Is the new reworked The Game map still too dark?

What do you think?
Change your moniter or tv settings to adjust the brightness
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The lower floor is really dark, but I even like it because it is more atmospheric
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How are you supposed to do that if you don't know that you will play on that map? I'm afraid the changed brightness will look bad on other maps if I would change.
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adjust on the brightest map and hope it trickles down to the game then
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The bottom level is extremely dark in certain corners.
Adjusting your visual settings will help, though I don’t think the Game map is too darkly unbearable, that’s jus imo.
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If you have an Nvidia card, you can use a filter to brighten it up. Also, lower your graphical settings. I find that Ultra is too dark for me.
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The map is destined to be dark, because it maintains the essence of the saw movies and also is a horror game, there must be darkness at all times.
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Hmm, will streched resolution help me vs the killer on the reworked map?
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I play DBD on my tv, so I am a console player. I can't just adjust brightness quickly.
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if you won't follow the steps for help why ask for them
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Before I really hated game's downstairs since that part of the map seemed really dark to me. Now after the rework I didn't notice any part beiing too dark so I think it improved at least. Good rework, in terms of brightness for me.
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Seems good to me, I think it's important that there's some level of darkness so stealth is an option (without it being ridiculous). I'd say it's more even now rather than before when downstairs was almost pitch black.
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What you do is lift your gamma in your card settings and it keeps every map looking fine.
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I'm on console... I play on my TV.
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from what i've seen the lower parts are darker but the upper parts are brighter