The ongoing gen rushing problem and how to fix it

Official_hilbert Member Posts: 23
edited January 2021 in Feedback and Suggestions

I cannot express how frustrating it is to go into a game and have gens done so quickly. Even when I bring ruin or corrupt it still manages to amaze me how quickly survivors do gens.

I had a streamer even tell me that gen rushing doesn’t exist, then proceeded to basically say he let his teammates gen rush.

my point is that this game is way too survivor sided and needs to be fixed ASAP. Not to say some killers and their add ons aren’t super op either (iridescent head). So here are my ideas to make gen rushing not a problem.

  1. built in corrupt/ruin mechanic. I think if so many gens get done quickly in rapid succession or it can activate after so many gens are done, the entity blocks off 1 gen for a duration of time. Another idea is if a gen is left idle for too long it starts regressing, like a hilt in ruin. This way the gen slows down and especially helps with killers who have only gotten 1 hook with 2 gens left.
  2. More than one objective to open gates. While getting 5 generators done is the only way to escape, aside from the hatch, I think adding more objectives to unlock the gates would be nice too. I think adding other mechanics like finding missing parts like the latch to open the gate, or after fixing the gens you have to then activate another device which I think should require the remaining survivors to open. Like they all have to go over and press the switch to open the gates.

I know both can be much for survivors but the fact that entering a game and literally having it end faster than it took to load in is just a Little unfair. Let me know your ideas and suggestions, I’d love to hear feedback

Post edited by Gay Myers (Luzi) on


  • CashelP14
    CashelP14 Member Posts: 5,564

    Built in Ruin mechanic is a terrible idea. It doesn't help with "gen rushing" since you need to apply pressure for it to work.

  • Rittihilatti
    Rittihilatti Member Posts: 124

    As it has been stated many many times, genrush is a purposly created phrase.

    I just would like to remind you about that the majority of the casual playerbase barely touching gens.

    If you face against an SWF you have a good chance to have a hard time right there.

    In the current state of the game, joining the lobby as a killer, you basically accepted the possibility of the frustration that SWF creates.

    It is what it is.

    The only solution is: have a matchmaking that is able to match players with the same caliber, at least approximately.

    I understand what was your point, but the way to get there is very different and much more complicated.

  • Kirkylad
    Kirkylad Member Posts: 1,927

    The game isn't survivor sided it's SWF sided things like that only become a real issue when facing SWF so if they changed it to help killers most solos wouldn't stand a chance.

  • NotACompPlayer
    NotACompPlayer Member Posts: 193
    edited January 2021

    gens maybe go fast in your matches, thats not the games issue

  • Icery
    Icery Member Posts: 199

    No built-in Ruin/Corrupt. Add a base %5 regression immediately after killers kick gens. And add a thing survivors have to do to stop regressing.

    What will these do?

    -It will prevent gen tapping.

    -It will punish for gen tapping.

    -It will help killers to regress gens faster.

    These are enough, more would be bad for survivors.

  • Avarice10
    Avarice10 Member Posts: 482

    Doing gens is the survivors objective, what else are survivors suppose to do if they're not being chased/pressured?

    It's like making a thread asking how to fix the "Killers killing people problem"

  • gibblywibblywoo
    gibblywibblywoo Member Posts: 3,772

    Your first sentence are my thoughts exactly. Getting mad at the players for doing their objective is juvenile and stupid.

    IMO there more than enough slowdown tools available to killers right now. The main problem is killer imbalance and imbalances between Solo/SWF aswell as problem with map sizes and linked tiles (which is random because map RNG is still a thing for some godforsaken reason).

    SWF makes this game a joke, lets just put that out there before I go into the rest.

    As of right now you have some killers who turn balance into a joke and don't even remotely require slowdown outside of fringe SWF sweat squads. Spirit/Freddy/Nurse (who is so strong that a lot of Nurses straight up don't use perks outside of shadowborn).

    Then you have the mid to low high tiers who can do decently well without slowdown against a good solo team but require some form of slowdown against SWFs to do decently. This is mainly killers with high mobility or a good anti-loop power, that aren't as oppressive as the top tiers that tend to completely disregard mechanics. Billy/Pyramid/Huntress/Slinger, for example

    Then you have the absolute bottom of the barrel low tiers who will struggle against decent solos even in the hands of a good player WITH slowdown perks. Legion/Clown/Twins. That level of killer.

    Stealth killers aren't really included as they exist in a weird limbo. You will absolutely lose against a good team but decimate a bad to average team with the right perks.

