

Is this community too toxic?

Member Posts: 148

Is this community too toxic? 74 votes

Yes, both sides equally.
33 votes
Only survivor.
5 votes
Only killer.
1 vote
Both, but mainly killer.
2 votes
Both, but mainly survivor.
25 votes
No the community is not toxic.
7 votes
Other, Comment and explain :)
1 vote

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  • Member Posts: 47
    Both, but mainly killer.

    Lol no one cares about this poll... GG EZ.

  • Member Posts: 1,448
    Yes, both sides equally.

    Both sides are equally toxic because it's not a side that is toxic but the player.

  • Member Posts: 286
    Only survivor.

    Im killer main btw

  • Member Posts: 732
    Yes, both sides equally.

    Both sides are toxic and anyone who believes a side is not toxic is deluded.

  • Member Posts: 5,781
    Other, Comment and explain :)

    It is as toxic as any other game can be. Just look at CS;GO where you can play a game and be called the N word in the first 2 minutes of a game. I think it is just the right amount of toxic lol.

  • Member Posts: 148

    Do you have a specific reason for this? Not to single you out but I just want to know your thought process.

  • Member Posts: 148

    Good point, I agree that other games can be even worse but y'knwo those are heat of the moment arguments;

    This game just has an aura around it, if you go to cs:go forums I doubt you see page after page of solid blocks nerf this surv OP and the comments, no nerf killer spirit OP.

    I thyink people in this game instead of getting salty and rubbing it off people are just perpetually angry at everything ever they've ever lost against.

    Look at twitter, forums, steam discussions and even endgame screenshots themselves and you'll see just how butthurt people get and how they never drop it.

    But yeah, it's fun to get a kick out of a salty small pp survivor or a killer who is yelling all sorts of obsenities at you for using DS or hatch ( something my steam comments will gladly tell you about and oh yeah getting a swf to spam your comments is fun (: ) and I'm sure in our earlier hours we have both been giving and receiving these.

    Sometimes, it really does make those special wholesome moments truly wholesome.

  • Member Posts: 148
    edited January 2021

    This is why you always have to encourage, new players especially but everyone in general, to play both sides: it makes people see things from only one side, something I only broke myself recently when I invested in my survivor side;

    And I must say, it feels like you opened up your third eye once you get a good feel for how it is for both sides.

  • Member Posts: 399
    Yes, both sides equally.

    Both sides can be equally toxic. It's the community not one side or the other.

  • Member Posts: 389
    Yes, both sides equally.

    Here on the forums? Oh hell yeah

    In game? Oh hell yeah

  • Member Posts: 732
    Yes, both sides equally.

    Indeed! When I first bought the game I played 99% survivor for a long while, and back then when I played killer it was in very low ranks where people tend to be more chill in my experience, so I did not know what the "true" killer experience was like, and thus I misjudged a lot of situations from my survivor-only POV if that makes sense. Then I started to play more killer, got to rank 1 and continued to play in red ranks somewhat consistently (I tend to depip a lot when I'm practicing Nurse lmao), and I started perceiving a lot of things that as a survivor I had not noticed before.

    It's like half of the DBD experience (and toxicity, lol) is hidden from you if you haven't actually played both sides. Basically, awful people are in both sides and you only truly notice when you go against them. You also truly understand what it's like to play survivor and what it's like to play killer when you actually play those roles. Watching the other side from afar without being in their shoes is very, very different & inaccurate imo.

  • Member Posts: 148

    absolutely, I had the exact opposite experience, I played surv at low yellows and I just didn't like it so I switched to killer,

    I loved it even with all the toxicity about me being bad, eventually I just got to a point where I had several killers I was good at, every teachable I wanted

    but instead of sticking with it to get all teachables and P3 for trapper, demo and billy, I went back to surv, started going with feng, used my already invested levels in meg, claudette all the free characters from before I got DLC and now I have the lithe DWM quick and quiet, disappear build as well as fixated SB

    and y'know it just shows that with a few more levels the game just becomes so much more fun, I am sad I can't play surv to grind, tho low BP and not having 5 trillion cakes and/or BPS, wish that surv had a BP bonus and well just the game in general been long since I was hopping from character to character using what I had instead of what I wanted

    Suppose it also brings up you're missing half the grind, half the archives, half the perks, half the playstyles, like you said.

