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Blood Web Sucks

All I wanna do is play jump scare myers but I have gone through like a million blood webs and cannot get any indoor maps. Ill even take midwich. Decides to give me 3 Auto maps in one web. 😡

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  • Member Posts: 4,082

    Those add-ons that change the msst or luck need a useful change beyond Blendetts squads and Kobe builds.

  • Member Posts: 828
    edited January 2021

    Bloodweb needs to go IMO.. there needs to be a way to get the add ons or map offerings I want.. perks are whatever, they come at a guaranteed rate.. the issue is the addons for killer. Most killers are add on dependent, and you'll sink 200k to get 1-2 that you want.. and they wonder why the 1.5x increase or the monthly payouts get cold receptions.

  • Member Posts: 887

    I agree, it sucks. Too few perks per level, leaves you with few options. I have gone through leveling up characters to unlock their teachable perks only to have them never show up in the blood web of other characters. I have not counted myself, but somebody recently said there were over 90 perks in the game, per side. Now multiply that by 3 for the different levels of the perks, then throw RNG into the mix. It is ridiculously frustrating. It made me question why I should buy new survivors or killers for the perks, when I will have to spend a ton of BP leveling them up to unlock their teachable perks, only to have them never show up in the blood webs of other characters. I might as well wait for them to show up in the Shrine. Probably similar odds, and you save a lot of BP.

  • Member Posts: 2,327

    This literally needs to be a thing in some way or form. I have so many Mori's which I never use, even before the change I never used them. Or all my Mist offerings and Shrouds. They're just junk for me and I'd love to be able to at least trade them in for something semi-useful.

  • Member Posts: 101

    Just look at blood point offerings in general and how much you have to accomplish in a match to get them to even give you a 1000 blood points. The only ones truly worth it are the 100% ones.

  • Member Posts: 875

    They nerfed that for indoor myers, made Lery’s etc less likely to spawn in webs

  • Member Posts: 5,449

    All brown add-ons should be removed from the game. Moris should be made base-kit. Frequency of yellow and green add-ons increased. Every web (or every other) web should have a map offering. Hatch and Basement offerings should be removed. Both should have never been introduced.

  • Member Posts: 172

    I'm glad I'm not the only one that was wondering about the blood web. Mine have been total crap.

  • Member Posts: 266

    I want to get rid of mist offerings because they're pointless, hook offerings because they're unnecessary, all brown offerings because why would I use them when yellow and green exist?, all shroud offerings because they're backwards anyway, Cheat offerings because again they're unnecessary, And ideally a minimum of 1 green plus bp offering per web and no more than one map per web. I neither want nor need 4 Haddonfield offerings on my Trapper. Hell I don't want 1 Haddonfield offering on my Trapper!

  • Member Posts: 651

    The Bloodweb is actually a pretty bad system of progression when you think about it. It is sustained entirely by add-ons being limited use, which basically means you need to grind to play the way you want to play (or even to keep your killer viable).

    Just nuke the grind. Give all addons and perks. For both sides.

  • Member Posts: 2,287

    It seems like it got worse with the last update they did to it.

  • Member Posts: 383

    When did they do that? I have literally gone through like 30 blood webs without an indoor map offering its ridiculous.

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