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Why BM killers who were OBVIOUSLY victims of poor matchmaking?

Member Posts: 2,259
edited January 2021 in General Discussions

I’m not saying to not have fun with some jeers against toxic killers, I’m saying there’s no need to BM killers who are CLEARLY less skilled than you. You know, the ones where you can guess their rank pretty accurately long before you see the match results. The ones who could have easily dodged and extended your 20-minute wait, but decided to play against you anyway despite the obvious warning signs.

I’m a 13, you’re a team of 1’s and 2’s. You stomped me. Good for you.

So why the circles and taunts and pointing and t-bagging and exit-gate-butt-scrape and clicky-clicky and constant vaulting....

There should be no doubt in your mind that my skill does not match yours. Please just open the gates, leave the match, and gg.

I think the killer role is fun, but I’m not skilled. I play it much less now because I only have a good time in maybe 1 of every 5 matches. For this reason I don’t really have the desire to BECOME skilled, because it’s not enjoyable anymore.

I play mostly survivor now, and I do so respectfully, but queue times are getting to be overbearing. Still, when I see a killer below my skill, I know it’s not their fault. Just bad matchmaking. So I play, throw them a couple easy hits, leave, and gg. Why can’t this be the way?

I know, I’m ranting. I’m just unhappy with people’s behavior in general I guess. The game just really isn’t so fun for me anymore.

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  • Member Posts: 1,030

    I only BM killers who BM's a survivor (like face camping, being toxic after downing/hooking). Many other survivors BM bad killers since a good killer has BM them and they want to return the favour. Sadly this is how toxism works, when someone makes you frusturated by being toxic you want to take it out on other people and the cycle continues. Only way to stop or reduce this is by being nice and/or direct.

  • Member Posts: 2,803

    To be fair I’ve had many instances where I’ve said to myself, “this is definitely a rank 13 killer” and then at the end game screen they’re a rank 2 or whatever. You can’t always tell.

    But honestly the people who will taunt a killer player for not doing well are not going to care what rank they are. They’ll say “ggez git gud baby killer” whoever you are.

  • Member Posts: 2,065

    When I've been in that situation, up against a Killer who's getting stomped because they just can't get a hook or what have you, I've started to just let them have me at the endgame. Give them a kill so they don't come out empty handed. Exceptions are when I have a daily or challenge or the killer is a tunneler, which I have no inclination to reward.

  • Member Posts: 1,264

    Sorry that happened ,it can be actually disgusting if their going out there way to show you,You really can't do much.

    But don't let them ruin your fun .

  • Member Posts: 405

    I never teabag or anything of the kind for a killed who's clearly less experienced than me, unless they try to tunnel or facecamp, because then I always taunt back.

    Actually, if I don't really have a mission or am farming for points with cake + WGLF, I usually let them hook me and give them a kill, so that they get some points too. I did it like 3 times last month and I was really impressed one of them (a Pig player) started to hit me until I died and I was like "ok... then." hahahahahahaha

    When I play as killer I also have to face red ranks now and then, and there's no much to do. I know it turns into a practice match for using your powers, learning the map and maybe even learning new jukes for playing as survivor, but it isn't how it shoud be.

  • Member Posts: 3,389

    You can tell when someone is way worse at the game. For killer it's seeing a survivor that dead hards into objects, runs into walls, and just can't play loops. For survivors it's a killer that misses hits constantly and can't get good value out of their power.

    When I play vs. purple/yellow rank survivors I can tell and just soft throw so they can get bp and have fun. It's not enjoyable for either side to just have an uncontested win.

  • Member Posts: 9,405

    I've seen reds play like browns. Its not a perfect system.

    I've seen a video the other day where the killer tried a BW play by acting bad at Nurse until gates were opened. Ofc, the survivors tried messing with him after all the gens were powered. Ended in a slug fest, no BW.

  • Member Posts: 193

    Force them to want to improve so they can kill me :)

  • Member Posts: 1,531

    Yeah but you can usually guess

    And yes you can, funnily enough

  • Member Posts: 2,327

    Two words: Power Trip. People who taunt and basically rub in a win to a killer who lost are usually the same ones to ######### and cry about losing to someone stronger than them. When they sit there rubbing in their precious win at the exit, they should really be thinking about how they would feel in that position. I've been there many times, and it's not a nice feeling at all. Anytime I get teammates who do this, I let the killer kill me because they don't deserve to be treat like dirt for trying to play

  • Member Posts: 1,358

    Only bully low ranks when they try to tunnel or camp me. I don't play nice until I can see they aren't going to play like a #########. After that then sure i'll give em the easy hit or the hook whatever. But none of that taunting and such long as they played nice/respectfully

  • Member Posts: 1,358

    I will say though. You should try to get better, because nothing feels better as a killer than killing most if not all of the ######### that tried to bully you.

