Ideas for Plague's power

Avarice00 Member Posts: 39
edited January 2021 in General Discussions

What are everyone's ideas for a new plague power? Personally, heres what I thought of:

Vile Purge

  • Vile purge is a short range Cone that doesn't move through walls, but does reach over windows and pallets.
  • Purge effectiveness add-ons are changed to increase the cone's range or angle
  • Plague moves slower than survivors while purging, but gains speed over time. (this is so survivors who think quickly are rewarded, and killers are rewarded to getting survivors in a good spot)

Corrupt Purge

  • Remains mostly the same
  • Corrupt purge is activated like Freddy's channel from anywhere on the map
  • Corrupt purge is much shorter
  • While Corrupt purge is active, the plague may perform Final Rights
  • Final rights - The plague starts shouting in Babylonian and bursts into flames or just pours her censor onto herself. During Final rights, the Plague burns away into a cloud and then reforms. During this, The Plague has increased movement speed, is unable to attack, is more difficult to control, and anyone she passes through is placed in the injured state, loose their infection, and gains the mangled status effect. While in this state, creepy, low chanting can be heard by all survivors. Alternatively, she could apply infection to anyone who stands within 8 meters of her (this is zone is a visible disease/ smoke cloud).