If you camp or tunnel



  • Orion
    Orion Member Posts: 21,675

    @CoolAKn said:

    @Orion said:

    @CoolAKn said:

    @Orion said:

    @Dreamnomad said:
    Hard camping isn't the sign of a bad killer. Rather it is the sign of an inexperienced one. Just like swarming the hook if the killer is camping is the sign of inexperienced survivors. The way to punish a camping killer is to power down gens. If the killer loses 3 gens camping and 3 more are being worked on when the first survivor dies then the killer is pretty much guaranteed 2 kills at most.

    By the time the killer finds and catches another survivor then the last 2 gens will pop before he can camp that one to death. The remaining 2 survivors would have time to open the gate and then still attempt a hook rescue if they so choose. This is even with Hex: Ruin. At the end of the game the killer would get 1 or 2 kills, around 6,000 blood points and lose a pip.

    That is if survivors properly punish the killer and not be overly altruistic. Don't feed the camping killer and eventually the killer will figure out that camping is not the optimal way to play the game. I blame camping killers on survivors frankly.

    Camping is indeed a Survivor-created problem. After all, someone had to make camping worthwhile, and it certainly wasn't the Killers who forced Survivors to feed.

    Then what do you call killers who camp when the 3 remaining survivors are all on the other side of the map?

    I call it the end result of the expected behavior Survivors have been creating for the past 2 years in regards to camping.

    You're looking at a single data point instead of looking at the big picture. Otherwise, you wouldn't even be asking me this question.

    Anything you killers do because of SWF makes it much harder for solo survivors like me to enjoy the game. I do not do anything toxic, nor do I promote or excuse toxic behavior. Your reasoning for someone camping me for NO reason by passing it off as "some survivors used to be toxic to them" is crap. Just because someone ruined a game for you does not give you permission to ruin my game because someone else pissed you off. Your "retaliation" is only going to make overall toxicity worse because you are just passing the toxicity along. End the cycle.

    It's not retaliation.
    Look at it this way: Killers know most Survivors repair generators, so they patrol generators looking for them, right? That's because repairing generators is the Survivors' expected behavior at the start of the trial.
    By that same logic, for the past two years, the majority of Survivors have been swarming the hook (either noticeably or by just staying hidden around the hook) regardless of the Killer's presence. This means that the Survivors' expected behavior is to rush the hook immediately after the Killer manages to hook one of them. Thus, Killers camp, because they know Survivors will come to them and stop all generator progress more often than not.

  • CoolAKn
    CoolAKn Member Posts: 677

    @Orion said:

    @CoolAKn said:

    @Orion said:

    @CoolAKn said:

    @Orion said:

    @Dreamnomad said:
    Hard camping isn't the sign of a bad killer. Rather it is the sign of an inexperienced one. Just like swarming the hook if the killer is camping is the sign of inexperienced survivors. The way to punish a camping killer is to power down gens. If the killer loses 3 gens camping and 3 more are being worked on when the first survivor dies then the killer is pretty much guaranteed 2 kills at most.

    By the time the killer finds and catches another survivor then the last 2 gens will pop before he can camp that one to death. The remaining 2 survivors would have time to open the gate and then still attempt a hook rescue if they so choose. This is even with Hex: Ruin. At the end of the game the killer would get 1 or 2 kills, around 6,000 blood points and lose a pip.

    That is if survivors properly punish the killer and not be overly altruistic. Don't feed the camping killer and eventually the killer will figure out that camping is not the optimal way to play the game. I blame camping killers on survivors frankly.

    Camping is indeed a Survivor-created problem. After all, someone had to make camping worthwhile, and it certainly wasn't the Killers who forced Survivors to feed.

    Then what do you call killers who camp when the 3 remaining survivors are all on the other side of the map?

    I call it the end result of the expected behavior Survivors have been creating for the past 2 years in regards to camping.

    You're looking at a single data point instead of looking at the big picture. Otherwise, you wouldn't even be asking me this question.

