We deployed a fix to solve an issue preventing players from unhooking, healing or picking up Survivors. Players will need to reboot to see the change reflected in-game. Thank you for your patience!

Can someone explain why people are against DS changes?



  • kyogul
    kyogul Member Posts: 491

    The perk isn't going to be fair to the people who don't like it because they can't easily tunnel people off hooks

  • Acromio
    Acromio Member Posts: 1,737

    Bad survivors need their second chances.

  • Callmehandsome
    Callmehandsome Member Posts: 529

    Majority of the players are survivor mains so obviously they are against changes that make their survival harder. That being said DS is currently quite busted as 60 second is LONG time if you are against survivors who know how to repair optimally. You can slug DS user that repairs gen in your face, but any second you spend chasing him could be potential 3 seconds on generator progress. So ultimately you are in lose, lose situation as a killer, either waste time slugging him (clock is not in your favor), or eat the DS. There are simple change DS just needs. Keep the timer same, but DS will de-activate if you touch a generator or at minimum goes double speed.

  • Yords
    Yords Member Posts: 5,781
    edited January 2021

    So you are telling me a perk that discourages a killer from going after the same survivor is not an anti-tunnel perk? It doesn't matter what the devs said, that is what it is. Also, if DS is not an anti-tunnel perk, then unbreakable is not an anti-slug perk and BT is not an anti-camp perk.

    Post edited by Yords on
  • Yords
    Yords Member Posts: 5,781

    People are against DS being nerfed or changed because it would make their only scapegoat perk useless and with every killer tunneling these days, it is unacceptable for it to happen. /s

  • Msterflex
    Msterflex Member Posts: 126

    I have an idea. Make it so that if after you’re hooked a killer tries to pick you up before you’ve had a chance to engage in any action like working on a gen , totems healing or whatever you get to use it. It’ll be for infinite time until they make an action and they can do it again if they somehow are rescued from the second stage. That way it punishes killers who tunnel and gives the survivor a chance to actually do something.

  • aliquis
    aliquis Member Posts: 82
    edited January 2021

    DS gives survivors 60s immunity to get picked up and while that is correct, it exaggerates its effect.

    True, If a killer facecamps a survivor and tunnels him straight off the hook then yes, the survivor with DS will have 60s immunity to be picked up and waste a lot of the killers time, since said killer wants to tunnel the victim as fast as possible out of the game. Mind you, the killer can still proxy camp the corpse after the down and pressure near gens to waste less time before he picks up.

    If you are not a facecamping killer, for arguments sake, it will take some time for you to encounter a unhooked survivor, lets say 15-20 sec. Then you go into a chase with the survivor, lets say you down him fast in 20 sec. WOW, you will have to wait for 20 whole seconds, again you can use that time to pressure some nearby gen before you pick up, big deal.

    The problem i see is, that against 4 very good survivors you have to use some sort of tunneling/ (proxy)camping and slugging to achieve results/create enough pressure. DS unbreakable and bt counter all those strong strats, so you basically have no chance to perform good against a very good team. The other side are the solo q survivors, without comms, usually with 1-2 potatoes in their team(even in red ranks). They need these crutch perks against slugging tunneling and camping. The killer can still achieve very good results against the average solo q red rank survivor team anyway. Like some day ago i played some games without perks and addons and still 4k against all red ranks. I usually play without addons and still perform very good. Most good killers get 4k almost any game.

    I think the most important aspect.that needs tp be fixed. hopeful soon, is the matchmaking.