    I think it's also becuase on forums and such I had mass exposure to people saying everything I didn't know about was surv sided and all that.

    I think the community and the devs are both complicit in this, I think the devs don't communicate to us enough nor do they try and address the community about these issues and why they won't do anything / can't / had to do something.

    And well the community is the community and we all know how the community is lol.

  • Member Posts: 5,304
    Both, but mainly survivor.

    both are toxic but survivors are more toxic and I feel survivors made killers toxic I feel the acts of some survivors have made some killers play more sweaty and toxic then they should.

  • Member Posts: 148

    Yeah, to a certain extent I agree but I think this is a more generalized cycle not applicable to just one side, is there a specific reason for survivor to be more toxic?

    I totally get killer struggles, I had no joke today got called toxic and sweaty by someone when I was playing my level 12 addonless wraith so is there like something that survivors do specifically that's more toxic?

    I just think that it's less of a survivor problem and more of a people problem, some people are dicks but it's not fair to assume that all survs are toxic from 1 game.

  • Member Posts: 1,878
    Yes, both sides equally.

    It's hard to determine who exactly is being toxic, since we don't have any hard stats on the matter, but toxicity (or just general brusqueness) is rampant in the community. People take games too seriously, although such a response is perfectly in accordance with, you know, being human. Not everybody runs calm spirit 24/7.

  • Member Posts: 245
    No the community is not toxic.

    As far as I can tell the 'toxic' level of the community is a greatly exaggerated streotype that I've only run into once or twice. The majority of my end game and pre-game on the rare times I play survivor, are friendly.

  • Member Posts: 228
    edited January 2021
    Both, but mainly survivor.

    survivors cause the toxicity and there is no doubt about that.

    i have almost never seen a killer insulting me in the chat, but basically every second game as a killer survivors start insulting, mockiing and so on...

    I think thats because the survivors role is the power role... Toxic people are the ones that have no character or dignity.

    People with these traits usually decide to play on the stronger side.

    Post edited by bkn on
  • Member Posts: 148

    I think this is actually very true, but nevertheless you see toxicity from both sides (the higher your rank, the more salty and toxic people are in general).

    I still think it's more prevalent than just once or twice per DBD career, it's dependent on when you play, region and rank ( or mmr if it's ever implemented).

    But yes this is a very good point that I don't think many see in the community, thank you for that :).

  • Member Posts: 2,317
    Only survivor.

    The Killers i find are never toxic, they are just using perks such as noed, and survivors mainly consider tunneling, camping and slugging "toxic", when it's actually what you must do to win against strong players, but plebs with never understand

  • Member Posts: 618
    Yes, both sides equally.

    Camping is pretty toxic though, coming from a Killer main. You get nothing from camping at all. Patrolling is effective while still doing what you should, but downright camping is just a waste of time and actively toxic.

    Plus, Killers can be stupid and mean sometimes, see:

    "Just cleanse"

    "Spirit can be countered"

    "Revert the mori nerf Survivor too op waaaaa"

  • Member Posts: 29
    Yes, both sides equally.

    Im Toxic

  • Member Posts: 43
    Yes, both sides equally.

    Im only toxic to aholes

  • Member Posts: 5,304
    Both, but mainly survivor.

    it is a cycle thing and people thing but I do feel survivors started it how I feel I play more then one game on both side some survivors are dick to they own teammate.

    there the fact the more of them also they are the power role there no way killer are the power role.

  • Member Posts: 1,221
    Both, but mainly survivor.

    Obviously both sides are toxic, but in my experience, I've found that survivors tend to be more toxic than killers.

    I honestly think if killers weren't on the clock 24/7 throughout the game, they would be just as toxic as some survivors are. Unless they want to throw the game by face-camping and such, they usually don't get too many opportunities, compared to survivors.

  • Member Posts: 1,259
    Both, but mainly survivor.

    If both sides had equal numbers, I would have chosen both equally, because both sides can be extremely toxic.

    Unfortunately, there are more Survivors than there are Killers, and as such I've seen more toxic Survivors than I have toxic Killers.

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