    Anything you killers do because of SWF makes it much harder for solo survivors like me to enjoy the game. I do not do anything toxic, nor do I promote or excuse toxic behavior. Your reasoning for someone camping me for NO reason by passing it off as "some survivors used to be toxic to them" is crap. Just because someone ruined a game for you does not give you permission to ruin my game because someone else pissed you off. Your "retaliation" is only going to make overall toxicity worse because you are just passing the toxicity along. End the cycle.

    It's not retaliation.
    Look at it this way: Killers know most Survivors repair generators, so they patrol generators looking for them, right? That's because repairing generators is the Survivors' expected behavior at the start of the trial.
    By that same logic, for the past two years, the majority of Survivors have been swarming the hook (either noticeably or by just staying hidden around the hook) regardless of the Killer's presence. This means that the Survivors' expected behavior is to rush the hook immediately after the Killer manages to hook one of them. Thus, Killers camp, because they know Survivors will come to them and stop all generator progress more often than not.

    TBH I got confused about which thread this was. I half-way thought this was the slugging thread (didn't comment on that in the first place, not sure why I thought I did). I guess I've been on the forums too long today. Got quite a bit of frustration that I unfortunately took out on you, and for that, I am sorry. Patrolling is fine, and is not camping if there is evidence of survivors being nearby. Quite frankly, hook swarming does more harm than good to the hooked survivor, because in most instances, they could be put in stuggle within 10 seconds of being hooked the first time.

  • CoolAKn
    CoolAKn Member Posts: 677

    @Orion Thank you for your calm response, and again, sorry for taking my frustration out on you. I try not to let it get to me, but sometimes it just does. I really wish people wouldn't be toxic in the first place, because their toxicity indirectly impacts the quality of game I play.

  • Plippy
    Plippy Member Posts: 187

    You're thinking about it the wrong way.

    It's not "Camping" it's "Keeping you company until your friends come".

  • Lowbei
    Lowbei Member Posts: 2,637
    edited September 2018
    RSB said:

    Yeah, sure.

    im stealing this, ty
  • Chrona
    Chrona Member Posts: 245

    @CoolAKn said:

    @Orion said:

    @Dreamnomad said:
    Hard camping isn't the sign of a bad killer. Rather it is the sign of an inexperienced one. Just like swarming the hook if the killer is camping is the sign of inexperienced survivors. The way to punish a camping killer is to power down gens. If the killer loses 3 gens camping and 3 more are being worked on when the first survivor dies then the killer is pretty much guaranteed 2 kills at most.

    By the time the killer finds and catches another survivor then the last 2 gens will pop before he can camp that one to death. The remaining 2 survivors would have time to open the gate and then still attempt a hook rescue if they so choose. This is even with Hex: Ruin. At the end of the game the killer would get 1 or 2 kills, around 6,000 blood points and lose a pip.

    That is if survivors properly punish the killer and not be overly altruistic. Don't feed the camping killer and eventually the killer will figure out that camping is not the optimal way to play the game. I blame camping killers on survivors frankly.

    Camping is indeed a Survivor-created problem. After all, someone had to make camping worthwhile, and it certainly wasn't the Killers who forced Survivors to feed.

    Then what do you call killers who camp when the 3 remaining survivors are all on the other side of the map?

    A killer who played against smart survivors. Shockingly!

    Honestly, I didn't camp much, but after the huntress' nerf, I found myself camping as her. And honestly, with the changes they've made..camping can be fun, especially if the survivors get overly alturistic. I've taken a 1 kill at the end of the game camp to a 4 kill game because they were playing incredibly alturistic. (ok, the most recent one was 3k technically, but that's because I dropped the last one at the gate to crawl out :P

  • As altruistic as survivors are, particularly SWF groups, it makes a lot of sense to stay near a hook.

