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DS Isn't Broken



  • Member Posts: 837

    Thats not what Im saying. Im saying that DS unbreakable isnt that bad. Its not my fault other killers have such a hard time handling it.

  • Member Posts: 837

    Sounds Like the type of killer that relies on cheap tricks to get ahead. People like that give us a bad name.

  • Member Posts: 13,036

    Then you have to deal with the Unbreakabill and DS combo, DS is an overall unhealthy perk, I am not saying its OP or UP, I am saying the perk isn't healthy for DBD as its a table flip perk, this one perk can flip the tides of battle and can confirm a survivors safety in endgame

  • Member Posts: 868

    Yes, but killers perks are better by far:

    pgtw. Up to 220 secs gen regression

    tinkerer. 24secs to go to a gen to stop it and Without sounds

    undying+hr: no comments

    ds: 4 secs stun 1 time perk per match and with a skill check

    ub: fast recovery but only 1 time you can heal yourself

  • Member Posts: 837

    Unbreakable is a one use only perk, and once again, for the duration of them being slugged before getting up, they are not doing gens which only helps the killer. Plus once DS is ignored, and unbreakable is used, half of their perks are practically useless.

    These sound like the gripes of Killers who dont prioritize well.

  • Member Posts: 264

    I play both survior and killer and DS doesnt really help much as survivor cause they either down you again or slug you to wait it out. I do the same as killer if I happen to tunnel by accident. I dont see the problem really.

  • Member Posts: 13,036

    Now you are stuck in a situation where you cannot kill a survivor during EGC cause they have DS active in an exit gate

    Tell me, how do I get around DS when they are downed in a gate, I would LOVE to know

  • Member Posts: 3,259
    edited January 2021

    When killers stop tunneling when they see no obsession in the match is when we can talk about a DS nerf, it's not OP unless unbreakable is combined and when you look at how games go with no obsession it's no wonder DS is still strong, though as a killer player myself with a little over half my hours being in the killer side I understand the frustration of being hit with it by someone who's taunting you immediately off the hook and you aren't tunneling, it's honestly poor design on both sides of the coin in that aspect

    I feel if it were reworked it should still work the same way but make it to where if the killer isn't within a certain radius of the unhooked survivor ds won't activate and for 20 seconds after the unhook if the killer comes within a 16m range of the recently unhooked survivor the timer of DS will start for 45 seconds but if they don't come back within 16m after 20 seconds the perk is inactive until the next unhook, also make the perk inactive if you run within a certain range of a hooked survivor so you can't use it as an invincibility unhook when coupling DS and unbreakable, also once healed the perk should be inactive so you don't have full health plus DS.

  • Member Posts: 837

    If it gets to the point where your only possible kill is a down at a gate that you know has ds, its just better for you to recognize that you've lost at that point. No point getting bent out of shape about it.

  • Member Posts: 837

    Maybe you should try a bit of patience. Rapidfire downing and hooking may show your skill, but its not the best way to get points. If you find yourself in that situation, slug that last person.

  • Member Posts: 709
    edited January 2021

    Yet Killers still come across it when they are good. Go actually watch OhTofu and you will see him slug people and avoid picking them up... because they could have Decisive Strike active as it hasn't been a minute. Are you telling us he is a bad killer now? Usually in these cases he already had another chase and hooked someone else... he is clearly tunneling. TUNNELING VALUE BABY!

    Watch the Elodie slugged on the floor... and he even mentions DS in his commentary and him having to play around it even though survivors pretty much made a bold play, but imagine killers punishing risky moves and mentions: "This guy might DS me"

  • Member Posts: 837

    He encountered it because he was tunneling, even if not by choice. He still won that match though, so this only reinforces my point that DS is not that bad.

    Thanks for proving me right.

  • Member Posts: 747

    Just by reading some responses its impossible to change someone's opinion who doesn't listen to other opinions but their own. Everyone agrees that DS/UB is pretty much broken. The devs have stated that DS isn't anti tunnel the community decided that. The reason why many think DS is too strong is the fact that when I get unhooked and have DS ill do a gen I have a 60 second immunity enough time to get a gen progressed. Even when killers dont tunnel they can still get hit with DS. If I get slugged thats fine my team will pick me up in the meantime the killer still has to find someone else to chase. If they pick me up I get a free get away card. Yes you can use it once but you basically have 120 seconds of immunity if you get unhooked twice.

