Why BM killers who were OBVIOUSLY victims of poor matchmaking?



  • halfmanhalfape
    halfmanhalfape Member Posts: 153
    edited January 2021

    (Double post. Can’t delete this post so ignore it)

    Post edited by halfmanhalfape on
  • Roobnus
    Roobnus Member Posts: 375

    Of all the sports, you have to bring up football (I assume soccer), the sport only pussies play? Have you ever watched rougher sports such as ice hockey or boxing / general fighting sports? Now that I think about it, even in Soccer people get disrespected all the time. Remember Materazzi and Zidane? And don't even get me started with Ramos.

    In ice hockey, fighting scene and many other sports it's normal to provoke your opponent, it's also a mental fight.

    And if I am honest, that's probably the biggest motivator to become better at something - having a person, perhaps the most hated person in your life, as competition. That person pushes you to improve and get better. It forces you to get out of your comfort zone, changing your ways until you're finally able to beat them.

    So when I think about it, honestly it sounds like an excuse for weak people. You either accept the fact that you are bad at the game and once you do that, you can enjoy the game without having the pressure of winning all the time - or you learn to play so you're able to punish those that disrespect you. I've been there aswell, that's why I learned how to play.

  • Sunbreaker7
    Sunbreaker7 Member Posts: 651

    They do toxic things like that to you because they can not do it against good killers, else they get the hook. They have time to be toxic and all-mighty because they know they can get away with it. You wouldn't bully a bully, now would you?

  • Aquamarine
    Aquamarine Member Posts: 207

    Bullying other people for entertainment and being okay with it is not exactly what "a nice, respectful person" is. Your actions matter, not words.

    And that's right: if bm in games really ruins the experience, it's better not to play (why would you do it if it's not fun), but that wasn't the point. Personally, I don't give skilled tbaggers much attention but go after someone else instead. I probably wouldn't catch them quickly enough and have bad time trying, so why would I prioritize playing with them.

    Funny thing i've noticed though: often tbaggers that are not skilled and go down fast are the ones who DC when caught.

  • Roobnus
    Roobnus Member Posts: 375

    TBH my behaviour in a video game doesn't exactly reflect my personality. In reality I get to decide who I spend my time with so normally I am in good company, which means I have absolutely no reason to be frustrated or upset. That's been said, when I play a match of Beerpong with friends, I sure as hell shittalk them and remind them of how bad they are when they miss a shot. That's part of the match and my friends know that, they do the same. Stress out your opponent, make them nervous and insecure. Sometimes it works, sometimes it backfires and gives them the required concentration to win. It's exactly like that in DbD, at least that's how I see it. It's a fight between the Killer and me, they either commit to the chase or leave me alone and pussy out. But they can decide if they wanna play with me or not.

    Also, when I play video games I meet all sorts of players, some very friendly and others appear to be as clever as a piece of bread so naturally they have a different impact on my behaviour than the people I know ;-)

    I see that you already found a very good workaround against BM-ers; simply ignore them. That's literally the best and easiest thing you can do, don't give them attention. It requires NO skill, every player can do it if they decide to do so and as a side effect, it pisses them off!

  • blue4zion
    blue4zion Member Posts: 2,773

    I dunno honestly.

    Yeah, let's make the possible new player hate the game and never play again, reducing the fanbase and increasing wait times.

    I've got a friend who I can't convince to re download the game because of this, and I myself actually didn't even touch killer again for several months after my first game.

  • Bumbus
    Bumbus Member Posts: 600

    If soccer is for pussies, what will you say about videogames lol.

    This is literally the place for people who want to rest from their miserable reality, only few of them actually come to compete and get better. Some of them are weak, but you aren't boxing right now too.