    Of course, I’ll also “camp” (aka patrol a hook) if you:

    • last second character switch to flashlight
    • Dstrike
    • Body block or teabag constantly
    • Abuse every loop on the map

    Patrolling a hook or tunneling a survivor isn’t always about skill.

  • sulaiman
    sulaiman Member Posts: 3,219

    I actually agree with the op. As a survivor, games with tunneling/camping are usually the boring games.
    The good games are against good killers, who got everyone hooked befor the first person dies. In such games, i don´t care if i die or not. A good balanced game.

    As a killer, i usually camp and tunnel. Fist of, because i suck at chases, which is ok as a stealthy survivor, but no good option for a killer. Second, as soon as you hooked someone, they are coming all to the hook anyway, there is no reason to go somewhere else. Notice, plz. that i only "camp" for 20-30 seconds. If i havn´t seen a survivor around by this time, i leave the hook so search for them. But usually, by that time 2-3 are at the hook, so you just have to take your pick.

    Tunneling often happens by accident to me. Since i suck at chases, i have to pick the easiest target. Tip: the guy who stands there and bait you to hit him usually isn´t it. So i chase the one running away closest to me. Thats quite often the injured one.

  • Mister_xD
    Mister_xD Member Posts: 7,669
    And still, tunneling is the only optimal strategy you could use when a survivor is getting unhooked / farmed. 
    Its not a nice strategy, that’s for sure, but many killers don’t care how they do it, they just want to win.
  • chococri
    chococri Member Posts: 355

    @purebalance said:

    @chococri said:
    If you camp thanks for letting me do the gens chilling lol Why do people complain that much? Don't waste time, rush gens and press F to pay respects for your camped and tunnelled teammates. 

    Problem is that unless you're SWF, one of two things typically happens when a killer camps:

    1) survivor on the hook gets mad and intentionally dies which is a slap to your team not the killer

    2) other survivors on your team try to save rather than do gens which you need all 3 on gens in order to punish the camper. If only one of you is on gens during the camp, killer can easily get at least one more grab and camp.

    Damn right... Im just used to play with friends or just with one random. But yeah, I just focus on objectives, theres nothing you can do when they dc at the 1st time they get down or hooked too x)

  • Raccoon
    Raccoon Member Posts: 7,693
    Oh look - Individual opinion regarding camping/tunneling presented as fact thread #21964. 

    Thrilling and engaging. 
  • MegaWaffle
    MegaWaffle Member Posts: 4,172

    @megaweenieman said:
    You’re not good. I’m rank 5 killer main too so don’t give me that salty survivor bs. You know it, I know it, everybody knows it 😄

    "If you camp your bad, if you tunnel your bad, if you use DS your bad, if you use instant heal your bad" same crap every post on here. I may not like everything I mentioned above but its in the game, its not being removed anytime soon (if at all) so lets all suck it up like adults and accept this fact. I play to have fun, I play to win, I play to kill time and I'll do it using whatever tools are available and whatever mood I'm feeling.

    I bought the game and won't have someone else tell me how I'm suppose to play. Follow what rules the community created or don't I don't care play how you want.

  • xxaggieboyxx
    xxaggieboyxx Member Posts: 498
    Oh boy this guy is a rank 4 "killer main" complaining about camping and tunneling? Seems legit 
  • xxaggieboyxx
    xxaggieboyxx Member Posts: 498
    Indeed. I never see any Survivors just leave a half done gen. They always just camp it and tunnel it to completion. They really are just bad at the game.

    Don’t be mad bro it just takes some time to get better
    How many hours do you even have. Rank 4? Killer main? Doesn't like camping? I don't trust this at all you just want killers to stop camping you and let you escape for free 
  • Volfawott
    Volfawott Member Posts: 3,893
    First off it's easy as hell to rank up as both killer and survivor so your rank means nothing in this discussion.

    Secondly whatever strategy somebody uses is their own strategy if they find success with it then they could use it if they want.

