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Leader will forever be underrated

Member Posts: 2,533

All of Dwight's perks are somewhat underrated because they're not super flashy but Leader is by far the one that's the most underrated.

It comes into play literally every game. Whether its

  1. Being healed faster.
  2. Helping double heal faster. Or the ultra rare triple heal.
  3. Being picked up off the floor faster.
  4. Getting unhooked faster to easily take the BT hit and/or prevent the grab.
  5. Opening exit gates faster.
  6. Multi-tasking.
  7. Helping teammates with random things they're doing you aren't even aware of like totems and chests

It's really funny how a "team oriented" perk like Leader is actually super selfish because it almost exclusively benefits your personal survival even though it's technically buffing other players.

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  • Member Posts: 6,278

    Totally agree. Leader rarely leaves my build if for no other reasons than being unhooked faster and healed faster, but everything else it helps with is top notch.

    I absolutely LOVE the feeling I get letting someone else take over opening an exit gate while I wait nearby, and the gate gets open just in time as the killer arrives. Something that wouldn’t have happened if Leader wasn’t in play.

  • Member Posts: 6,278

    Because I also run Bond and Open Handed, I like to do a little “drive by” when I see another survivor do a totem, chest, or run in to unhook someone else (if I’m already close by).

  • Member Posts: 4,883

    It's not underrated, there are just a lot of perks way stronger than leader

  • Member Posts: 732

    I always say that Leader, Prove Thyself and We'll Make It are not meta only because second chance perks are. If second chance perks were nerfed to the ground or made more unreliable, this would be where the meta would be at.

  • Member Posts: 2,270

    I really just can't justify myself ever using leader when perks like botany knowledge, we'll make it, prove thyself, and lots of other perks like that exist

  • Member Posts: 6,278

    Also, it’s the one and only time I don’t care if a survivor is using Self Care and refusing to let me heal them: when they’re doing it within Leader range of the gen I’m working on.

  • Member Posts: 4,321

    Quote: "Helping double heal faster. Or the ultra rare triple heal."

    There's no such thing as a triple heal...

  • Member Posts: 389

    Leader used to help repair gens, I feel like it became much less popular after they changed that and made the gen repair perk (Can't remember the name)

  • Member Posts: 6,278

    They mean if a fourth survivor is within Leaders range doing a self heal, either with Self Care or a medkit

  • Member Posts: 5,605

    There are good survivor perks but not many players use them cause "it's META or nothing"

    IMO the META is more selfish then anything... but I do understand why (mostly cause of teammates and killers that haven't played the game long enough)

  • Member Posts: 8,814
    edited January 2021

    None of that is particularly useful, though. And not because it isn't flashy, but because its all stuff that gets done anyway without Leader helping in any real sense. Shaving a few seconds here and there sounds all well an good, but it's only a few seconds if you add up the sum total across the entire trial, because unless you're throwing to get Leader "value" you shouldn't be sticking together too much.

  • Member Posts: 6,278

    In fairness that definitely had to be changed. Stacking Leader and Prove Thyself gave a completely absurd amount of repair buff.

  • Member Posts: 4,321

    Oooh alright. That's gotta be one hell of a speedy heal.

  • Member Posts: 483

    When someone's using leader while I'm using resilience... Ohhhh yeahhhh.....

  • Member Posts: 2,533
    edited January 2021

    It's a triple heal because you can have all four Survivors contributing.

    Two Survivors healing an injured Survivor with the fourth Survivor nearby to provide the 25% boost (ideally on a gen for maximum efficiency).

  • Member Posts: 6,278

    I hope for the day I’m running Leader and I run up to an injured survivor opening a gate with Resilience & Wake Up.

  • Member Posts: 253

    DBD is a game of seconds, making the perk extremely valuable. There's a reason survivors will often finish a gen in a killer's face at the expense of getting injured or even downed; because that gen might not ever get finished otherwise, due to Ruin, Pop, Surge, etc. I've seen survivors get heals off RIGHT as a killer is lunging, which goes from a down to a 30 second chase where two gens get finished. Popping that NOED totem right before someone gets hit. Opening the exit gate just as the killer is approaching. In a game of seconds, you can't say that shaving off 30+ seconds of action speed each game is not valuable.