  • offwhiteknight
    offwhiteknight Member Posts: 172

    Just ignore them. They are wasting time that they could be doing generators and that just helps you. A lot of times when I ignore those obnoxious players they will get close enough to give me a free hit and sometimes even a down. If you down them, hook them and camp them out of the game if you want. You can also slug them and leave them as bait. I play a lot of Hag and I love to get one of those guys slugged in the middle of my territory. They LOVE when you let them bleed out! Get lots of DC from them. Best feeling ever!!

    All they have really done is hurt their team and help you.

  • Because they want you to stop playing wraith and main spirit instead.

  • C3Tooth
    C3Tooth Member Posts: 8,266
    edited January 2021

    I once pretend to hook a Feng, but I stood in front of a hook after 8-9 wiggles and press dropping, cause the stun. Chase and down, do the samething again.

    And she tbag me at the hatch nearby with "ggez"

    It was super obvious, but some people just cant.

  • Roobnus
    Roobnus Member Posts: 375
    edited January 2021

    Oh that is for sure, at least physically! I think (competitive) games can help you cope with stressful situations and surely train perception and reaction, quick decision making ect. There's a reason why NASA specially looks out for Gamers, they have all the qualities required. For physical training I prefer hockey over soccer though. I said soccer is for pussies because when you accidentally touch a soccer player, they fall 3 meters and cry like babies while in other sports you have a beer with your opponent after you messed up their face ;-) Connecting soccer with respect and good sportsmanship is really a very bad example. Soccer is full of disrespectful and bad behaving ######### and the worst part, they earn millions by doing so.

    I don't think DbD is a good place to rest from ones miserable reality since it's a quite stressful and demanding game. Maybe those people should try something more relaxing like minecraft, stardew valley, farmville or whatever it's called.

  • CashelP14
    CashelP14 Member Posts: 5,564

    Some people are just dumb lol I've had this a few times

  • Komodo16
    Komodo16 Member Posts: 1,488

    Players who play like that are trash. I was bm by a popular tournament streamer's swf buddy. I was getting flash clicked and teabagged because they 4 manned me and I was playing console Huntress. So I had to camp to even get a kill and yet they felt the need to trash me that match so I went back at it. They had great teamwork but they were trashy. I went I'm to the stream and the streamer talkes ######### because I called them trash for what they did cuz I asked why they acted that way and was greeted with rude responses. But the streamer ended up being decent afterwards. Anyways my point is you dont have to suck at the game to be trash. When you see these people acting like this You are better thAn them.

  • Komodo16
    Komodo16 Member Posts: 1,488

    Was playing with a group of friends on dead dawg with a slinger who downed my teammate and started shaking his head looking down so he didnt see me crouching in front of him and I flashlight saved and escaped at the end. Its on my YouTube in one of my videos I just have a clip of me punishing him for that crap XD

  • VexTheHex
    VexTheHex Member Posts: 1,009

    Egh. Other day I faced a Trapper who was pure trash. Face camped his only hook with only 1 gen left. Downed me with NOED saving the slugged Meg (who tried to unhook/got pulled at end) and still loss me as he tried chasing Meg while carrying me then realized he goofed and dropped me to guard my slug. But still got greedy and I managed to crawl out. Pathetic. But I figured he was a poor low rank killer and felt a bit bad for him and would of likely let him have his way with me if he hadn't face camped. Nope. Red Rank.

    Had a similar game with a Pyramid Head who also resorted to insidious camping a David which netted him another down. Now some may say just do gens and escape, but you may as well try to save and out play the other side in these cases to actually get a fun match... not a M1 simulator.

    I've been stomped by a low rank and stomped red ranks. It really means little. And if either side plays rude, they can't play the victim card. If you camped, slugged, nodded your head, and beat people on the hook... you really can't get mad if they gen rushed, light clicked, teabagged, or pointed at you.

  • Hyd
    Hyd Member Posts: 379

    Aye, it's been said a lot already around here but I think, as killer, people just get tired of having to always put in 100% effort, always pay attention to everything, etc...every single game, in order to be successful. It's a much more needy role compared to Survivor because at least as a Survivor, you have a team you can lean on that will potentially lead you to victory while you just sit on a gen. I've only been playing 2 months and, despite the horrid queue times for Survivor (PST in evenings/night), it's become the role I pick when I just want to relax lol.

