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Did the BP event break the game?
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I mean matchmaker is usually bad, but it's not really playable atm without a full SWF group.
I tried playing with a friend, and we keep getting like brown rank 20s with no experience at all, and red rank killers that see this and tunnel the living hell out everyone.
It's impossible to escape other than by hatch right now like this. I didn't think this games matchmaker could get worse; but something seems to have broken since the rank reset/BP event started?
I know the pain. I had a match against a Rank 14 Doc, with 3 Rank 16's despite me being Rank 4. And I was solo. And I died of course, because despite looping this Doctor for 5 minutes in The Game map, the remaning survivor hid in a locker the entire time and waited for hatch because they had Bills hatch perk. I was foaming at the mouth over her.
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There are a lot of potatoes in this game unfortunately and the current match making system only makes things worse. I'm coping with solo queue by running around with my farmer hat on.
I've consistently had survivors running across the map to heal in a corner, running far away after missing a skillcheck and crouching around the map, shuddering at the sound of the distant terror radius. MMR can't come soon enough.
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Your faith in MMR is pretty strong when you consider the absolute mess it was the last time around. I almost expect it to break the game once again and be hot fix disabled.
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I mean it's never been great; but I don't think it's ever been this bad before. Not since the last attempt at their MMR changes that backfired anyways.
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something's going on... still can't queue as survivor and now killer queues are taking longer than instant
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Yeah killer queues are about a minute or two now it's weird.
I dunno what is going on but something isn't right. There are MORE people playing right now not less; so things should be better not worse.
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I've been getting the opposite, my matches have been a sweat fest ever since the event started.
Not sure why but rank reset decided to kick in just now, despite the thirteenth being two days ago.
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Try not giving af. I try not to blame my teammates for how a match goes. It’s too easy to blame while assuming “I’m better than everyone...well at least do a gen...etc”. Some people are learning, some people are trying new things, sometimes you get dead-icated servers, sometimes you spawn in a dead zone with all survivors and a huntress <40 meters away (real fun), etc.
MM is an issue always in dbd. I can’t remember it not being in dbd. If you’re getting games matched with brown ranks, you gotta take charge and get in chase, and run bt, and do gens, etc. Try and have fun though, outcome doesn’t really matter
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I mean as killer? I believe it there are a lot of gen rushing SWFs too. BP events tend to cause that.
When I say gen rushing I mean like actual groups who are taking toolboxes and new parts and letting people go second state getting like 2 gens done instead lol.
When you don't get a swf though, the solos, are a rainbow mess.
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Normally the game is still playable though at least, right now it hasn't been. Like, we can carry lower ranks, but a pair of rank 20s that don't know what a gen is against a red rank killer is just an ordeal.
I want to get bloodpoints but doing that as survivor in that kind of situation is really hard. The outcome DOES matter when I bring a BPS and the match is over in like 2 1/2 minutes.
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I've seen a HUGE increase of NOED in my recent games. Five games in a row as a matter of fact. It's gotten a little annoying at this point.
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I suggest taking detectives hunch and not necessarily breaking every totem; but remember where they are. Post game just do a sweep and break the one that lights up.
Breaking every totem wastes too much time, but breaking one takes only 14 seconds.
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Probably bhvr testing out their crappy MMR for the second time and just not telling anyone.
I really hope a lot of people simply stop playing so that these clowns that run this game will get a sense of urgency to fix this matchmaking. It’s been years and we still know where their thumb is firmly planted.
simply pathetic
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I didn't play today, but watched a friend play... and she got at least one rank 18-20 in all her matches, despite being rank 4 atm. And for "balance" the game throws a rank 13-10 killer. So it's just slaughter after slaughter.
These events are sad in the matchmaking.
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I just had a match as killer, where I knew the ranks were unfair and I wasn't going to kill anyone....and I accidentally just killed 2 of them. literal accident.
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Couple months ago I got hit with rank reset twice, once on rank reset day and then again couple days later.
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Oh my,if only we had some sort of visual indicator for that 🤔
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Indicator won't help if survivors suicide on the first hook or dc.
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Matchmaking is normal for me. Only issue I've had was while playing killer every other match if I hit/downed someone it'd do this weird stutter. I'm on ps4 so used to game having fps drops but this felt different. Feels like event glitched the hit validation causing the stutters.
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Yeah I wish, but like I didn't even kill them because I lost count.
IN one case they stepped in a trap I forgot about going to save someone, and that person went second state- and then like...RNG dunked on them for so long they died before they got out of the trap (or she wasn't trying after a bit or something idk).
The other one yeah, just killed himself on hook.
For real. "But iT cAn bE usEd TO TuNnEl" I honestly just want to not kill someone by accident super early.
If someone wants to tunnel I doubt they are even looking at the Hud anymore they are too busy being blasted by the bloodlust sound effect.
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No I think everybody is getting their friends together for the bp event
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The rank 20 potatoes (Not that I blame them ofc) are absolutely not in my group of me and one other person.
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it's an interesting night...
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dude perfect I hope its like this when I play. I wanna practice new window tech timing instead of getting myself killed in an actual red rank match
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Custom games are helpful for that kinda thing if you know someone; even if you don't ask on the forums someone will probably be happy to help for like 15 min or so.
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No I am on xbox so customs are easy to find. But that means taking turns and if I play stupid and the killer is good I will die and eventually they'll catch on. Plus if I go against a bad killer I can heal myself mid chase or whatever and I can let them kill me at end game. Red rank killers are usually better than that and if you dont know the new timing you'll just get killed and if I use the 2 new tricks to window teching its not gonna be the more skilled and effective way thats normal. Also bad killers vault everything almost so I get more chances
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Sometimes i don´t know who was the just unhooked survivor and who the unhooking one.
Both downed, both the same char.
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It doesn't help when it's a 4 man bill squad or something either and everyone looks the same.
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😕 so most of this discussion covers my reasoning for saying "Rank doesn't matter". People get so caught up in trying to get to or keep at red ranks as a way to prove their skill level but when the MM doesn't seem to align ranks anyway then the ranks don't really count for much. I've got dozens of end game scoreboard screenshots showing myself at 12-10 killer rank and the survivors all reds or reds and purples and most the time I bother screenshotting it's because they seemed like a SWF as well. There's also some obvious smurfing from PC players-other night I faced a well coordinated SWF (other survivors slamming lockers, making noises across map when I tried to chase or bodyblocking as soon as I got a hit on one survivor etc) and a supposed rank 16 survivor was doing pro flashlight saves through gaps in walls any time I tried to carry a survivor. I gave up and tried to just wait at the exit to open it to end the game because the t-bagging etc was tiresome but they still kept trolling for another 10 minutes...I crossplay on PS4 for the shorter wait times but it seems sometimes the PC survivors can tell when you're dropping frames like a mofo and just gleefully go toxic mode 😑
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I sure wish they had done the BP rush after nerfing undying though haha.