    These killer imbalances lead to perks like Undying/Ruin being put into a weird position. That combination SUCKS on a setup killer or a slower killer. But is overwhelmingly strong on a high mobility killer. You also have SWF outright giving you more information than 4 dedicated information perks would ever give you as a solo player. And there's more and more perks with every chapter.

    Imagine if they added that "early game collapse" they talked about a year ago now. They'd have to retroactively go back and rework every early game slowdown perk like Corrupt Intervention. Matches would be longer leading to more average hooks meaning end-game centric perks like NOED or Blood Warden getting most likely nerfed. More hooks on average would probably mean another Pop nerf (an already not very good perk) knowing the devs.

    And what about the solo players? This game becomes less and less enjoyable for solo every major update, despite them saying for 2 years now they want to "close the gap".

    Then theres the busted ass matchmaking. Putting already good killers who are -expecting/wanting- to play against good teams so they throw on meta perks for an intense match, but get 4 30 hour solo survivors against their 3000+ hour killer skills. So these newer players get their ass kicked and assume the only reason they lose was the perks and that they're OP because they have no idea how broken matchmaking is (this goes for both sides).

  • gibblywibblywoo
    gibblywibblywoo Member Posts: 3,772

    I like this idea. Remove the skill check on touching an Overcharged broken gen and make it base kit. Add 5% progression to the base kit break.

    Overcharge can be taken as a passive that makes gens broken by killer action to regress at double speed. Weaker regression than a level 3 ruin at the price of being a non-removable passive that requires killers to kick a gen.

  • FellowKillerMain
    FellowKillerMain Member Posts: 858

    I've been playing for more than 2 years, have had killer at rank 1 consistently for months. I don't anymore because I'm burning out due to archives and other crap like what's going on with the gens and heal speeds. If you can't see that the game is stupid right now, then you don't know what you're talking about.

  • FellowKillerMain
    FellowKillerMain Member Posts: 858

    Many people (myself included) have pleaded with the devs to stop gen tapping, but they've never done anything about it. People have asked for more regression on generator damage, but nothing ever comes of it.

    The developers think it's fair for survivors to stack many second chance perks, but they thought Ruin + PGTW was unfair so they nerfed both. That alone gives you an idea of their reasoning when balancing. Like, why they're ok with the killer having to spend 2 seconds to stop a gen with ######### results, but are totally ok with survivors stopping regression in the middle of a chase.

  • tt_ivi_99
    tt_ivi_99 Member Posts: 1,463

    The problem is if you take away gen rushing there's no counter to camping or tunneling.

    It's been said for years now that the game needs a core mechanic rework. But no, instead we get new Tomes, some unnecesary HUD changes and animations and some new skins as well... Meanwhile problems like this, bugs, Blights camera, console optimization and lot more things arent being worked on... Great.

  • boostedsurvivormain
    boostedsurvivormain Member Posts: 399

    I understand it can be frustrating to be "gen rushed," but it's literally the survivors' objective. Same complaints can be said about camping/tunneling, what about a built in counter to those?

  • Steah
    Steah Member Posts: 511

    I just want kicking gens without pop to actually do something

  • gibblywibblywoo
    gibblywibblywoo Member Posts: 3,772

    Not sure what the problem is with heal speeds. It was globally nerfed further lowering SC viability and ontop of that SB was buffed to slow it down further.

    We aren't in 2017 anymore with people fully self caring in your face while you break pallets at a snails pace.

  • Kirkylad
    Kirkylad Member Posts: 1,927

    Really it's worse now than when toolboxes could complete multiple gens, there was no penalty for multiple survivors stacking on gens, brand new parts instantly completed a gen plus all the other broken mechanics that extended every chase from pallet vacuums, insta blinds and much more?. Come on now sometimes it can be a struggle keeping up with a decent SWF team on gens but it's still better now than it ever was before.

  • ShamelessPigMain
    ShamelessPigMain Member Posts: 1,877

    Gen rushing is literally the objective of the game. That's like survivors telling killers off for hook rushing people after they play well. Your proposed solutions are far too efficacious and will shift off the tenuous balance between killers and survivors, and serve to stop a problem in the killer's playstyle; it's your job to pressure survivors, not the game's.

  • AnnoyedAtTheGame
    AnnoyedAtTheGame Member Posts: 539

    They need to put an extra 20 seconds on each generator to stop gen rushing as much.

    When the killer goes towards a gen and it blows when a survivor accidentally blows it. That should put the gen into regression mode. The gen should regress because the survivor blew it.