What main killers do you see at rank 1?

The main killers I see at rank one include:
Blight, Ghostface, pyramid head, and Ghostface with the most common one being blight.
I am thinking of tracking the next 100 survivor games I play to see the most common killer at rank one.
I see Legion, Huntress, Myers, Freddy and Deathslinger.
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I also frequently see legion and deathslinger, not much freddy though. It seems only more skillful killers play freddy when I an up against one, which is ironic.
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Also Nurse, never missing.
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I envy you. I see Blight very rarely and as a Blight player I would love to face him more to learn more ways to play against him, so I can counter those ways. I usually face Freddy, Nurse, Deathslinger, Pyramid Head, Bubba or Spirit.
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What I mostly see in Red Ranks are these Killers: Huntress, Freddy, Deathslinger, Spirit and Pyramid Head.
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I see Huntress by the truck load. I feel like she is in a class of her own for frequency.
The others I see on any kind of regularity are Mikey, Legion, Freddy, Spirit, Deathslinger, Pyramid Head, Bubba and Oni.
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Pretty much every killer. Pig and wraith are the least played. And I never see the twins
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Hook tunnelers it's kind of sad really. I have been playing some survivor knocking out some tome 1 and tome 2 challenges and I know I'm late don't make fun didn't start playing till end of tome 2 and the amount of tunneling rank 1 killers is mind boggling to me. I play mostly killer so I understand the need at 1 or 2 gens if you need a kill soooo bad but I'm talking 4 gens unhooked smacked, unhooked smacked. rank 1 nurse yesterday slaughtered me off hook straight times BT would not have helped with her. Then I can chew them out cuz they not on xbox like me. makes me sad but mostly disappointed because theres no need.
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It's surprisingly a pretty even spread. But I have been seeing a rise in clown encounters.
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I'd say 50% of the killers I faced from rank 4-1 are deathslinger. I also see spirit a decent amount too
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Oni, Freddy, Huntress, Clown, Spirit, and Blight.
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I don't play as much Survivor, due to the huge queue times. That being said, probably Huntress or Spirit.
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I often see Oni, Bubba, Freddy, Billy, and Huntress(East coast NA servers). And then obviously whomever the two killers are that are in the Tome at the time.
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I surprisingly don't see Oni often at all.
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It could have to do with it being annoying getting used to his bounces, and for people prone to video game triggered 'motion sickness' the ultra low player position coupled with the small fov can probably trigger it for them.
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Huntress, Slinger, Spirit. Nurse, Oni, Hag and Freddy
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Ps4: slinger, freedy, bubba, huntress
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For me it's always a Huntress, Freddy or Nurse, and once in a while, Wraith.
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Freddy and Spirit are the ones I see the most for sure.
Lots of Bubbas since his rework. And a fair amount of Huntresses and Onis, too.
Then there are killers that I rarely see, but when I do they are always rank 1, like Blight and Pig lol
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Lucky, I never face Oni's as much as I would like. I only occasionally get freddy's and spirits.
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Bubba, Slinger, Freddy, Huntress are frequent, with Clowns and Spirits mixed in here and there
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Nurse, Spirit, Freddy, Bubba, doctor, slinger and clown for some reason.
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Deathslinger, Ghostface, Spirit, Freddy, and way too much Huntress.
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Usually almost every Killer. Although there was an increase of Freddys, Spirits and a lot of Huntresses this week.