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A Couple of Hook Animation bugs on Computer
I had a few frustrating bugs with the hook as a survivor. Sometimes when I get hooked, the camera zooms in from the point of view of where the curve of the hook would be. This happens the most when I play Meg, but I am a Meg main. When this happens, I can't see my character, and I can't look up. This happens when I'm on the first hook and death hook which when I'm on the death hook, I can't see the entity bringing my character up.
There's also a second bug that I just encountered that's in the same vain and made me lose a pip. I got hooked for the first time and had a normal first phase; however, when my teammates left me on the hook, and I entered my second phase, there was no animation. The struggle button did appear, and I did start struggling. This struggling was too late, and I died.