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Can we have a serious discussion about hitboxes?

jrinkwater Member Posts: 314
edited January 2021 in General Discussions

Link to the clip: 2021-01-14 18-23-44 (

Seriously, the hitboxes in this game need to be redone. I understand why they are so clunky and bad, so players have an easier time hitting (this was admitted to by a dev.) But I do not think DBD needs accurate meshes, of course not. We don't need hands and toes. But we do need to bring this game to 2021 lol.

This is not against this player, who is a very good Huntress player and a good guy all around... but these kind of shots are consistently happening ALL the time.


  • jrinkwater
    jrinkwater Member Posts: 314
    edited January 2021

    Yes I agree with all of this, but I also do think they are probably way too wide and too tall. Especially given that you can run down a hallway and get hit by a hatchet with a VERY forgiving margin (same with lunges and same with gunslinger). Lag / bad hit registration is for sure a reason for a lot of this, but I think a good bit of it is just archaic game design

  • NoOneKnowsNova
    NoOneKnowsNova Member Posts: 2,785

    Two things that partially explain it is that the Nancy was already injured, which means they characters are leaning a bit more forward causing their height to decrease slightly (in visuals not hitboxes) and the survivor is female, who appear smaller especially when compared to their hitboxes.

  • OniWantsYourMacaroni
    OniWantsYourMacaroni Member Posts: 5,944
    edited January 2021

    Thing is,they can't touch hitboxes of anything because it could seriously mess with the entire game.

    They are ok for the most part,it's just lag/ping related issues that make hitboxes look super awful sometimes.

  • chieften333
    chieften333 Member Posts: 1,554

    The game would feel overall worse if they made survivor hitboxes smaller. Not to mention how out of wack muscle memory will be for killer lunges.

  • jrinkwater
    jrinkwater Member Posts: 314

    for one, I and many other players do not care for the muscle memory of lunges if the game is improved. I am killer and I also know when my hits were BS and it's a good bit of time I wish there was a higher skill ceiling.

  • jrinkwater
    jrinkwater Member Posts: 314
    edited January 2021

    They certainly are not okay, but I agree that if they attempted to adjust and fix them... it would absolutely break the entire game. And it's not just lag/ping. That only exaggerates a bigger problem. The devs want people to be very easy to hit. Just annoying I guess

  • Mr_K
    Mr_K Member Posts: 9,184

    Nothing wrong with that shot. The Huntress was able to thread their shot between two objects where any other huntress would more than likely miss.

    There's also many instances where hatchets blow up in thin air. It's up to the players to find where they can throw and where they are vulnerable.

  • jrinkwater
    jrinkwater Member Posts: 314
    edited January 2021

    Absolutely false. If you slow it down and watch it, that is not what happened. Like at all. For one, I had already passed that mark a good bit ago, and two, my head is not visible at all in that spot it registered. Please don't make things up

  • Mr_K
    Mr_K Member Posts: 9,184

    Who's fault was it here? The survivor that doesn't understand hitboxes or the killer that does? Decent survivors know where Huntress can hit them at. They also know that there's only two hitboxes for survivors. Standing and crouching.

  • Aldofer
    Aldofer Member Posts: 458
    edited January 2021

    don't worry, the new maps have broken hitbox and a lot less shot spot. so soon the huntress will follow very close just like every other killer.

    On a more serious note he used an arc shot, he made a video explaining all the shot possible go check it out, if you want i can send you the link or the title of the video. But basically arc shot have a higher hitbox and do an arc motion, that's why he was able to go above the obtescal and hit you.

    To counter this when you hear her preparing a shot you should duck since it lower your hitbox and wait for the ping. a fully charged shot cannot hit you here standing or crouching.

    Don't give up, to learn you must go down first, yes a lot of stuff appear broken but once you know how to counter them they need to mindgame ans that's where you steamroll baby killer and have a fun vsing good killer

    Edit: i hope i don't sound comtemptuous, i just try to help you understand the game and how learning it can be infuriating

  • Deadman316
    Deadman316 Member Posts: 578

    I know a lot of people say it's bad ping/latency, but what can you do when your ping is green and stays green until you get into the trial itself and all of a sudden, your low ping is now in the triple digits?

    The devs have to figure something out when it comes to hitboxes, so many times I've had hits recorded on me after I've turned a corner, vaulted, or ran away a good distance with Sprint Burst. Even when they were doing their test to clean up the hitbox range it was still awful. I don't get why they can make all of these changes and not address the hitboxes. If they can change the way the survivors move, they can definitely work to decrease the range of hits recorded.

  • Terro
    Terro Member Posts: 1,171

    From what I remember it's cuz of how they designed the game. The hit boxes also dictate collision with objects. They start changing the hitboxes and suddenly survivors are going through walls, falling through the floor, etc, etc. Animations have nothing to do with the hit boxes.

  • MadLordJack
    MadLordJack Member Posts: 8,814

    Huntress's hatchets are the only messed-up hitboxes in the game because they're basically beach balls. Everything else is fine, I don't see any problems with it (although Deathslinger does have to aim at the centre of the survivor to actually hit)

  • Deadman316
    Deadman316 Member Posts: 578

    You're right, animations doesn't have much to do with hitboxes. In my opinion, it takes a lot more effort to rework how a character moves, so my point was that if they can put in the time to do that, they can certainly rework the hitboxes as I don't believe it takes as much time as character animations.

  • Terro
    Terro Member Posts: 1,171

    I told you why that's not true. The hit boxes are built into the core design of the game. Changing them requires changing way too many other things.

  • Deadman316
    Deadman316 Member Posts: 578

    I disagree. What you're talking about sounds more like collision detection than a hitbox. I think the collision detection is fine, running into objects or someone doesn't look bad at all. But the invisible space around the survivor that the killer can hit is way too big. That's totally different than a survivor falling through a floor or morphing into things.

  • Terro
    Terro Member Posts: 1,171

    It's what the devs said. They used the hit boxes for collision detection.

  • Mister_Holdout
    Mister_Holdout Member Posts: 3,144

    The hatchet hitboxes need to be generous otherwise shots would be very hard to land given the map design.