Breakout Build Help

First, Here is what I have been using and how/why.

Perks - Breakout, Empathy, Saboteur, Spine Chill.

Item - Whatever floats my boat but usually a health kit

Offering - Forget the name but the one that puts hooks farther apart.

Second, I don't have mettle of man and not sure when I would be able to get it until/unless it hits the Shrine.

Now here is how I have been using this build.

I use empathy so i can see my fellow survivors almost anywhere on the map (if they are injured). Since Spine Chill will let me know if the Killer is headed my way if he's not moonwalking toward me I can calmly fix gens and when a teammate is getting chased I can watch where they are running around once they get injured and make a decision based on their distance from me on whether I should bother trying to get ready to put my perks to action; If they are too far away, I continue doing the gen and if they are close enough I might get closer to get into action for when my buddy goes down.

Saboteur - I know that many of you are already thinking 'but why use it when you can use a better perk and just take Alex's toolbox with some addons?' and the answer is simple, while I do use the perk to Sabotage without a kit my main reason for using the perk is so I can see the location of the hooks. First, if i see that there is a hook right next to the now picked up survivor I know there is no reason whatsoever to make an attempt at a breakout. Then sometimes I can be oblivious to things like hooks but mainly if I can see the hooks location and I can already see the carried survivor and can therefore see the direction the killer is facing I can make an educated guess on which hook the killer is going to head for. Then I have to make sure the killer is close enough to that hook but not so close that he can hit me out of the sab before I'm finished ( cause if I jump to the hook too early the killer will just turn to the next closest hook and my attempt has failed and the killer will know where I'm basically at when he's done hooking ) Spine Chill also helps with the saboteur action I believe, someone can correct me if this perk isn't modified by Spine Chill.

Supposing I have not goofed the timing the killer now has to find another hook or drop the survivor and chase me. If he doesn't drop his prey then I simply follow the killer close enough for breakout to do it's thing. ( I have this problem of leaving too early and the struggling survivor doesn't break free cause I'm a tool ) Just make sure to follow until your buddy has wiggled free or the hook action has begun or you are getting chased for no reason and a gen you could have been fixing is cold and lonely.

So my question is, how can I improve on this playstyle by changing any perks/Items or is there a better way to perform my goal of getting breakout to be useful more often? Right now to sum it up, I have been getting Breakout to work for me by creating a situation that would allow my friend more time to wiggle free by forcing the killer to find a different hook after he already spent time getting to this one and to lengthen that time I use that offering that spaces out the hooks a little farther.

So far my worst matchups for this build are killers that can down you in one hit (mainly anyone with a chainsaw or occasionally anyone whose name rhymes with Michael Myers but less so for the oni since I can usually tell when and where he is when he's in a position to one hit ko someone ) since I'm usually not given enough time to help survivor unless they go down rather close to me.


  • SilentPill
    SilentPill Member Posts: 1,302

    Sabo itself isn’t actually needed, but the auras are nice. You can just use a sabo box instead.

    I would recommend getting dead hard in there over spine chill. You are going to have to take a hit for breakout to actually work most of the time. Ideally you take a hit, speed boost to the hook, sabo it; and then dead hard out of the way.

    Instead of Sabo you might also want mettle of man or we’re gonna live forever since you are going for protection hits. Or potentially decisive since you are going to piss killers off a lot when the build actually works.

  • gibblywibblywoo
    gibblywibblywoo Member Posts: 3,772

    This. Breakouts main use is getting ahead of the killer to force a hit. The actual increase to wiggle is pitifully low and only takes about 2.6 seconds or so from a 16 second timer. Best way is to either beat them to the hook and try bodyblock and use Dead Hard, if they come towards a hook you're hiding by, hide of the opposite side of the hook until they are close.