  • Member Posts: 8,814
    edited January 2021

    No, it is a game of direct seconds, not seconds randomly scrounged from various indirect sources that barely even impact the game due to other indirect factors. Saving a teeny bit of time cleansing totems, unhooking teammates, or personally getting healed a little faster by a teammate rarely correlates to faster gen speeds and more escapes, and is rarely worth a perk slot.

  • Member Posts: 7,162

    Nice to see some love for Leader. Its a great little perk with lots of nice benefits.

  • Member Posts: 882

    Leader gang unite!

    It's helped me and the entire team so much and I use it as a solo! It's definitely a rare perk to see and I get a huge grin on my face when I see others use it.

  • Member Posts: 253

    You mean like the multiple "direct second" scenarios that I previously listed? Of course cleansing a random dull totem a 2 seconds faster isn't going to affect the outcome of the game, but there are plenty of scenarios that Leader helps with that WILL help.

    Personally, I don't run Leader. I don't think I ever have except for when I first started or for a memey "help your teammates" build. But when I see someone else running it in a game I'm in, I genuinely get excited. I can unhook in front of a killer faster without getting grabbed, I can heal my teammates faster, allowing them an extra 3 seconds on gens, I can open an exit gate faster for that last survivor that is running the killer and PRAYING that someone is opening the gate they are running towards. There are so many "direct second" scenarios that you are choosing to ignore simply because you wrote the perk off as useless because DS, Unbreakable, Soul Guard, and BT exist. lol

  • Member Posts: 6,278


    I’ll go to heal a team mate, and that Leader icon pops up, I think “thank you!!!”

  • Member Posts: 530

    Why run Leader when Resilience is a thing? Ngl Leader makes u want to stay 'round ppl which shouldn't be the case since survivors being split up is better (and potentially avoid a slug with IF)

  • Member Posts: 1,030

    Leader is a perk that speeds up many things slightly. The problem is that it is not strong enough overall to be in meta loadouts and not strong enough in any specific thing to be in most meme loadouts (Want to get healed fast? Inner Strength is much better. Want to get off the ground faster? Unbreakable is much more efficient.). Also there is the problem that it only works on teammates.

  • Member Posts: 882

    Normally I agree that splitting up is beneficial, especially at the start of the trial. Towards the end though, group healing faster, team mates picking me up 25% faster if I'm slugged, or grouping up with one other survivor to complete the last gen is crucial sometimes.

    Leader doesn't want me to stay grouped up, but paired up with Bond I can decide when I want to go with a team mate to get healed or boost a team mate that's healing another survivor, go towards a team mate who may be opening an exit gate. It has its uses.

  • Member Posts: 1,352
  • Member Posts: 8,814

    I have never once seen any of those things ever happen because of Leader, so as far as I'm concerned they almost never do and shouldn't really have much pull in the argument over whether or not it's a useful perk. I've seen Monstrous Shrine win trials but that doesn't make it the second coming of Whispers.

    A perk is as useful as it's average, and leaders average is negligible. Most of the time you're helping finish something quicker that didn't need to be finished any quicker, which means you didn't actually do anything useful with it because those few saved seconds, that really do only add up over the course of a trial, don't mean anything. Those extra 3 seconds on gens? Yeah, no, probably not going to be 3 seconds on a gen, not with random teammates, and even if it is it's rarely crucial.

    Better to run a perk you have direct control over, like WGLF, Botany Knowledge or even Resiliance. Leader is a feeelgood perk that lets you go "hey, you got buffed!", not an actually useful tool. Unless perhaps you're in a full squad with decent co-ordination, or get sheer dumb luck.

  • Member Posts: 1,188

    Its a good perk. I think most of us can agree it brings a lot of benefits for your team.

    But there are a LOT of perks, to be fair. We all have different styles of play/preference and there are quite a few strong perks, its not as simple as just picking between 10 perks since we only get 4.

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