Killer shack designs

Ever since the graphic reworks came I was excited especially for Springwood and Yamaoka Estate and before the reworked maps were made I noticed that in their little teaser trailer for the reworked maps that the shack had a huge difference designed in Springwood compared to the other maps, same with Yamaoka Estate and I liked that they gave the shack their own unique design that fits the map and the realm. When we got the Macmillan estate rework I was expecting them to keep the same shack design as before but no I was proven wrong and it looked very nice and different. As soon as we got a teaser for Mouth Ormond and Autohaven Wreckers map teaser I was thrilled to see how the shack was going to look like and When I saw it I was kinda disappointed because to me they basically copied and pasted the design except adding a little detail inside the shack and I was expecting Ormond to have this little cabin resort design shack and Autohaven Wreckers to have this junky made out of trash design or something else for those 2 maps to have it feel like it belongs there . Since the new Crotus Prenn Asylum rework is coming and other old maps to become reworked, I’m hoping they change the design for the killer shack for each map because I loved what they did to the Springwood and Yamaoka estate shack design it made it seem like they belong there and would love every map to have their own shack design like the Temple of Purgation where since the main building is a huge stone why not make the killer shack like a lil stone shaped shack same with the wood loop structures.
Incase you guys need to look at the shacks here are some images.
The only way new Crotus shack is unique is In the way it's slightly burnt in the outside.
Incredibly disappointed that they're not making the shacks special for every map. Since it seemed like that's what they were going for in the reworks as well. Guess I was wrong...
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Yeah, definitely disappointed. I would’ve loved different aesthetics with killer shack for the realms