Who is the next killer?

Really crossing my fingers for Springtrap but idk
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Xenomorph or the T-800 and I would never play any other game ever again
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I'd like to see some sort of medieval knight character.
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I think we are a getting a Matilda Chapter
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Who knows it could be nemissis or mr x from resident evil could be an original wendigo creature
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If my wishes came true it'd be The Thing.
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Miss Trunchbull!
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My granny. She'll scare you to death with her Scottish scary stories.
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Jack Baker from RE7 please
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Hoping it's Chucky.
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It could be Alien or Resident Evil, for 5th anniversary, but who is the killer coming in March? Is it license?.
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God, I hope so!
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For anyone unfamiliar to Jack Baker, look him up. Would be a damn scary killer definitely. Awesome lore/storyline to him and he's just a nasty boss to go up against!
I also like the thought of Chucky, The Thing though. I'd be down for any of the 3.
Edit: Just the thought of 2 more, pretty self explanatory but Alien/Predator.
I think Predator would be intense.
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We know who Jack Baker is guy, we want Nemesis and there's a possible new entry that can for fill the role of Tyrant ,Lisa Trevor!?
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I just hope for a licensed chapter
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The survivor would be Ms.honey
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Waiting for Nemesis or Mr. X and Jason.
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It would be terrifying....
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How about you stop putting people down for having opinions?
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The Bug.
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But part of the fun of The Thing is that we never actually see it in the movie, so we don't really know what it looks like.
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I wrote a whole chapter idea. The base skin can be a humble of body parts from everything it's assimilated.
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There's a very good chance of the March chapter being licensed since the devs mentioned in their October license Q&A they like to do about 2 licenses and 2 originals every year. We have our 2 originals. It doesn't mean it can't be original because if they were to waver we'd probably get an original. Most likely it is licensed whatever the chapter is.
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Godzilla annnd King Kong
Double monster feature!
...I’d pay $50 to play as The ‘Zilla, maybe more😍
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Doesn't it feel like we got three original's back to back,DS,The Blight and Twins. Paulie Esther seems to think we're getting another original , continuing with the Pirah story ,but here's a left fielder.Who ever owns the license of The Predator is giving permission for a skin in fortnight there's already a Predator game but its dead, and it's a skin, I could see Illfonic wanting. The Fugitive Predator skin is available in Fortnite ,so I mean that wouldn't be helpful to the pred game that exist, because you're splitting the community in away but it's just a skin and not an actual predator it may be for promotion, but the new owners may be looking to do a crossover with DBD to promote all of the Predator films apparently coming.
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That's instant wins especially if you can use the Fire Breathe.
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King Boo, his M1 is a lick while his power is the ability is to traverse through walls and briefly possess survivors. The Survivor is Luigi and he always has a flashlight. Downside is he cries out for Mario every little bit.
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Yeah his radiation would pretty much annihilate everything on the map🥳
I’d love if they even toned his size down a bit so we could play as Mini Zilla🦖🥰
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Predator would be cool. Is Jason not an option because of the F13th game?
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You making me want Godzilla even more ,he would be so scary to go against.just picture if leans in and all you could see is his red eyes through the fog and the outline of his features and he revs up his radtion that would be the coolest ######### ever
Hypothetically speaking ,If I was devs I would probably go about it by building a level for Godzilla specifically, he couldn't travel to other realms, then add levels from the movie's and what not for variety.
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That would be incredible!
Someone should jus make a man entire Godzilla game with all the monsters from the movies vs each other within the huge realms from the films.
I’d love playing that!
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I was actually looking for a Godzilla game a couple of month's back,and stumble across one ,for PS4 but, I just checked google it was only released in Japan.
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Is it sad that we just got a new killer not too long ago and were already over it? Shows you how bad The Twins are.
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The ownership for Jason/the Friday the 13th license is currently (for some years now I think) debated over in a lawsuit. Two party’s (the original creator and the producer of the ongoing license/films) are fighting over it because of some US American law.
the F13th game is for various reasons but mainly for this reason dead/ won’t be getting any updates.
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That’s pretty normal and doesn’t have anything to do with the latest killer. Next killer(s) will always be a topic.
(Twins feel underwhelming though..)
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I mean... Deathslinger was Spring 2020, then Pyramid Head was Summer 2020, Blight was Fall 2020, Twins was Winter 2020, so no we did not get 3 originals in a row (not to mention those were 2 separate years in the dbd timeline cuz years for the game start in the summer.) Besides there's no real way to tell until the devs either say something or a teaser drops.
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It's kind of boring not to talk about the new chapter's at least between all the constant debating which is fine because there's good topics that in the forum's, plus the dev's have gotten more creative with the powers, and it helps them get things right .I believe they try to put something in each chapter for everyone.
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I am with you my guy, I do hope it's Springtrap because I want him for DBD! But honestly I'm just hype for whatever it is, because it will most likely be a licensed chapter.
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All I want is a Resident Evil DLC, with MR X and Nemesis as killers, the first DLC with two killers and two survivors (Leon and Claire, or Leon and Jill)
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omgz this is Awesome!!!
I want this! Never even new this existed. Evidently, they removed it from PS4 a few years ago; now people on eBay are selling this game for outrageous prices due to its extreme rarity... $190.00😭
someday Godzilla.. someday😔
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I vote springtrap as well; if only because it upsets that man for some ridiculous reason.
Beyond that, I really think pumpkinhead would work really well, much like demogorgon. He could have all hex perks and would make sense; hell his existence is basically a hex. It would be awesome.
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Don’t know anything about RE but I doubt we would ever get a chapter with 2 killers..
would they work as legendary skins? Or are there others in the RE franchise that would work as legendary for Nemesis or Mr X?
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A murderous bean. A very, very murderous bean. With gun.
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Fall Guys chapter WOooOoo
Killers power is stumbling down and can be kicked by survivors when down.ö which leads to more stumbling.
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I know it's insane ,I saw one 390$ ,maybe they'll release but probably not they'll try to kept it as rare as possible.
This a mobile game, I'm just saying this is Godzilla in Pub G this event was last year.
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Baby yoda
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The devs said they would never licence The Thing :((