When survivors kill their teammates

Obviously this has been happening for a long time in this game, but lately I have been accused more and more of "camping" because I hook a survivor, see all three other survivors in my direct line of sight, and I don't leave the hooked survivor. If you are a survivor (or more likely a swf) that does this, stop.
What incentive does a killer have to leave a hook in this situation? Sure, I could go for another chase, but as soon as I'm out of sight (or more likely, just before my terror radius leaves the hook so BT can proc), the other two people go for a save.
I'm not talking about scenarios where a killer is soft camping and ends up seeing one person and sits by the hook. I'm generally very fair and go out of my way not to tunnel and camp, unless someone is going out of their way to be toxic. I'm talking about examples like this.
I just played a game where as soon as I hooked someone I had two survivors staring at me (one behind a window) and I heard the third one behind me because they were injured. I turned around, confirmed all three non-hooked survivors were within 20 meters of the hook, and so I stayed there. Nobody was doing gens, nobody was applying pressure, nobody was giving me a reason to leave the hook. Eventually, the two healthy survivors hook bombed, I hit both of them, then downed the already injured survivor (who was on death hook), and hooked them to get them out of the game. Now I have three injured survivors, two gens left to play with, and more pressure than I would have had if they had just pumped out a gen instead of all standing around staring at me.
Do you people not realize that you are literally killing your teammates when you do this?
You can always spot the people who only play one side. In the situations you listed. Anyone who has a decent amount of time into killer would do the same because it's the best option for your objective. Anytime I get tunneled, moried, camped or whatever. Before I get bitchy I ask myself "In the same situation wouldn't I have done the same?"
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I try to do the same thing. If I'm getting camped on my first hook when all the gens are done and the killer hasn't killed anyone I don't complain. When I get unhooked and my rescuer Urban Evades away and the killer can only find me, I don't get mad at the killer when I get "tunneled." There are so many scenarios where the killer's hands are tied, and only those who ONLY play one role are going to complain about those problems.
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I once got a hell lot of flame because i camped basement. The gates were open, basement right in front of the gate, the guy hooked downstairs and 2 people just running around the shack. I'm a "dirty f-ing camper and tunneler that should delete dbd and end my life". Some people are crazy
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Honestly, i'd be one of those people who'd Urban evasion away because I dont got time to save you again. I'd also be one of those people to watch in the distance. I'm highkey guilty of that but what I wouldn't do is complain about it. However 90% of the time I leave the guy on the hook and do gens because if we dont, that's an easy way to a gen 3 which is disgustingly common now that high ranker have to be forced to play with low ranks.
At this point, I've learned a lesson and that lesson is that "Go fix what you can't save." Meaning if I can't save the person on the hook cause two survivors are forcing the killer to camp then imma to do my job and get us from getting gen 3'd. I also live by the EFTS rule (Everyone for themselves.) Teamwork is fine but if your teammates are idiots, leave em. Let them burn. I dont got time to play with stupidity.
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I mostly agree with you. I don't agree with Urban Evading away after an unhook, because I think if a rescuer can't get a heal off, they should be the one taking aggro. The person you saved has already been hooked. Buy some time for them to heal/do gens so they can do the same for you later.
But I DO agree with the, if these guys are gonna be idiots I'm gonna pound gens and hopefully find hatch before the last person dies, mentality.
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Generally speaking, survivor mains (at the very least the vocal ones) mostly don't care or don't think. They just want you to play the game the way they want you to so they can T-bag and "gg ez" at the end even though that means you're pretty much purposely throwing the game or playing poorly/sub-optimal. They only care about survivor fun and doing it as easily as possible while being toxic. If you don't bend to their whim they will throw insults and throw a fit.
If you don't do everything in your power to make the survivors have the best time possible they will be upset. In you situation unless you literally just leave so they can get the unhook you will probably be called a camper/tunneler.
Or maybe they just really don't understand the game at all from the other side or in general. Lacking in perspective/experience is a large part of it as well.
Again, that's generally, there's exceptions of course. This is part of the reason why there's so many jokes/terms like "survivor handbook" and "If your on the map your camping and tunneling". Its part of why the killer role is kinda viewed as the "survivor entertainment" role.
Survivors don't understand they're a very big part of why they might be seeing a killer doing things they don't like because of the survivors own misplays and bad decisions. It doesn't help that the survivor meta perks are basically thing that reward survivors for making mistakes or it erases them, so that's just what they do as the game is encouraging and enabling them to and not only do they get away with it, but get a benefit from it.
They don't see that sometimes there is reasonably no better or other choice unless you want to be "nice" aka "lose games", just for them to probably be toxic anyways.
Its just part of their group mindset, and that's very hard to change. Killers get barely, if any, respect in the community. Its really sad and frustrating to see. There would have to be some big "Killers are players too" movement or something, and I don't see that happening. As much as I wish it would.