    If somebody can guarantee themselves with these strategies 4k at the very least a 3K and they have a higher success rate than you even then they're not exactly bad players
  • Swiftblade131
    Swiftblade131 Member Posts: 2,050

    I'll do whatever the hell I feel like

    Because its not bannable

    And other players can't make me follow made up rules :chuffed:

  • Blueberry
    Blueberry Member Posts: 13,590

    Tunneling doesn't exist, it's playing the game intelligently. Camping is part of the game and backed up by the devs themselves. Don't want camping anyway? Then the game needs to be properly balanced.

  • M2Fream
    M2Fream Member Posts: 288
    Hey @Peanits ,we have a situation in general disscusions
  • Boss
    Boss Member Posts: 13,614
    edited September 2018

    Your opinion is not a fact.
    Rank 5? Rank 1's easy to achieve in many ways other than tunneling, camping or your "skillful" ways.

  • megaweenieman
    megaweenieman Member Posts: 323
    Lowbei said:
    Lowbei said:
    You’re not good. I’m rank 5 killer main too so don’t give me that salty survivor bs. You know it, I know it, everybody knows it 😄
    youre salty about valid tactics and everybody knows it
    Or you’re salty about attempting a good game cuz you’re intimidated by survivors, don’t worry we’ll keep this locker room talk😉
    that didnt even make sense. git gud and stop whining on the forum when you lose a match.
    Lol your DBD balls are HUGE😆
  • megaweenieman
    megaweenieman Member Posts: 323

    As altruistic as survivors are, particularly SWF groups, it makes a lot of sense to stay near a hook.

    Of course, I’ll also “camp” (aka patrol a hook) if you:

    • last second character switch to flashlight
    • Dstrike
    • Body block or teabag constantly
    • Abuse every loop on the map

    Patrolling a hook or tunneling a survivor isn’t always about skill.

    Given the game is not balanced and will probably never be, I always play to give everyone a chance until someone exploits its mechanics, then it’s open field for retaliation 
  • douggie123
    douggie123 Member Posts: 1,316
    I am sorry but if I hook someone and the other survivors are hanging around the hook like flies to s*** I am going to officially campnot just walk away I mean that's just pointless. 

    As for tunneling if there is a choice between a survivor who is on their last hook and a survivor on their first or second hook thr survivor on their last hook will be tunnelled.

    Camping and Tunneling are strategies.
  • Lowbei
    Lowbei Member Posts: 2,637
    Lowbei said:
    Lowbei said:
    You’re not good. I’m rank 5 killer main too so don’t give me that salty survivor bs. You know it, I know it, everybody knows it 😄
    youre salty about valid tactics and everybody knows it
    Or you’re salty about attempting a good game cuz you’re intimidated by survivors, don’t worry we’ll keep this locker room talk😉
    that didnt even make sense. git gud and stop whining on the forum when you lose a match.
    Lol your DBD balls are HUGE😆
  • George_Soros
    George_Soros Member Posts: 2,270
    You’re not good. I’m rank 5 killer main too so don’t give me that salty survivor bs. You know it, I know it, everybody knows it 😄
    Ok let's get real here. The sole  motivation to start this discussion was to brag about how cool you are because you don't camp. Congratulations. We're all proud of ya.
  • iceman2kx
    iceman2kx Member Posts: 462

    @megaweenieman said:

    Oh yeah of course cuz rank 5 is so noob right I forgot..

    Yea now I'm convinced you're trolling. You get rank 5 accidentally by grinding BPs on any killer. It's not hard to get rank 5 and using that to put yourself on a pedestal as a sign of "I'm good I know what I'm talking about" just isn't a valid argument.

  • azazer
    azazer Member Posts: 446
    Oh no camping means I'm not good. 
    No, they're are those that camp poorly and others that camp with a little pizazz. I can understand being frustrated by some heavy handed camping but when done right it's an undeniably valid tactic. If you choose not to use the tools at your disposal, you are limiting your ways to win.