  • Member Posts: 21,164

    Last time MMR was on, it was a lot worse.

    I've been at Rank 1 on both sides since about June of 2019 and I'd been a Rank 1 Killer for a while before that. I was being matched with Rank 16-20's almost every game with MMR.

    I sincerely hope that they have fixed it this time.

  • Member Posts: 5,564

    I don't understand it either. It's usually extremely easy to tell a good from a bad killer.

    Though regardless of rank if they tunnel and camp me or nod at me or hit me on the hook then it's their fault if I t-bag.

  • Member Posts: 1,358

    Well i generally try to be nice, but getting camped brings out the worst in me with this game so i turn into an ######### in game. Its rare im toxic in the chat and if they're on PC and i see they're likely new I'll apologize and tell them gg or say nothing if im too mad to say anything good. Though when i started I proxi camped so i get it a lot of us typically start out that way. They sent me messages I got a lot of them because after i stopped camping i started tunneling instead. Though I really only tunneled obsession since i was using Freddy with dying light (2016-2017 btw) But I'm not often bullying low rank players below green. Its super rare. Anyone above yellow ranks I'll be honest and tell you they def get teabagged at gate a lot when they camp me.

  • Member Posts: 1,358

    Also viable strat though i assume you didnt have many options there anyway In the perk department. Nowadays playing killer i tty to get them to that point of no return though nowadays i only play killer when i need challenges done or when im grinding to p3 a new survivor. Killer is fun, but its frustrating at times and i understand why people usually don't play it.

  • Member Posts: 1,531

    Why is nodding negative? If someone is just tryna meme and you start being toxic that just makes everyone's experience worse!

  • Member Posts: 5,564
    edited January 2021

    I don't think you understand what I meant by nodding. It's quite obvious that after a killer downs you and starts nodding repeatedly it's because they're being toxic. This is the same when they're camping you.

    It's the same as t-bagging. Not every t-bag is toxic but people understand when a t-bag is meant to be toxic.

  • Member Posts: 8,814

    That is literally why people BM. The term "Ha Ha GG ez noob" doesn't come form DbD.

  • Member Posts: 375

    Why not? I only play Survivor to bully and make fun of my opponents, that's literally the only reason I play Survivor.

    Playing the basic Survivor as it's meant to be is boring as hell, EVERYTHING you do requires nothing but M1 and the space bar. You sit on gens for MINUTES doing nothing but holding M1 and hitting space from time to time.

    Chests, Totems, Healing, Gates,... They're all the same braindead activities with zero skill requirements.

    Outplaying the other side is what makes the game fun. As Killer you get that opportunity all the time but as Survivor, you actively have to ask for it. That's why I normally play Killer, it's always exciting and full of action (compared to general Survivor gameplay).

    So my apology but when I play Survivor, I want action and I get that action by toying and outplaying the Killer. I don't want the chase to end in 10 seconds so I teabag and taunt to get the Killer to the point where they throw the game and their only goal is to get my dirty arse.

  • Member Posts: 311

    My first time playing nurse I was getting run around the map pretty hard. I had a survivor who beat me 3 or 4 times, and then they got cocky and constantly tea bagged every time they saw me.

    It didn’t really annoy me, because I was expecting to lose, but towards the end of the match I did figure out how to blink and the tea bagger ended up being my only kill.

  • Member Posts: 153

    Don’t feel bad about ranting OP. I’m sure many killer players here (mains or not) feel the same way. My first experience playing killer was like that too. I was rank 20, it was my third match as killer. One guy decides to loop me, flashlight me at every pallet, vault into me while I’m blinded etc. Obviously toying with me. End of the game I find he is a rank 2 matched against me a rank 20 (And it was on Haddonfield).

    Maybe he didn’t know (though I doubt it), maybe he didn’t think it was obnoxious. But I can understand where you and many killer mains are coming from.

  • Member Posts: 375

    I guarantee you that 99,99% of the Survivors that BM Killers do it while being fully aware of the effect is causes on the person controlling the Killer. That's one, perhaps even the biggest motivation to do it, it's a sadistic bullying mentality but it also gives you that feeling of having power and control over someone else.

    An egoistic, antisocial and surely unhealthy psychological mindset but that's how our brain works. I'm guilty of it aswell, I enjoy making fun of Killers from time to time but I also apologize for my behaviour when I went too far and my opponent took it more personal than intended.

    Point is, the players are fully aware of their inappropriate behaviour, they enjoy being an #########. That's the reason why they do it.

  • Member Posts: 2,807

    That's honestly the best way to put it. If you were better than the survivors than they'd be to busy hiding to try and bm. It's literally just bullying.

