Chapter Concept: Ghostbusters

MrScarecrow Member Posts: 1

Map: Spook Central

the map would basically be a recreation of the real life New York Street the firehouse is located on, including the interior of the firehouse and the interior of a few buildings in the street.

Note: idk the specifics or math of how balanced or unbalanced peeks will be. This is just a fun concept I really like

Survivor: Peter Venkman

Dubonair - You’ve seen spooks, specters, and ghosts. Sure, something strange is going on... There’s a chill in the air, dread in the basement, and strange noises in the night. But to you? It’s just another screwed up day in the office. You can joke off that gloom in the room and boldly brush off the things that go bump in the night. Dare I say? You ain’t afraid of no ghost. 

This sarcastic chillness under pressure grants you a sizable luck bonus whenever a killer is nearby. 

“We came. We saw. We kicked it’s ass!” - Dr. Peter Venkman 

Call In - It’s just you and the boys here, and you all have come well equipped to spread out and cause as much property damage as humanly possible.

Walkie Talkies unlock your aura reading potential, and allow you to see the auras of all your fellow survivors for a short duration of time in several short intervals. You guys can do more damage that way!

“Who ya gonna call?” - Ray Parker Jr. 

Hazard Pay - As the self elected, duly designated leader of the team, you are the number one priority. 

Whenever you’re injured, your aura is visible to all survivors until you are either hooked, downed, or in a healthy state. 

Anytime a survivor in close proximity to you is awarded blood points, you are awarded an amount equal to half of what they earned. 

“I feel so funky...” - Dr. Peter Venkman

Survivor: Raymond Stantz

Ecto Goggles - You enter the Entity’s realm well prepared to investigate, eliminate, and survive. The pure psychokinetic energy of the Entity radiates from every killer, and for a short period of time and in short intervals, the P.K.E. Paragoggles allow you to see the killer’s aura. Whenever the Killer is invisible or teleports, you will also see their aura. However, this clunky technology makes the killer’s terror radius harder for you to detect for the entire duration of the game.

“Is it just a mist, or does it have arms and legs?” - Janine Melnitz 

Go-Getter - So fixing these tattered barely functional generators is your only means of survival in this Lovecraftian nightmare world? No problem! Think of it as a “unique fixer-upper opportunity”...

Your mastery at tinkering with substandard (possibly lethal) equipment awards you with a much faster generator repair speed. In exchange, skill checks are smaller. 

“Everybody can relax, I found the car. Needs some suspension work and shocks. Brakes, brake pads, lining, steering box, transmission, rear-end.......... Only forty-eight hundred... Also new rings, mufflers, a little wiring.” - Dr. Raymond Stantz 

Paranormal Delight - This frightening occult world leaves you enthralled and enamored. To touch the etheric plane as you have... *Wow*. You are so enamored, in fact, that fear has metamorphosed into euphoria. 

Every interaction with the killer increases your luck and grants bonus bloodpoints. 

“Sir, what you had there is what we refer to as a focused, non-terminal, repeating phantasm or a class-five full-roaming vapor.... A real nasty one, too!” - Dr. Raymond Stantz

Survivor: Egon Spengler

Spores Molds & Fungus - The fine attunenent you have towards slimes, yeasts, and other earthly excretions unlocks your aura reading potential. 

The aura of gens are outlined for the entirety of the game, just like Killers. 

“Of course you forget, Peter. I was present at an undersea, unexplained mass sponge migration.” - Dr. Raymond Stantz

Somebody’s Comin’ - The Psychokinetic Energy reader, otherwise known as the P.K.E Meter allows you to detect the killer’s tracks just as they can detect yours. In addition to this, the Killer’s terror radius is easier for you to detect. 

“These readings are off the charts. Now I’ll have to make new charts...” - Dr. Egon Spengler 

We Got One! - You start the trial with four potentially hazardous ghost traps. These can be placed anywhere you’d like, and when triggered by the killer walking over it, the trap emits a blinding light which stuns them in a similar vain to the flashlight. But, whatever you do, don’t look at the trap! The blinding light could also stun you or your allies! 

“I looked at the trap, Ray!” - Dr. Egon Spengler

Survivor: Winston Zeddemore

Caring Intuition - When the world’s gone flip city, you need friends to lean on. It just so happens those friends are emotionally stupid, leaving you to pick up their slack.

The aura of any injured survivors is revealed to you until they are out back into a healthy state. Your willpower and determination to aide your friends allows you to take an extra hit from the killer while healing others.

“That’s a big Twinkie.” - Dr. Winston Zeddemore

The Tools, The Talent - Sure, if used improperly, this unlicensed nuclear accelerator could potentially blow you somewhere in New Jersey.... But it sure as hell beats a flashlight!  

The Proton Pack allows you to clear any obstacles made by the Entity, blast away pallets, and blind killers like a flashlight for twenty seconds. That being said, venting this highly expensive equipment takes time, two minutes will need to pass before you can use the your Neutrino Wand again. 

When using this perk you cannot equip medkits, flashlights, or toolboxes, you will move slightly slower than your allies and a blast from the Proton Pack will reveal your aura to the killer for 30 seconds. (Ray: Under normal circumstances, a full force particle blast from the Neutrino Wand would result in a homicide.... Or at the very least some *very* hefty court fees. But it seems as though the raw psychokinetic energy emanating from this class VII Ultradimensional Planer has elevated these killers and demons to some seemingly unstoppable level, granting physical and spiritual immunity to our particle throwers! Fascinating stuff!)

