases the radius that survivors must be in to become injured by Leap
Torn Banner (Rare) - Recovering from a missed leap is moderately faster.
Astrid’s Hair Comb (Very Rare) - Bjørn’s claymore inflicts the broken status effect on survivors for 30 seconds and is paused while the survivor is on a hook. (Second Wind will activate after the 30 seconds has expired, assuming that there are more than 20 seconds when you are rescued from the hook.)
Blood Soaked Tunic (Very Rare) - Landing a leap near a pallet that is upright while a survivor is within 4 meters of it will destroy it.
Protective Amulet (Very Rare) - Swapping weapons is moderately faster .
- For 2 seconds after switching you gain a +0.3m/s movement increase.
Raiding Horn (Very Rare) - Recovering from a missed leap is significantly faster.
Bjørn’s Shortsword (Ultra Rare) - Hitting survivors with a leap puts them into the dying state.
Olaf’s Claymore (Ultra Rare) - You are not slowed whilst your claymore is out.
(For the add-ons they were relatively simple and make sense, the reveals survivor aura is because I racked my brain trying to think of a way to give him two last add-ons that were okay for their level, 1 and 2 seconds seems reasonable considering he has a 3 second stun without other add-ons.)
New Realm: Sund Village (New Realm...yay)
Olaf’s Home
Sund’s Great Hall
Lore: Olaf was born unto his father Bjørn Thorgard and his mother Astrid. At the young age of six his father began training him for the life of raiding, something Olaf would come to greatly appreciate later in life.
Personal combat was of great importance to Olaf, perhaps instilled in him by his father or quite possibly a personal interest as he grew older but it was a great thing to learn and he himself gave these lessons to his own son.
Raiding was Olaf’s passion by the age of 26, he had his fair share of close scrapes but nothing ever serious and he and his always came out the victors.
It had been six years since his father died, now a strapping man of 32 he himself was approaching death sooner or later as did many vikings his age. This raid was on a small town in Ostmen, nothing surprising and no sign of soldiers according to the scouts. A simple raid on the monastery and nothing more.
Trouble came as soon as Olaf’s men set foot on the shores, an arrow took out one man, a single loss but one that would pain Olaf. Chagrin up the hill he prepared to cut the man down, but out of the corner of his eye he saw him. A hidden soldier from the monastery.
Soldiers flooded out from every building, they were prepared, no more peasants than were necessary for camouflage. In only minutes Olaf and his men laid dead, the rest scattered back home.
Weeks passed and Olaf washed up on the shore of his homeland, getting up, soggy and wet, he sloshed onto land. He prepared himself for more raids, sailing into the dark fog, he held his bloody side, visions of innocents, more deceivers? Olaf didn’t care. He’d take revenge against all Ostmen now. He embraced the fog’s whispers of something more.
P.S. I'd've added a survivor but this is actually really long as is. If someone wants to throw their hat into the ring with a name and their perks, that'll do it
If he was a viking, I believe his name would be: Olaf Bjornsson, with his father being Bjorn ——sson. Most vikings had this naming structure, and its still mostly used in Iceland. Also, love the idea!