  • redsopine1
    redsopine1 Member Posts: 1,437
    Depends on the team I mean I got footage today of a team that had 2-3 people swam one hook for a save lol and I slugged one got the kill and re hooked them (also had 3 dh tokens)
  • DeadByFlashlight
    DeadByFlashlight Member Posts: 1,642

    @Tzeentchling9 said:
    megaweenieman said:

    Tzeentchling9 said:

    Indeed. I never see any Survivors just leave a half done gen. They always just camp it and tunnel it to completion. They really are just bad at the game.

    Don’t be mad bro it just takes some time to get better

    I leave gens all the time. Someone has to go save the loopers' asses when they can't figure out what to do when all the pallets are used up.

    If you actually would do gens, then there would still be pallets left when the gates are powered :wink:

  • DeadByFlashlight
    DeadByFlashlight Member Posts: 1,642

    @purebalance said:

    @Nickenzie said:
    megaweenieman said:

    You’re not good. I’m rank 5 killer main too so don’t give me that salty survivor bs. You know it, I know it, everybody knows it 😄

    There are always reasons to camp/Hard Patrol:
    1.) A survivor is close to the hook
    2.) Exit gates are open
    3.) Survivors swarm the hook

    However, if you was actually rank 5 then you would already know tho. Just saying my fellow killer brother.

    Most of those are never the case. Much less if he's saying his killer is rank 5 that probably implies that the survivor isn't and from 10-20 camping for no reason other than to bait and prevent escapes is rampant.

    Unless you have voice chat running with a group or your group is full of selfish people(even selfish people should save people for points), most non coordinated groups will waste so much time trying to save rather than gen rush during a camp and there's really no way to fix it.

    Actually its the coordinated groups that try to save each other. I noticed that most solo-survivors dont give a damn about their mates and are more willing to let them die than a SWF would do.

    Camping is especially useful against SWF, thats my own experience

  • DeadByFlashlight
    DeadByFlashlight Member Posts: 1,642

    @azazer said:
    Oh no camping means I'm not good. 
    No, they're are those that camp poorly and others that camp with a little pizazz. I can understand being frustrated by some heavy handed camping but when done right it's an undeniably valid tactic. If you choose not to use the tools at your disposal, you are limiting your ways to win.

    What rank is that lol

  • Raccoon
    Raccoon Member Posts: 7,693
    I'm beginning to think that 90% of the people that post on this forum don't even play the game. 
  • BigBadPiggy
    BigBadPiggy Member Posts: 678

    When I camp survivors, it's because they deserved it. EX: Body blocking other survivors from windows/pallets, ratting out other survivors, farming survivors before I have the chance to leave the hook, watching survivors die on hook, etc.

    Basically if you're in a match with me and you're being a douche to the other survivors, you're getting camped. If you're going to ruin the game for others, you don't deserve a chance to do anything but die on the hook.

  • Dwight_Fairfield
    Dwight_Fairfield Member Posts: 6,891

    @BigBadPiggy said:
    When I camp survivors, it's because they deserved it. EX: Body blocking other survivors from windows/pallets, ratting out other survivors, farming survivors before I have the chance to leave the hook, watching survivors die on hook, etc.

    Basically if you're in a match with me and you're being a douche to the other survivors, you're getting camped. If you're going to ruin the game for others, you don't deserve a chance to do anything but die on the hook.

    Now that kind of camping I give thumps up to.

    NMCKE Member Posts: 8,243

    @Lowbei said:
    megaweenieman said:

    Lowbei said:

    megaweenieman said:

    Lowbei said:

    megaweenieman said:

    You’re not good. I’m rank 5 killer main too so don’t give me that salty survivor bs. You know it, I know it, everybody knows it 😄

    youre salty about valid tactics and everybody knows it

    Or you’re salty about attempting a good game cuz you’re intimidated by survivors, don’t worry we’ll keep this locker room talk😉

    that didnt even make sense. git gud and stop whining on the forum when you lose a match.

