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General Discussions

The true problem with the devs

Member Posts: 4,082
edited January 2021 in General Discussions

They are way too slow. They make Burger King Myers seem like double speed Blight. Double engravings Billy. Spirit with the best speed add-ons. They do balance the game they've changed DS. Mettle of Man they changed it. They added exhaustion to help out. They've made perks better. They've made low tier killers viable Freddy, Doctor, and Bubba use to be unviable now they can be competitive at high ranks. The true problem is it took them such a long time to fix the things that need to be fixed. And then they'll rush things that don't need to be fixed. And that time in between is awful to go through.


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  • Member Posts: 9,405

    Now Freddy is problematic.

  • Member Posts: 1,554

    It'll take them too long to do anything before the game becomes incredibly stale.

  • Member Posts: 2,951

    I’m mixed on this honestly cause no they do care they buffed the worst killer in dbd and are buffing underused perks but I also kind of agree with laziness cause if you watched Scott’s video they don’t change much why not have a perk change every week to start fixing the core problem of perks there just to slow

  • Member Posts: 5,944

    It'll take them too long to do anything before the game becomes incredibly stale.

    Already too late for that,lol

  • Member Posts: 827

    Yeah, and they don't balance things properly when they do fix something, or its bug city, usually both,, as was stated freddy is a problem, went from terrible to stupid easy to use and overpowered. Spirit is a joke noobs killer too. They accidentally fixed her and patched it. Foreheads

  • Member Posts: 379

    I'd bet they have about 50 people working on this game, definitely no more than 100. It's 4 years old, and may still be their biggest money maker, but the player base wanes, and their sluggishness with updates and fixes just goes to prove that committing more people to work on DbD clearly isn't in their best interest financially, given the state of things. So what are the other 450+ people doing? Hopefully working on a successor - more beautiful and immersive, new gameplay concepts and game types, etc. Probably wishful thinking though.

  • Member Posts: 1,171

    The other 450 people: janitors, marketing, social media/community managers, forum dev team, mobile dev team, hr, company administrators, lawyers, accountants, etc.

  • Member Posts: 544

    From what has been said in the past, Almo and another dev are the only ones that work on balancing. They probably have another one or two devs doing bug fixes. The other 594 employees deal with all the other issues.

  • Member Posts: 26
    edited January 2021

    If you read the end of year message Mcote put out, they have around 250 employees working on DBD right now.

  • Member Posts: 759

    I don't understand why so many people think of this clown rework as a buff, when he really just feels the same except that he makes literally everyone faster if they step into his antidote gas.

  • Member Posts: 2,951

    He doesn’t make everyone faster his reload his very good now and you can use the antidote to have built in agitation and map pressure. Example tinkerer goes off you throw a bottle you get the speed boost and get to the Gen

  • Member Posts: 539

    As you mentioned, yes, a lot of improvements have been doing. I can can see this taking up much of their time. I give credit for that, for coming up with with solutions.

    What i notice having taken this past year off the game is that new problems keep cropping up. It seems logical that the solution would be for these big problems not to be made in the first place to avoid re-work.

    Every chapter brings many new bugs. Characters are no longer ready coming out of PTB. Major updates are not fully tested before getting to the customers. It appears that things go wrong faster than older ones get corrected.

    I'm hoping a DBD2 comes out some day that is easier to scale up and balance without the issues. If it's not their code that's the underlying problem then it's their people.

  • Member Posts: 1,878
    edited January 2021

    Look, BHVR is a relatively small company; Dead by daylight is literally their only major title. Besides that, making incremental changes to games is a lot more difficult than people actually give credit for. You first have to gather information to determine if the issue at hand is an actual issue, or just the most vocal minority being loud. Then, you have to actually design a change that would not prejudice the other side but still stain its fun. Programming is awfully difficult too; there are millions of lines of code in this games, and we all know the potential of tiny changes causing the bugs to emerge from the sewers. The recent animations, for example, took months and hours to develop, and a financial and chronological investment. We're all frustrated, but we have to understand the devs' point of view.

