why does object still exsist?

I talked to allah himself and he told me that we shall all be cursed if object won't be changed soon. (please change it I can't stand another match with a sweaty object player who thinks he's so cool)
Devs are lazy and hide behind stats instead of looking at good players abusing it. Seriously, the reason it hasn't been nerfed is because according to the stats it's weak because OoO players die a lot. That is the official reason. Call me a Dev basher, but... Like, seriously, is there any other reason? It's been proven time and again to be busted.
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What's funny is in the PTB spine chill has been nerfed with it always staying lit up and only knowing about the effect while on an objective, so they nerfed the Dollar General version of Object and ignored the elephant in the room, Classic BHVR right there folks.
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I´m convinced they leave Object to spite the community as some form of "payback" for all the backlash Ethan recieved for his statements regarding the perk. The only other reason I could think of would be just lazyness/indifference towards the player satisfaction.
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Considering that every Perk is lit up, I would call that a Bug and not a Nerf. Like, Iron Will and Dead Hard are lit up while being healthy, DS is lit up while not being unhooked, PGTW is lit up without hooking someone...
I guess Object will be nerfed before the end of the year. The Devs dont really stick to their answers that much, which is fine, since new additions or data always can and should help to reconsider things.
e.g. they talked about not implementing anything for the Killer at the start of the game, then they came up with something, then you did not hear anything about that anymore. Their opinions change.
And I am quite sure that they will change Object before the end of the year.
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I don't think I've ever heard even survivor mains say that the perk was fine. Maybe trying to defend it for solo q, but never saying it was fine.
I don't think so. They genuinely think they know better than everybody else. They've defended stuff that is obnoxious for either side. And I don't mean game mechanics in the greater scheme of things which would require a huge overhaul to change, but more at the micro level where they could easily be fixed for a better experience.
At the end of the day, it's their game and they can do as they please with it. We can only vote with our wallets.
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I guess this would be better than nothing. It´s still sad that it would have taken years of complaints for them to realise there´s a problem.
I really hope you´re right, but even if you are, the sheer length of hesitation/indifference on their side leaves a bitter taste.
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Yeah, I know what you meant. I was just stating that not even the users defend it to the point the devs do.
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And I think what you decribe is exactly where the percieved disconnect between the DEVs and the players stems from. Condescendingly dismissing the complaints about glaring issues instead of taking feedback into account.
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I mean, I agree that Object is a highly problematic Perk. IMO the only Survivor-Perk which really needs changing and "Ignore the Object-User" is not really an option.
Like, I had a game as Hag a few months ago against a Console-SWF (They all had similar names and they all had DBD-Names, which means they are quite dedicated to the game because it seems to cost money to change your Username on Console), so I was already prepared for a hard game. I run M&A on my Hag, so 16m Terror Radius and a guy with Object was disabling my Traps by running through them.
So "Ignore the Object-guy" is not an option here at all. I either have to deal with him running after me, destroying my Setup all the time or go for him aka the person who wants to get chased. Lose/Lose-Situation on my part.
But, what also might be a reason why it takes them so long - Object is not a commonly used Perk. I see Object rarely in my game, maybe like 2 or 3 times a week (including Survivor-games). So it is probably quite low on their list.
But I also think that the backlash they received regarding the Statement about OoO will probably moved this Perk higher up the list. (And in fact, nobody should be upset if Object gets destroyed - there are either people who are not running it (the majority) and the small amount of people who run this Perk know exactly how busted it is)
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I "main" Trapper, meaning he´s propably my most played Killer, and matches against Object teams are the most miserable. These are the only matches I resort to "scummy" play. They have it coming and deserve nothing but the worst treatment.
Btw, mind if I ask which region you´re playing? I´m on EU, and I get an Object game at least once per day (I play a lot though, especially the last few weeks).
Again, I really, really hope you´re right. Their (in)action tells me otherwise though, I´m afraid.
Edit: Also agree that it´s the only truly problematic Survivor perk. Some would be perfect with slight changes while Object needs a full rework.
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I mean it's already been stated on this discussion, but the Dev's have an over-reliance on stats.
The stats say Object is fine, maybe even weak if so many people die when using it! I try not to bash the Dev's as people, but if they can't see how anti-fun this perk is they must lack common sense sometimes.
The old Dying Light had a problem with enforcing tunnelling, so they changed it. How they can't see that Object does the exact same thing astounds me. The reason object has such a low survival rate is because they get tunneled out of the game.
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EU as well, late Afternoon and Evening I dont get many Objects. And I play SWF with a friend late Evening/Night, so this means there can only be two other Survivors who can have Object on the team instead of 4.