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Cant believe im saying this but tunneling is always the right choice

Komodo16 Member Posts: 1,488

Now here is where it's contradictory. Tunneling is scummy as hell to me if you don't NEED to do it. So end game is where you need to go all out but also beginning. If you dont like to tunnel you dont have to just down the unhooked and eat the ds as soon as possible if they Don't have it drop them. Slugging will add almost if not more pressure than a hook and if they have unbreakable that means they wasted it and it doesn't affect tbe game so dont try and say that. And once you have two ds gone maybe you lose a gen from.that but if you can down and redown two survivors from one gen or almost a gen youre obviously doing good. So now lets look at it logically. Say I am on rancid abbotoir against an average red rank swf. Not too good at looping but enough to waste time and know how to do gens. Abbotoir has a really mean set up at kille shack with meat tree and some other loops that are really strong.

Now there is a Dwight, nea, jake and Claudette. Eat ds early force, unbreakable early and dont camp. Now lets say no shrouds, so you spawn by harvester so go to killer shack gen and find 2 people. Now 2 people cant do that gen why 2 others are doing whatever and 1 is being chased on shack. You get maybe 1 or even 2 initial hits on them 1 being most probable so you chase them. They leave towards harvester direction to a jungle gym. Loop it correct with moonwalk yada yada and now you got a down in maybe 30 seconds maybe a gen pops because of 2 survivor or 2 gens halfway done because the 30 second chase and the walking whatever. But that other survivor goes to killer shack again so you go that direction with pop or whatever and now you chase that one. One person leaves their gen and this survivor goes down faster or a bit slower hook them and go back to the unhook. See the injured person and down them. No ds so you drop them instead of hooking because you don't want to be a dick.

As the other cycles to the other hook while that last survivor pops the first gen and starts to work on another one or the other halfway done one. So you down the recently saved one in another 20 seconds maybe they got to a pallet or their teammate took a hit. So you eat ds and boom its fone and one person doesn't have ds. So now that survivor left to the gen he was on while its about to be finished or thw other survivor went to heal the slugged one. The ds guy runs away expecting a tunnel.

So if you look at this scenario you realize not everything is perfect I didnt account for lapse of skill or perks. So if you respond with oh what if they have dead hard or bt or whatever you are just trying to find out why what im sayimg can't work when others have done this and ive done this. Ok anyways I digress, so now 3 people maybe even 4 aren't doing anything. 1 gen gone and another is now popped if not close to it.

So instead of looking at the multitudes of scenarios where you go back to the picked up slug or patrol generators or go to rhe gen almost done, lets look at the opportunities for pressure. 2 people are available to tunnel at ANY point. So say you end up getting looped bad and multiple gens pop now you for 1 left and just hooked the one without ds. And you go after girl who used it. You down and hook her as the other girl gets unhooked so you tunnel her. Dead. Expand pressure interrupt a gen down that survivor or whatever you do. Now the other girl get unhooked and you can tunnel her go after the person who saved. Maybe the last gen pops and they have adrenaline you still can chase them and down them. You either risk the 2 man escape and find the other or maybe you have bbq or maybe they leave. You can still end with a 3k unless you play bad and even rarely get a 4k.

So I believe I went over this very detailed. I showed how lack of pressure to gens can affect the match, I avoided too much detail but I even showed the effects of getting looped bad. So its up to you guys on whether you take this as advice or dismiss it. But all I have to say is you are NOT entitled to a 4km a 3k is still a win. Maybe some people ha unbreakable, who knows but if you waste their perks you win. If you decide to actually hook anyone who you find doesn't have ds you now have an extremely easy match which I think is for bad killers but I dont blame you. And not every game does everyone have ds and most matches I play dont even have unbreakable and ds and unbreakable is even more rare. So if you always act scared you end up causing your own demise. Average killers aren't that good and get looped by people who know what they are doing so they feel forced to tunnel. I rarely tunnel and usually 4k with oni, who I main. And average survivors can't loop good and the only reason they loop people is because killers arent good either. A group I played with recently they werw red rank but werent very good at looping. They looped killers on public matches and when I go against them they couldnt loop at all. Dont always blame your loss on others or perks. Your skill matters.

This is to EVERYONE