  • Member Posts: 2,807

    True but the problem with Scott's video is he says their update pattern is every 3 months. Yes for completely new stuff (chapters) but not for big updates. Big updates it's more like 1.5-ish months. However, I do agree that because they obviously take longer than that amount of time per update they really do less than the bare minimum and then give us free bloodpoints and free iri shards as a way to compensate for the game being bad when they could literally just put in more work.

  • Member Posts: 5,295

    I'll gladly take new freddy over old freddy that was bottom tier until Legion was introduced. I find it's much easier to take something strong and tone it down than trying to take something weak and make it viable.

  • Member Posts: 1,714

    I never understood why they don't roll out more hotfixes for issues effecting gameplay--be it for quality of life, or to simply improve the game as a whole. It has become common practice for studios to release minor patches every 3 to 4 days that address bugs or glitches discovered and reported after major updates.

    If they fix a bug by end-of-day on Thursday, there is no reason why that hotfix cannot be added by Friday morning.

    In fact, I cannot fathom the reason they prefer to leave the game filled with flaws when they can chisel it out day by day.

  • Member Posts: 636

    I feel like the Devs do care but they have a schedule to stick with. Their target is to finish all of the maps and release them every 3 months. Any hiccups or disruption will delay and push back their planned schedule. Example: The Twins, if they fixed her and added her new animation immediately, that would of consume a lot of resource and time which could of been spent on the reworked maps, killer tweaks/ rework etc. probably why the Twins release was unfinished.

  • Member Posts: 193

    "They've made low tier killers viable Freddy, Doctor, and Bubba use to be unviable now they can be competitive at high ranks."

    How are high ranks even close to competitive???

  • Member Posts: 1,267

    The real problem with this company / game is what ScottJund says in his latest video, DBD has no competition, so why should I put out good content and innovate on new things? Path of Exile releases very large patches compared to this game, every 3 months in Dead by Daylight we have a patch ... very small, 3 months of work IS A LOT, considering that BHVR has more than 500 employees, so you already have your answer, they work slow because they have no competition, new players arrive and old players leave. All of this will come to an end sooner or later.

  • Member Posts: 4,082

    Well that's were most of the best survivors will be and those three killer use to not perform well with good survivors now they can.

  • Member Posts: 894

    No he's not. Just stop trying to loop forever in the same spot.

  • Member Posts: 967
    edited January 2021

    I'm so glad the devs are slow. Imagine how broken and boring the game would be if they were fast.

  • Member Posts: 2,677

    Yes and orange juice is orange. Anyone who can't see how blatantly lazy the dev's are then idk what to say.

  • Member Posts: 8,593

    I think a lot of it comes down to resource allocation. A disproportionate number of employees are probably devoted to churning out content every 3 months, and then another good chunk for the next new shiny thing that nobody is really asking for. That doesn't leave many people leftover for quality control, bug fixes, and balancing.

  • Member Posts: 777

    I think the problem is for a business continued revenue is top priority. I would imagine more manpower is thrown at creating new dlc than is given to fixing the current bugs. New DLC creates new problems which compounds the problem of fixing existing bugs. I have to imagine it is frustrating being a programmer who understands the existing problems but their work is seen as less a priority than those who create content which will generate more revenue.

  • Member Posts: 327

    Dont forget, only a few ppl who play this game wants to see change and sees further how much of a golden goose is. most of the ppl who play dbd are casuals and they have no idea what the core problems are and they dont care either. Thats why dbd can keep on going

  • Member Posts: 1,878
    edited January 2021

    Gross revenue is an awful measure of company size; it doesn't account for any, any expenditures at all. Even then, Activision has a revenue of 6.4 billion every year. That's 64 times as much as BHVR makes.

  • Administrator, Dev, Community Manager Posts: 23,566

    Whilst constructive criticism is always welcome, there are many comments made that are quite frankly rude with regards to the developers of the game, which is why threads like this are never acceptable here.

    I can assure you, everyone works extremely hard on this game and cares greatly about it.

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