Killer Idea: The Drowned

Critical_Fish Member Posts: 618

Appearance: A woman with a sack over her head, the entire front being soaked. The weapon is a metal pipe.

Speed: 115% (4.4 m/s)

Terror Radius: 32 meters

Height: Tall

Power: Water Demon

Primary Ability: Geyser

Holding CTRL will charge Geyser, and during which time the Drowned is slowed to 105% speed. Geyser can be released at any time during its charge, with the charge determining where it activates. Geyser has a maximum range of 16 meters. When letting go of m2, water will shoot out of the determined position straight up. Any Survivors hit by this will be momentarily slowed down by 10%, and lose 1 health state. The slowdown lasts for 5 seconds after being hit. The area the water covers is a 2 meter radius around the determined position. Only Survivors within a .5 meter radius take damage. Geyser can be cancelled by clicking m1, and cancelled into a lunge by holding m1, though the lunge would have twice the cooldown, if it hits or misses. Geyser leaves a massive puddle of water, and for 60 seconds after being hit by it, Survivors leave a trail of water. This has a cooldown of 1 second.

Secondary Ability: Water Trails

The Drowned leaves a trail of water behind her, which disappears after 140 seconds. While walking on a trail of water, Survivors are slowed by 5%, and the Drowned is sped up by 5%. Holding CTRL will make the Drowned sink into the water, only visible by ripples. It takes 1 second to gain the speed increase, and during this second the Drowned moves at 80% speed. During this, the Drowned moves at 150% speed. This is instantly cancelled if the Drowned leaves the water or if CTRL is no longer being held. While in the water, the Drowned has the Undetectable status effect, but is also inflicted with the Blindness effect. This has a cooldown of 30 seconds.

Additional Information: Puddles are visible by a light blue aura by both Survivors and the Drowned. For Survivors, it's only while looking at them, and for the Drowned it's when within 32 meters.

Add-ons would include:

  • Decreasing cooldown between uses of Geyser.
  • Decreasing cooldown of Water Trails.
  • Increasing the time the slowdown from Geyser lasts.
  • Increasing the time puddles last.
  • Increasing the time Survivors hit by Geyser leave puddles.
  • Increasing the area Geysers cover (but not the area that does damage.)
  • Increasing the speed of the Drowned while walking on puddles.
  • Increasing the speed of the Drowned while in the water.

Iridescent Add-ons:

Iridescent Droplet - The Drowned gains no speed boost while walking on puddles. Survivors do not get slowed down by any aspect of the Drowned's power. The duration puddles last on the ground is increased tremendously. The speed while using Water Trails is increased moderately. Survivors who the Drowned swims under instantly take 1 health state of damage, but gain the Endurance status effect for 8 seconds after being hit. They do not leave puddles behind during that time.

Broken Platform - Survivors who take damage from Geyser are lifted a few meters into the air. This does not activate Balanced Landing when they land, but will slow them down as if they dropped from a high distance. The slowdown from being hit by Geyser lasts considerably longer. The Drowned's speed while in the water is slightly decreased.

Teachable Perks:

Thalassophobia - For every 30 seconds a Survivor is in a chase with the Killer, all other Survivors have their action speeds reduced by 8%. This effect persists until that Survivor has not been in a chase for 20/30/40 seconds. You gain an additional 100% Bloodpoints in the Brutality category at the end of the match.

Trickling Fountain - While hooked, a Survivor is inflicted with the Blindness status effect. For every 40/35/30 seconds a Survivor is on the hook, they are inflicted by the next stage of the Madness status effect. Madness inflicted by this perk only has effects on skill checks, and causes screams at Level 3. Survivors afflicted with the Exhausted status effect have their auras revealed for 3 seconds.

Sinking Ship - If a generator has been being worked on for a total of 160/140/120 seconds during a Trial, and has not been completed, the Entity seals it off for 100 seconds. For every Survivor who is currently on a hook, Totems take 20% longer to cleanse.

Thank you for reading this! Feedback and suggestions are appreciated!