  • Member Posts: 44

    Whats that? Sorry I couldn't hear you over your 5th perk. As long as there's an obsession, any survivor who doesn't have ds equipped.....still has it. Since there's no telltale to who exactly has it, the killer is forced to leave that person slugged until a WHOLE MINUTE passes. Imo, I think ds should be basekit but goes away after the killer downs another survivor. Also, survivors really do abuse it with the whole going into a locker and just wasting the killers time. How can u say that a perk that every good killer is forced to respect does not need a nerf? In some cases its a whole 5th perk for survivors. This is coming from both a killer and survivor main, rank 1

  • Member Posts: 709

    The win of course cannot be attributed to the fact that OhTofu has thousands of hours in the game and a good killer. That such a killer still needs to deal with DS because he is playing well and not tunneling. You know good killers need to be punished and play around DS, not because DS is broken... no them downing others and hooking them, punishing bad/bold plays of survivors is a clear indication that they are a filthy tunneller.

    Thank you for proving that being considered a tunneller means you are a good player, that dealing with DS means you did well... just look at OhTofu, he is at the level that it isn't even his choice anymore... so it must be the best way to play.

  • Member Posts: 837

    I suppose the best way to do that would be to make it only active for the last person hooked, while keeping the timer the same. How would you fix it?

  • Member Posts: 837

    Way to take things way out of proportion. My point wasn't that you need to tunnel to be good like Ohtofu. My point was that you can still take a hit from DS more than once and win a match. Thousands of hours or not, it all comes down to knowing how to deal with loops, utilizing your Killer properly, and knowing how to recognize and drop an unhealthy chase for later.

  • Member Posts: 837

    Good idea. Im not sure about thirty. Maybe go halfway between current 60 and 30 at 45 or so? Maybe 40. I like your idea to pause it in chase, plus the slug slowdown. Makes it fair to both sides. Well done.

  • Member Posts: 1,419

    Show me your killer rank or stop claiming to be a killer main

    Because this take shows an obvious lack of experience

  • Member Posts: 837

    Lmao. So me being able to deal with DS and still win must mean I lack experience.

  • Member Posts: 479

    I'll keep saying but make DS deactivate when you go into a closet, I've been testing it lately but I've ran into closets after being unhooked without using DS and killers will either stand there and wait the 60 seconds or completely leave me alone despite the fact that I don't even have DS. If the mere idea of the perk itself is able to completely change somebody's playstyle then you gotta admit that the perk is pretty powerful where just faking it out in a closet is enough to deter somebody from leaving you alone. Don't even get me started on people who run DS AND inner strength and run into closets, that's even more dumb.

  • Member Posts: 837

    That sounds like its the Killer's fault. DS has a huge negative stigma around it thanks to whiny "the game isn't easy enough" killers, and its honestly gotten out of hand.

  • Member Posts: 709

    That is a great way to showcase the fact that you did not bother looking at the video. OhTofu did not get hit by it, because he was forces to slug them to ensure not to be hit, even though he already hooked another player and at a later stage took the risk, because he knew he was far enough ahead to be able to eat it. The fact is that he had to deal with DS, because he was playing to well. This is what I pointed out and, you called him a tunneler. If you know how to deal with looping , when to drop chase, utilize your killer properly, punish mistakes made by survivors good enough... you will be always defined as a tunneler, by your definition.

    This showcases that DS is overpowered in comparison, because good killers that aren't tunneling still receive the punishment. Not to mention that good survivors are able to weaponize it and abuse it.

    You claim to be as good as someone as OhTofu, you will be a tunneler and therefore why would it matter if you just take the short cut to it and actually tunnel? Survivors will complain regardless.

  • Member Posts: 1,379

    The timer is the problem with DS. I understand the perk is suppose to be anti-momentum but how is it anti-momentum when survivor's are going out of their way to abuse the perk? How is it anti-momentum when it rewards survivors for playing dumb or making a bad read?