“No, we’re exterminators. Someone saw a cockroach up on twelve” - Dr. Peter Venkman 

Judgement Day - Call it what you want... Fate, luck, karma, you’ve seen past the veil, seen the dead rise from the grave, and seen s#!% that’ll turn most people white! Through it all you soldier on, stronger than before. Jesus loves your style, and the big-G upstairs has your back. 

These high intensity stakes are just your bread and butter. Gain haste after actions in the Boldness category.

“This job is definitely *not* worth eleven-five a year!” - Dr. Winston Zedemore

New Killer: The Traveller

Gozer the Gozerian. Gozer the Traveler. Gozer the Destructor. Volguus Zildrohar, Lord of the Sebouilla. It comes in many names, and in many forms. A God of the ancient Hittites, Mesopotamians, and Sumerians, it was worshipped by the infamous cult of Gozer around 6000 B.C. It is heralded by it’s two great and terrible minions, the demigods Vinz Clortho and Zuul. Key Master and Gatekeeper to the end of days. 

In the ancient times, Gozer and it’s cult engaged in a massive war with it’s rival, Tiamat, and her followers. Gozer was defeated, banished from that world by Tiamat. It was from then on, that Gozer became The Traveler. A primordial force of destruction, an entity which traverses across dimensions in horrific conquest and destruction. Through the union of Key Master and Gatekeeper, the traveler would invade the realm, allowing either it’s worshippers or some hero or lord of that world to choose the Destructor form which would destroy their home plane of existence. 

Gozer was not forgotten on Earth. Never forgotten. Through the ages, and spoken in whispers, The Traveler’s name was passed down through the sands of time. In the 20th Century, it’s name was noticed. Following the end of World War I, The Architect, Ivo Shandor, disgusted by humanity, revitalized the Cult of Gozer in an attempt to bring about the end of the world. This nearly came to pass in 1984 when Shandor’s God, The Traveler, arrived. 

Gozer had arrived, heralded by his aforementioned minions, Vinz Clortho and Zuul. At the summit of his temple at 550 Central Park West, The Traveler was confronted by the Ghostbusters. They were to choose the form of their Destructor, and it was Dr. Raymond Stantz, who accidentally chose the form of the Stay Puft Marshmallow Man. Gozer, in his Destructor form was defeated. Banished by the Ghostbusters just as Tiamat had done before. 

Forced, once more, to traverse across various worlds, Gozer The Traveler eventually reached the realm of The Entity. 

“Sub-creatures! Gozer the Gozerian, Gozer the Destructor, Volguus Zildrohar, the Traveller has come! Choose and perish!”

The booming voice of The Traveler demanded that The Entity choose. 

“Choose! Choose the form of the Destructor!”

The choice has been made. The Traveler has come.....

Weapon: Psychokinetic Lightning 

Gozer discharges a small cone of lightning from it’s fingers. The cone is small, and the lightning doesn’t arc far away from the killer. 

Power: The Traveler Has Come

The trial begins with half of the trial’s hooks replaced by Gozerian Temples. Gozer has the option to choose between the hooks or these temples. Sacrificing survivors to the Entity, via hooks, grants Gozer no effects, but it does offer Blood Points. Sacrificing survivors to Gozer, via the temples, offers many in game advantages, but zero blood points. Gozer is incapable of using perks which call upon the Entity’s direct physical aid. Ex. Corrupt Intervention 

The Traveler Has Come I: When there are any survivors at all ensnared in a Gozerian Temple

-Gozer can travel around the map faster

The Traveler Has Come II: When one survivor has been sacrificed in Gozer’s temple

-Gozer can travel around the map even faster than TTHC I

-Two pallets and any chests and windows within a short radius of those two pallets are destroyed 

The Traveler Has Come III: When two survivors are sacrificed in Gozer’s temple 

-Gozer can travel around the map even faster than TTHC II

-One generator, another two pallets, and any chests and windows within a short radius of those pallets are destroyed 

-Gozer’s lightning cone is larger and arcs farther 

The Traveler Has Come IV: When three survivors are sacrificed to Gozerian temples 

-Gozer travels at the same speed as TTHC III

-One more generator, two more pallets and any chests and windows within a short radius of these pallets are destroyed

-Gozer’s lightning cone is even larger than TTHC III and arcs even farther 


Are You A God? - Your path of destruction has left its mark in history, and garnished a following of adamant zealots. Worshippers enamored with your tales of woe gather in secret, with their hateful sermons syphoned from the mortal world and fueling your carnage, here; in the realm of the Entity. The prayers of your fateful are roused by the carnal horror you invoke in the minds of your prey. Every time you are engaged in a chase, the spirit of one of your fateful terrorizes another survivor, alerting you of their presence and allowing you to see that survivor’s aura for the duration of the chase. 

“Let me guess, Gozer worshippers.” - Dr. Peter Venkman 

Disaster of Biblical Proportions - You are a raw chaotic force of entropy and destruction. Chaos and devastation flow through your veins, nourishing your core and powering every iota of your being. This earns you a significant bonus of blood points for every action in the Brutality category

“Hey, wait a minute. Hey, hey, hey, hey, hey! Hold it! Now, are we actually gonna go before a federal judge, and tell him that some moldy Babylonian god is going to drop in on Central Park West, and start tearing up the city?” - Dr. Winston Zeddemore

Hex: Apocalyptic Sentries - Unique to the Traveller, no other killer is capable is using this perk. Two stone sentries stand watch on opposite ends of the map, the Terror Dogs Vinz Clortho and Zuul stand in an idle prowl and reveal the aura of nearby survivors to the Traveller. 

“Okay, who brought the dog?” - Louis Tully

Credits: I photoshopped all those pictures together myself, but the portraits that I photoshopped in belong to:

Alberto Reys Francos

Bruce White

Paul Butcher