    Lol your DBD balls are HUGE😆


    Lol, don't waste your time with trolls @Lowbei! It has been confirmed by the devlopers that camping is a strat and this fog traveler is acting like it isn't! These are also the same people who want camping killers to get banned too just as a warning for future reference! :)

  • azazer
    azazer Member Posts: 446

    @azazer said:
    Oh no camping means I'm not good. 
    No, they're are those that camp poorly and others that camp with a little pizazz. I can understand being frustrated by some heavy handed camping but when done right it's an undeniably valid tactic. If you choose not to use the tools at your disposal, you are limiting your ways to win.

    What rank is that lol

    3 or 4. Just before the wraith buff using the old ghost add on
  • Animalheadskull
    Animalheadskull Member Posts: 478
    I'm fine with being a bad killer, it's more fun 8-)
  • DocFabron
    DocFabron Member Posts: 2,410
    Lowbei said:
    Lowbei said:
    You’re not good. I’m rank 5 killer main too so don’t give me that salty survivor bs. You know it, I know it, everybody knows it 😄
    youre salty about valid tactics and everybody knows it
    Or you’re salty about attempting a good game cuz you’re intimidated by survivors, don’t worry we’ll keep this locker room talk😉
    that didnt even make sense. git gud and stop whining on the forum when you lose a match.
    Lol your DBD balls are HUGE😆
    What in the hell is that supposed to mean?
  • Spiritbx
    Spiritbx Member Posts: 264
    If you stick to a gen after a killer kicks it or complete a gen before all 7 gens are at 99%, you are bad you gen camping and tunnel8ng survivor!  

  • Spiritbx
    Spiritbx Member Posts: 264
    CoolAKn said:

    @Orion said:

    @Dreamnomad said:
    Hard camping isn't the sign of a bad killer. Rather it is the sign of an inexperienced one. Just like swarming the hook if the killer is camping is the sign of inexperienced survivors. The way to punish a camping killer is to power down gens. If the killer loses 3 gens camping and 3 more are being worked on when the first survivor dies then the killer is pretty much guaranteed 2 kills at most.

    By the time the killer finds and catches another survivor then the last 2 gens will pop before he can camp that one to death. The remaining 2 survivors would have time to open the gate and then still attempt a hook rescue if they so choose. This is even with Hex: Ruin. At the end of the game the killer would get 1 or 2 kills, around 6,000 blood points and lose a pip.

    That is if survivors properly punish the killer and not be overly altruistic. Don't feed the camping killer and eventually the killer will figure out that camping is not the optimal way to play the game. I blame camping killers on survivors frankly.

    Camping is indeed a Survivor-created problem. After all, someone had to make camping worthwhile, and it certainly wasn't the Killers who forced Survivors to feed.

    Then what do you call killers who camp when the 3 remaining survivors are all on the other side of the map?

    A killer about to get 1 kill, no points and 3 survivors with an ez escape.
  • Lowbei
    Lowbei Member Posts: 2,637
    Nickenzie said:

    @Lowbei said:
    megaweenieman said:

    Lowbei said:

    megaweenieman said:

    Lowbei said:

    megaweenieman said:

    You’re not good. I’m rank 5 killer main too so don’t give me that salty survivor bs. You know it, I know it, everybody knows it 😄

    youre salty about valid tactics and everybody knows it

    Or you’re salty about attempting a good game cuz you’re intimidated by survivors, don’t worry we’ll keep this locker room talk😉

    that didnt even make sense. git gud and stop whining on the forum when you lose a match.

    Lol your DBD balls are HUGE😆


    Lol, don't waste your time with trolls @Lowbei! It has been confirmed by the devlopers that camping is a strat and this fog traveler is acting like it isn't! These are also the same people who want camping killers to get banned too just as a warning for future reference! :)

    yeah. down with the trolls!