Looking for ways to have fun in DBD again..

Take any of my last 50 or more games. Tunneling killers, camping killers, idiot survivors not unhooking, not working gens, leading killer next to others repairing, not healing, not letting you heal them, standing next to gates waiting for someone else to progress it so they dont get seen, i mean, holy ######### it gets old.

I've about had it with this game, its not fun for me anymore..


  • JPA
    JPA Member Posts: 1,685

    Did you try Killer, it's a fun and chill experience

  • chieften333
    chieften333 Member Posts: 1,554

    Yep, you gotta make your own fun.

    I suggest meming around, and listening to music while you do it.

  • SwampViking
    SwampViking Member Posts: 34

    I have, I seem to get sweaty, bully survivors that put me right back in the mindset of this isn't fun. I don't mind chasing, and pallet stuns and stuff. It's the super sweaty, bullying that I run into, and I'm not even that high rank.

  • JinSime
    JinSime Member Posts: 405

    It's bloodhunt time. So camping and tunneling is gonna be even harder. I decided I'm not playing today. Play another thing and then think on something that might be fun for you, like a Head On match.

  • Huge_Bush
    Huge_Bush Member Posts: 5,307

    That's the normal experience for killers except for really good killers who have mastered their characters. I am pretty sure the person you are responding to was being sarcastic.

    If you want the killer role to be a chill experience, pick Bubba, hook a survivor and camp. If you enjoy potatoes, I recommend you have some on hand because the survivors will give you plenty of salt to use.

    In all seriousness, if you need someone to convince you to play a game, then that game is no longer fun for you and it would be best to try something new.

  • SwampViking
    SwampViking Member Posts: 34

    I'm not asking for convincing to play the game. I'm frustrated with the legitimate lack of actual fun in the matches that I am getting. I cannot get into a match where I'm happy with it. Mostly it's team mates that would rather be doing anything other than what needs to be done, or doing things in the Red ranks that someone in that experience of play time SHOULDN'T be doing.

    It's just not fun and it's frustrating because I want to play.

  • DBD78
    DBD78 Member Posts: 3,455

    I have every perk unlocked at tier 3 on all survivors and killers and what I have done lately is I have a unique perk build for every survivor, so I switch survivors all the time and just play around with lot's of builds. It's more fun than playing around with 1-2 builds or changing one perk for another perk every game.

    But the overall gameplay is what it is. If you want fun play Rocket League and if you want amazing adventure game play Breath of the Wild. Get a break from DBD we all need it once in a while.

  • Huge_Bush
    Huge_Bush Member Posts: 5,307

    What you are describing is the game. It will never change. The Devs refuse to balance around high level play, they refuse to change core aspects of the game because they're too chicken that people will stop buying cosmetics or lose even more killers, they cannot fix matchmaking because there are too many variables to account for. Dbd is a game of frustration, the devs know it and design with it in mind. All of the issues you are having are a permanent part of the game.

    This is the best the game will be unless Behavior injects fresh blood into the development team.

  • Pepsidot
    Pepsidot Member Posts: 1,662

    I believe MMR, the new match making system will be released soon(ish), so this in theory should match you with and against players of a similar skill. Really hoping for a functioning MMR system this time!

  • Hyd
    Hyd Member Posts: 379

    It's all about your state of mind man. I know it's easier said than done, but, the answer is to stop caring so much. Try to teach yourself to accept that this is just a game, that people are going to play how they want to play, they're going to be douchebags from time to time, and they may talk sh** and send you hatemail. You've got to try and learn to just not care, and when you can manage that, you'll find you're able to laugh off just about anything (not just in the game but in life as well), and you'll be happier, nearly stress free, and having fun. It can take a lot of practice to train your mind to this point, years even, but it's worth it.

  • illicitstreet
    illicitstreet Member Posts: 4

    honestly I lowkey suck at this game, almost never get a 4k or a 4 man escape; but it's ok you know? I still had fun, I'm still improving my skills. I think there's a lot that goes into our own mentality, like, if I'm playing killer and I get a 2 or a 3k against really good survivors, I'm not going to see that as a loss, same goes for if I'm playing survivor and I don't escape, but I sacrificed myself for someone on my team or to guarantee that everyone (including the killer) had fun

  • Skullgrind
    Skullgrind Member Posts: 118

    There is no fun in this game. Only pain.

  • Volcz
    Volcz Member Posts: 1,176

    Well I think this is important so I'll ask;

    What is your goal in this game? Are you trying to get rank 1 survivor and rank 1 killer?

    Are you more the type to login for 2-3 hours and play non meta perks and just have fun?

    Do you have any friends that play the game that can ease the pain/frustration for you?

    Its definitely a frustrating game, esp on the survivor side in solo que. But I've also had some really good teammates in solo que that all work together really well and make the game fun. Maybe take a break and come back? New changes are on the PTB so try that and see how you like it as well?

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Posts: 5,229
    edited January 2021

    I stopped trying to worry about gens or winning as killer. I don't even kill survivors anymore.

    I play like normal, but I let anyone on death hook go, I just 2 hook as many of them as I can.

    It's made killer a lot more fun and less stressful; and I can bring whatever perks or stuff I want since I mean, I don't even stress about the gens. When you forget gens even exist as killer you will lose more games; but have much more fun.

    (For me anyways, obviously others are not going to want to play that way)