  • Member Posts: 600
  • Member Posts: 1,319

    I hope you're not the sort that then turns around and complains about how tons of killers camp you on the hook or tunnel the hell out of you after enticing them to do so.

  • Member Posts: 375
    edited January 2021

    I'm pretty sure most Survivors have felt the same way then dealing with an inexperienced Killer. It doesn't even have to be meant in an offensive way from your perspective but from the Killers point of view, it can very quickly look like you're purposely making fun of them.

    For example when I loop a Pig and when it goes prone I simply leave the loop and watch it charge around the loop, confused as I'm not there anymore. In that moment I have a big smirk on my face as I realize that I can pull such simple mindgames on that player, which gives me opportunities to "let them look bad" for my amusement.

    If you haven't experienced such situations, you either haven't played that much DbD or you're lying.

    Nope, the only thing I complain about when I get camped or tunneled is the other Survivors that usually do nothing but lurk around the hook in a desperate attempt to unhook me instead of finishing the gens. I never blame Killers when they react in such a manner, I expect it and deserve it. When they camp for no apparent reason, it can happen that I get frustrated but then I simply remind myself that they probably just had a really rough match earlier on and need to release some pressure.

  • Member Posts: 207

    Roobnus sounds like a very unpleasant person. Why not bully other people, really? Amazing. You can have long chases and outplay the killer without being a total jerk about it.

  • Member Posts: 153

    I think we can all agree that the only appropriate way to deal with a pig who is prone is to boop the snoot.


  • Member Posts: 1,319

    lol yeah, especially without the mori to blow off steam any more I can imagine there's alot more of the more annoying killers to go against being seen and sold. And now i don't need to ask myself why the devs would do that to killers any more. I just answered my own question, they sold more spirits or freddys and blights and after making undying not worth the two perk slots in a coming patch they're gonna sell even more killer packs to people too addicted to quit or switcht o survivor lmao. Brilliant. But dangerously as close to racketeering as most mobile stuff gets, in the sense of deliberately creating problems and harming the experiences in order to sell solutions that otherwise would not have been justified. I am quick to look at things in video games as close to racketeering these days after being burned out by them over the past 4 or 5 years.

  • Member Posts: 375

    I'm just giving you an honest opinion / reasoning from the perspective of an experienced Survivor. I am a friendly and respectful person but yes, when I play PvP video games, I am probably not the nicest player to face. If you can't handle that, maybe you shouldn't play online games. I don't flame people or insult them but when I notice I am more skilled than my opponent, I don't refrain from using that to my advantage / entertainment.

  • Member Posts: 600

    It is fine to feel pleasure when you are outplaying your opponent, but BM'ing? Taunting? Nah. You are not allowed to spit in the face of goalkeeper to taunt him when you are playing football, and similar things are still a very dirty trick when you are playing online games. Sadly, most videogame players don't understand what sportsmanship is and think that it is fine to be a dickhead because their opponent can't kick their ass for what they are saying and doing. But it is a zero sum game - today you are being a dick to your opponent and have fun on him, tomorrow he will be a dick to you and have fun on you, so in the end you'll both eat #########. Each teabagging survivor creates facecamping Bubbas, and each facecamping Bubba breeds teabagging survivors.

  • Member Posts: 3,259

    I wish more people understood this!! It's not real life and there's nothing wrong with having fun in a game because they absolutely hold the power to reverse the situation on you and you end up in that same boat, but instead of improving they come to this site and cry about how unfair it is that the other side can spam ctrl in their face when they lose.

  • Member Posts: 375

    On point - they're doing that since years already.

    Notice all the Killers and perks that were released in a certain state and shortly after, they got nerfed into the ground (perhaps when they hit the expected sales numbers). Or they advertize with a "Skillbased Matchmaking System" - which turns out to be a complete disaster and get's reverted, never to be heard of again. The one thing that remains consistent, however; the implementation of new DLC content (preverably released with broken stuff to motivate people into buying, only to nerf them later on) to keep the players interested.

  • Member Posts: 1,319
    edited January 2021

    yeah unfortunately all competitive (and pvp is by it's nature competitive, even when games are considered 'casul') video games have been doing this for years now. But when I first saw it happening, it used to only be in those shiffy free to play shooters around 10-12 years ago and some of the other sort of ftp games though that many years ago it was the shooters that revolved their entire game around that and 'rented' content mostly guns. Now days even mainstream games from 'AAA' have done it like some ghost recon ftp game doing the same nerf/new release/nerf cycle on paid weapons where they'd release something broke af p2w, nerf it, release a new skin witht he exact same functionality and call it another gun and expect you tot hen buy that one. I haven't played many multiplayer games for too long over the past decade since I hate that they're not the fun they used to be in the early and mid 2000s where you just pop the shiff on and play it and have fun without worrying about grinding prestige, power, or paying for all sort of stupid crap even if not for power.

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