What is revert you guys would like to see?
This and his noises.
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He WAS a lot better than what people thought. He needed tweaks and some smoothing out, define his power a little better, and he would've been fine. Hell, could've still given him the damn teleport. Just...why snares and pallets?
Current Freddy is good at tunneling cause no BT, but the fact that you could just make the game a 1v1 and ignore everyone else was something people hated. I got tunneled by old Freddys, and nobody could really help me out except just doing gens and leaving. He was simply just BETTER at tunneling than most killers, but once he'd dedicate to you, you could still waste his time if he was bad and didn't use the transition to mindgame (the fun part of Freddy, what they should've focused on with a little rework IMO).
But overall, old Freddy could've been a far better designed killer, but they just abandoned him. His rework didn't have to completely keep his power, but man, it could've at least been something creative, something that other killers don't have. Clown already fit the concept of "slow survivor movement speed in chase," why do it again? It's trap form, but it doesn't matter. The effect is still there. The fact that he slows survivor movement speed is his chase power, the gameplay is TOO similar to another killer, yet they went forward with it. Mind-boggling.
Plus, current Freddy's addons. #########?
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Yeah, here's hoping that they return to the original concept with his changes. I'm ready to be disappointed, though. Knowing BHVR, they'll just slap a movement speed penalty on him when he places a snare, which would make him boring to play AND play against.
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Reverse back to p2p. I miss grabs. I miss dh working.
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Yeah, it would have been much better to gradually bring other killers up to Hillbilly's level. Pre-nerf Hillbilly stood out, to me, as a pretty healthy "reference killer" for where the ideal power balance ought to sit.
New Hillbilly is still OK, but that stupid overheat meter just seems unnecessary. Behaviour seems dead-set on adding these cooldown meters to every killer in redesigns -- even killers like Nurse where it makes no sense.
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Smaller tr for the killers that had it and grabs to be a thing again.
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The Billy rework. The addons change was fine. The rest was pointless.
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That's exactly what I'm expecting as well.
The killer is already boring as hell to play as, even at his current strength (a pubstomper). Adding clunky movement speed penalties to activating your power and whatnot will only make him more boring and uninteresting, but as they think he's OP (and "OP" = fun, right?), they're likely not going to mind that.
They're unfortunately probably going to never bring back old Freddy, and it's a damn shame, cause the concept really was there.
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how bout a mori revert to something more fair than what it is
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THIS adds a lot of flavor to freddy and i was sad they removed it. Same with michael's stalk music
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Old freddy putting people to sleep animation. They should've kept that on reworked freddy at least when he's teleporting.
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Old Freddy and Nurse's recharge mechanic.
I actually liked playing Freddy back before he was reworked. All he needed was a few adjustments to his power, Not a full rework. As for the Nurse's recharge mechanic, I think that it is just completely unnecessary and hinders her more than helps her.
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The upcoming undying nerf. Survivors should adapt like how killers adapt
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Making the game harder for survivors = less money. Never going to happen.
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I can dream :(
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An addon that reverts back to old Freddy and add an effect that you can't do any actions except vaulting and throwing pallets while falling asleep would be nice
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Hangman's Trick brought back to making Sabo take longer
Also I would've like to see EGC start when the gates are powered not when the gates are opened as a test for it first
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Yes, please bring back old enduring
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Bring back nurses old power.
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Hillbilly changes except addons. the current addons are fine but the overheat was never necessary and also his old animations
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Old Enduring, Billy rework, and maybe Old Freddy.
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I just want old Freddy back.
He was a true stall beast when used properly.
I miss him a lot.
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Azarov's Resting Place
I like to play again in azarov´s resisting place that map who looks like "I" the new version don´t have the same size and it´s not fun anymoore, and old billy and nurse with unlimit time to do TP´s
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The loop in the Ormond building around the gen. That was gold. Now that whole first floor is unsafe
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Idk man, I watch a lot of good dudes who stream, the one guy literally 2 days ago got 4 people hooked in less than 2 minutes. She’s still insane in the right hands.
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Old Borrowed Time, being able to protect both players was clutch.
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Rank Reset, More specifically Being able lose Two colors instead of one! I dislike the fact that I am stuck in Red Ranks all the damn time; Even rank doesn't even matter
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Revert the whole "basic attack consistency" thing. Make STBFL and Sloppy Butcher work with Legion and stuff again so that I can actually have fun with them
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Old window angle's. Idk what was the point of changing that. No one even asked for it. Knowing how to fast vault from both angle's in cow tree was beautiful
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I know I'm supposed to pick just one, but.
1) Revert the hillbilly chainsaw scream. It's the opposit of scary.
2) Revert freddy changes. I was a Freddy main back then and I loved it.
3) UI changes if they push them through to live.
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I'd definitely like to see the return of the old balanced landing. this is coming from a killer main btw. of course, only AFTER haddonfield (and the other maps for sake of consistency) is reworked and graphically updated. I liked the added effect of the stagger reduction even if you're exhausted. although I'd change it so that you only get like 50% fall reduction when exhausted, but still reduce the noise made by 100%
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There is my list:
- 2016 Shack
- 2016 Vault
- Pallet Vaccum
Oh ... and insta flashlight !
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I think moris should be removed and become basekit so when a survivor is on death hook you can more them or hook them again and they die.
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id side with that but i liked the idea of a variety of death animations related to that killer, the same one gets boring
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Don't even think about touching Sista
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Too bad, it's 16meters
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That will never happen. When legion came out that's when the came was inundated with survivor DCs.
But you don't care about that.
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It was a joke i didn't mean for it to be serious.
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A lot of the "consistency" changes, like pig's terror radius. Especially seeing as there still isn't consistency unless they're planning on making nurse 115 to match her radius or myers 33m to match his speed.
Also the basic attack stuff for legion, who was clearly far too interesting a killer before. Was it technically inconsistent that frenzy attacks worked with 3rd seal and not noed? Yes. Did it make for more creative builds? Also yes. Was it mind-blowingly confusing? No.
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Reverse Bear Traps starting up automatically once all the gens are finished. To be fair, I would make one or two other changes to balance this in light of the EGC, but the point still stands.
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60 second pop. I still don't know why they nerfed it 15 seconds. It was perfect where it was at. Only useful after a hook. There was in my opinion no reason to nerf it.
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forgive me but i am growing tired of devs who seem to not wanna make killer a balanced experience. It's already aggravating enough as it is and taking more away from killer's role is just beating a dead horse imo. I wish there was more devs who actually play killer
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Unnerving affecting ds again. The perks one of the most useless perks and works on literally all skillchecks but ds. And when it did semi counter it it still wasnt played really much. So if they want consistency just let unnerving affect it again and nothing probably will change. Perk will still be useless mostly but have some benefit rarely.
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Old wraith without the bell i miss the ding ding spam. And the animations.
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unless you're talking about buffing them? i might be a little confused about the comment, apologies. I read this as "The Removal of Perk Stun recovery"
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Same, dude, same.