  • Member Posts: 837

    1: Never once did I call him a tunneler. 2: Again, this discussion is not about the definition of tunneling. 3: He still won despite having had DS used against him because he knows how to play the game. You don't have to be as good as him to know how to play the game. He came across the same survivor quickly, so he made the decision to eat it, and after that, the match only went uphill. You're just mad because you don't have the capacity to deal with this honestly overrated perk.

  • Member Posts: 837

    It only rewards them if the Killer lets it. So for the bajillionth time... SLUUUUUUUUUUG. Or just eat it and take away a whole perk. The fact is, any survivor who is slugged, in a chase, or self-caring/healing is not doing a generator, which is a good thing.

  • Member Posts: 709
    1. I will quote you here: "He encountered it because he was tunneling, even if not by choice." if the act of tunneling is not defining someone as a tunneller than you are truly not being genuine.
    2. Yet you stated: "As a killer main, seeing "DS is Broken" and "Nerf DS" makes me shake my head and mourne that so many of my fellow Killers are tunnelers." therefore you believe that we call it broken and needing a nerf because we are tunnellers. Not realizing that those that do not tunnel find that survivors are misusing it and abusing it while their actions are not that of tunneling. It provides a full minute of protection regardless of the following actions of a survivor. Be it that they can be healed to full health, save others from hooks, heal others to full health, cleanse totems, do gens while all under the protection of DS.
    3. He is a multi-thousand hour killer main... just because someone with that much experience can win, doesn't mean that what they are facing is fair. Slugging everyone is something that survivors claim to hate, yet that is the main counter versus this perk and it becomes pretty much required to do. Also if you slug you aren't actually progressing your own objective namely getting a 12 hooks, but then again getting 12 hooks is made so ridiculously hard that most killers do not even consider it a viable outcome in 99% of their games. Sure you can 4x slug and one hook everyone, guess what you won't need to deal with DS... but is that where we want the game to head to?
    4. You assume I have issues dealing with DS while frankly I rarely get hit by it, but when I do it tends to feel bad... as I am not going out of my way to tunnel, usually it is because the survivor is abusing it or I am punishing the survivors for playing badly - I personally would rather not be required to slug as much as I have to right now, might be me... but I want to try and hook people not leave them on the floor to fast track myself to a 4k.
    5. I always love the argument: Killers just get good! Perks of survivors are not a problem, but when it comes to things that affect survivors... nerf it. Survivors do not need to get good, learn to counter strong perks like undying/ruin... nah just hit those things with a nerf bat after a couple of months as doing Totems is to hard to manage. At least survivors tend to get a notification whether these things are in play, unlike killers see an obsession, everyone has DS! well you have to play like they do that is.
  • Member Posts: 60

    Slugging is not an answer to DS, it's a cope. Slugging is useful in certain situations. Slugging to not get DS'd is simply the lesser of the two evils.

    Yes, technically the slugged survivor is not doing Gens, but:

    -Reviving slugs is safer and faster than unhooking survivor due to the lack of noise, slugged survivors being able to move and healing being faster than unhooking when fully recovered.

    -Slugging leaves the killer at an information deficit unless they sacrifice one of their precious perk slots to run Deerstalker. Most of the time the slugged survivor will be able to lose the killer's scent along with the savior.

    -Furthermore, Slugging is not as disadvantageous to game progress as you seem to think it is. The killer doesn't activate any of their perks that activate off hooking someone, the slugged survivor has a much better chance to put themselves in a good position after being picked up, and if they have Unbreakable then literally zero other survivors have to get off gens to save them.

    DS+Unbreakable gives you literally 60 seconds of invulnerability and the only counter is to purposefully lose ground as a killer to force one or both out of them, and either way it often times gives survivors what they need to completely halt the killer's momentum. DS's timer absolutely needs to be shortened or it needs to be changed in such a way that it doesn't completely cuck killers that are simply doing good.

    My proposed change is to simply make the timer infinite but have it deactivate if another person is downed/hooked before you are downed.

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