Worst jump scar

sadmuffins13 Member Posts: 73
edited September 2018 in General Discussions
So i was in the forest map an this guy was playing as micheal, but hacks the game or something so he wouldnt have a terror radius. Also checked his perks to make sure i wasnt being salty an he did not have one perk to reduce his terror radius. So the first jump scare was when i vaulted the windown only to be greated by micheals knife . Scared the ######### out of me .The second time i was working on a gen an the man just swoops me up. I never screamed playing this game until this match happened. Micheal why were you so obsessed with me?
Post edited by sadmuffins13 on


  • Orion
    Orion Member Posts: 21,675

    The Shape has almost no terror radius if he's in tier I of Evil Within.

  • Dragonredking
    Dragonredking Member Posts: 874
    edited September 2018

    for your information myers will under the first tier of his power doesn't have a terror radius and a ######### movement spped.

  • SnakeSound222
    SnakeSound222 Member Posts: 4,467
    Was Myers in Evil Within 1? If he was, then he has a small terror radius. You won’t hear it until he is right on top of you. 
  • BearTrapSnap
    BearTrapSnap Member Posts: 86
    Myers can have no terror radius, but I think you need Monitor & Abuse to achieve it. If he doesn't have it there's still a small radius. If I'm wrong someone let me know, I can give that perk slot to something else on my Scratched Mirror build.
  • sadmuffins13
    sadmuffins13 Member Posts: 73
    Yeaa i know i that. I have sometime with this game...  There was none at all. Had no add ons that kept him in tier 1. ######### was ######### man. We went down like flies. 
  • Orion
    Orion Member Posts: 21,675

    He probably just didn't tier up and you guys had no awareness. His TR is so small, sometimes it can feel like he has nothing at all.

  • sadmuffins13
    sadmuffins13 Member Posts: 73
    Ok guys i changed the name of the thread ..But still feel there was more to it. 
  • sadmuffins13
    sadmuffins13 Member Posts: 73
    Its like like trying to tell people aliens are real... Thanks for trying to listen guys
  • Orion
    Orion Member Posts: 21,675

    @sadmuffins13 said:
    Ok guys i changed the name of the thread ..But still feel there was more to it. 

    There probably wasn't. We've all had jump scares like this.