  • Console players are the worst for BMing for some reason. I dunno what it is.

  • danielmaster87
    danielmaster87 Member Posts: 10,286

    Why BM regardless?

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Posts: 5,229
    edited January 2021

    No idea.

    I am brown addon, farm perks only, trapper. I gave up 3 VERY strong chances to camp. They used decked out items/meta perks; I literally crossed the map just to let them get people out without hassle because I am mostly just practicing trap locations atm.....

    They still BM me at the gates.

    I think it's just an ego thing. Survivors will never admit when things are in THEIR favor, therefore if they win it was always 100% their skill and no other factor ever- therefore they feel the need to gloat. That is my theory anyways.

  • SilentPill
    SilentPill Member Posts: 1,302

    They really are. I get BMd even when they are losing. I feel like I see it way more unprovoked from Purple/Green ranks than Red too.

    I had some rank 6 console Bill last game in the basement, and didn’t feel like camping it (5 gens left) so I moved off. Next time I see him he is camping every pallet and teabagging behind them. Still killed him but I wish I did it on his first hook; the bastard.

    I will admit the most satisfying thing in DBD is playing tombstone Myers against some clueless teabagging fool who doesn’t realize you are just building evil / play with your food stacks until you pop tier 3 and murder them outright.

  • I am not just picking on console players either. I've been keeping track and even in games with like, 2 console and 2 pc players, it's the console players doing the t-bags and so on not the PC players about 70% of the time.

    Don't get me wrong either, not all of them are like that, and there are some scary good console players too. Just for some reason they tend to be the ones that also hit you the most on hook as killer, or do other things.

    idk what it is; maybe the console culture from cod and everything else? No idea. I don't mind though, so long as they can't use chat none of that in game bothers me, only the people saying EXTREMELY evil things postgame bothers me. The rest I just find funny.

  • megswifey
    megswifey Member Posts: 830

    If they played well and had a hard time, I usually stay in end game and let them hook me, but if I need to keep my rank or pip, I usually leave my item and point at them as if to say 'accept this gift for being a good player' but it's hard without post game chat!! I reserve teabagging for extra rude killers who tried to tunnel me and slug me, just to add some spice to my win lol! I don't like BM from either side if it's undeserved, and I try not to be salty but we all have nights where we down that one survivor or make a great play against someone and get that rush of pride but we are only human-- Be kind and kindness will find you <3 Good luck in your next matches everyone and have fun :)!

  • Toxicity23
    Toxicity23 Member Posts: 387

    The Survivor's are the real killers in the end, I suppose.

    I want to see this game flourish, but it's kiiiiinda hard to do so when you're not only feeling unwelcome, but you're also bullied to the point of submission because people are constantly hypocritical, toss around hackusations like a monkey with their [Redacted], or just give the middle finger to the killer.

    Not only that, the developers are poorly handling this game, to the point where the ripoffs on roblox sound more appealing than the actual thing. And boy doesn't that say a lot when a random person can literally make a better Dbd! (I'd be lying if I said I didn't want to do this myself.)

    It wouldn't kill to just play the game like it's intended instead of using the gameplay to intentionally be a horrible person.

    Rot in hell to all of you who decided it was a better idea to throw racial slurs at a newbie killer instead of just going on with your day.

  • kate_best_girl
    kate_best_girl Member Posts: 2,184

    Whenever I get matched against a baby killer ill throw pallets early and chain throw them just to make it a lil easier.

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Posts: 5,229
    edited January 2021

    Plot twist though it's like clown or someone; and their direct counterplay haha.

  • BioX
    BioX Member Posts: 1,378

    because they are the scum of the earth and deserve nothing but our contempt?