A new killer idea : The Psychologist

xxDeathwishDW Member Posts: 138
edited January 2021 in Creations

The psychologist

(Sorry for bad Eng first.)Alex was born in 1996, in a big city. He was dreaming to be a psychologist from his childhood. He was thinking that touching someones life was a honorable activity. He always wanted to help people in trouble.

However, Alex was getting impressed in a bad way too quick. Someone says "death", and he'll going to cry. Even he is at 19 years old. Doctors said he is suffering a trauma from his childhood.

Even everyone said that it was a wrong choice to be a psychologist, he worked hard and managed to be a psychologist. However, this didn't take long. After he started working on a place and take his first patient, he literally cried and fainted. He tried to get another patient, but it happened over again and again. Finally, because of he was useless and didn't fix anyones bad moments, managers fired him. It was another trauma and he literally lost his mind. He was so pure. So pure that only wants world to be a good place for everyone. But only wants. He don't have the power to do it.

After get fired and returning home, some people cut his way. They were trying to kill Alex. He was trying to escape. But it didn't go well... When they were getting ready to stab Alex, a police force saw and cuffed that. It was his lucky day. However, he didn't wanted to polices to cuff them because he was just wanting for everyone to be better. Polices didn't listen him and send them to jail.

For Alex, it wasn't needed to do with that way. He thought so hard and cried so hard, so he decided to flee them from jail.

He was pure but also so smart. It was a successful plan, everything should go the right way!

When Alex started to do his plan, he opened the cage of them. He tried to hug them, but instead, they kicked and fainted him.

After Alex woke up, four big police force was holding guns to him. He didn't even try to resist.

When he was in jail, he decided to kill himself. And... it worked. His body never found. There were just a message, standing on the floor. Text was saying:

" I always wanted to touch people in trouble. They resisted me. They haunted and ######### kicked me! Now I get it... Don't worry, I'll still touch people in trouble: but in a different way. And as I see from my experiences, everyone is at a trouble..."

Special Ability:

" Feel the Horror " : From your experiences, you can feel what people are feeling.

Press the active ability button to activate this power for 30 seconds. Upon activating, you'll hear your own terror radius as you get closer to a survivor. When you get eye contact for a single survivor for 3 seconds amount of time, this survivor will be marked and it will create a connection between you and your marked survivor.

Cooldown: 40 seconds Connection lasts for activating:15 seconds. Mark lasts:6 seconds.

" Face-to-Face " : Relax. You can say anything, there is no walls and he is here to help you so fast, even with kilometres far away.

Double press the active ability button to see the Marked Survivor's aura for 7 seconds and get a %5 speed boost.

If you don't able to get a hit until ending of 7 seconds, survivor will see you aura for 5 seconds, and you'll lose your extra speed boost plus -5% speed for 5 seconds.


  • bubbabrotha
    bubbabrotha Member Posts: 1,138

    *hits you* So how does that make you feel?

  • Blue_Archer33
    Blue_Archer33 Member Posts: 318

    I really like the concept of the main power being a brief "hot and cold" with your terror radius - very clever and unique. However, I'd buff the face-to-face secondary power since you'll almost never make full eye contact for longer than 3 seconds. As well as that, I'd suggest having the connection (mark) last longer than 6 seconds given that it's a tracking ability and you may not lose the marked survivor within 6 seconds of marking them.

    Love the idea!! (Coming from an almost-in-graduate-school psychologist!)

  • xxDeathwishDW
    xxDeathwishDW Member Posts: 138

    Nice to hear! Actually, the numbers can be changed. The idea is important here, and you loved it! Great and thanks!