Not a streamer, so reports useless

I played against some hackers and reported it ingame and opened a ticket.
The answer: "We are truly sorry, but we are unable to process this report for you as we do not have the information we require (video proof)."
So as a non streamer I have to record all my games I play, to make sure that a game like I reported (1 of 100 maybe) I got a proof? If they dont have the possibilities to look into it with their data, the report button seems very useless. It's just there.
I know they can't record all played matches, but they can watch for one or two games the reported players and have a look or something like this. I think hackers will not play like: "The first 5 games I use my cheat and after that I dont", they use them as long as they can.
For me It sounds like hackers dont get punished till they have bad luck and faced a streaming person...
You should have said they used a swap cosmetic bug, they've would have been banned ASAP.
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Their report system as a whole is an absolute joke, and no move has been made to improve it sadly.
If you have a newer Nvidia card however, I highly suggest shadowplay. It's probably the most useful thing for catching hackers there is.
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I have recording software that I can quickly switch on and record hackers. I don't get the first part of the game, and I don't get to catch those sneaky ones, but if the Devs need the first part of the trial to see that maybe the flying hillbilly throwing hatchets is possibly a hacker then... Well, I don't have anything else to say.
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Good advice. But I play the game for 400 hours and dont know about cosmetics much... So I cant see if I can use that against hackers.
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Cheaters get banned, even without video evidence. I reported a Cheater last year, he got banned some time later. Of course I dont know exactly if he got banned because of my report, but he did not play DBD since July 2020 and he got a VAC-Ban around this time.
The thing is, cheaters dont get banned immediatly, they get banned in waves. First BHVR seems to look what causes the Cheat/Hack and then people will be banned in waves.
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I´ve reported many cheaters before, and the reply by the staff is always the same. "We are sorry, but without further evidence we are unable to take action". I hate to break it to you, but reports without video footage do literally nothing but generate an automatic email reply.