How do you counter hags?

Other than bringing flashlights and urban evasion, which require you to have foreknowledge of a hag, what tactics can you use to counter a hag?


  • Blueberry
    Blueberry Member Posts: 13,590

    To add to others advice.

    Also try as hard as you can to make her 3 gen weak. She's gonna try to ensure her 3 gen is super tight, make it bad.

  • xenotimebong
    xenotimebong Member Posts: 2,803

    If you see her set a trap somewhere and you’re not being chased, set it off to disarm it. If you trigger it right on the edge of its radius and immediately run away, she won’t be close enough after teleporting to hit you.

  • DBD78
    DBD78 Member Posts: 3,455

    One survivor can just focus on disarming traps then Hag will have problems being so slow. And learn how Hags mostly mindgame, when she will teleport or not. Hag is a good killer but can be destroyed by good survivors.

  • Gore_Nargai
    Gore_Nargai Member Posts: 77

    You can't, Hag doesn't even need addons, is not a mechanically hard killer, but knowing how to control the map and time traps it is indeed super hard. That's why a lot of people don't play her.

    A lot of the comments in this sections give u advices on how to counter a bad hag, the kind that commit mistakes. If you encounter a good Hag rank 1, either u have a good team on voicechat or you are done.

    A good flashlight is a good idea, but knowing how to place traps as a Hag helps a lot, so learn that to understand the good spot on where to encounter traps so u can avoid them.

    Avoid also to lose time on doing white bones, chest and unnecessary thing, Hag is a time killer, don't give away your time and just gen rush. Forget about bullying her cause u can't you are going to end up losing.

    Watch out for Devour of Hope and Make Your Choice, those are two strong perks that can win the late game.

    Thanatophobia is another perk you should be care of, it slows the game a lot if everyone gets hurt.

    Aside from that, the typical, Ruin, Undying, Agitation.

    Learn to counter the perks that Hag usually use and you might have a chance.

  • DemonDaddy
    DemonDaddy Member Posts: 4,167

    Crouching around before and after being unhooked. Sprinting through traps to disable setup while she is occupied with teammates or can't teleport.

  • TripleSteal
    TripleSteal Member Posts: 1,298

    Stalk her

    Rotate tiles when looping

    If you are the one being chased, force her to decide between dropping a chase and leaving trapped zones; do it as often as possible

    Don't be afraid to reset and heal, you are not playing against nurse/legion/etc*

    Co-op gens*

    Focus on the worst gens first, don't leave yourself with a gen triangle

    Take protection hits for injured teammates and run towards safe zones*

    Avoid early unhooks, don't hesitate to let your teammate transition into 2nd stage on their first hook

    *against hags you go for a lot of plays that would be highly suboptimal against any other killer

  • Yords
    Yords Member Posts: 5,781
    edited January 2021

    Well, knowing where they live in your general area is useful knowledge. It is pretty easy to push them over since they are always very old. Just make sure you don't let them slap you. Once you push them over, they are unlikely to get back up so you can make a run for it while she calls an ambulance. Oh, shoot not that kind of hag, dbd's hag.

    Never let her set up, medkits help with this as well as cooperation with one teammate. Always have at least one person harassing her traps and when she is carrying a survivor to a hook take out as many as you can. I say bring a medkit or work with another survivor because if you are triggering her traps she will probably teleport to get a hit.

    Post edited by Yords on
  • Withered8
    Withered8 Member Posts: 1,241

    Very hard to do so in solo q, but in swf you can co-ordinate popping traps and overwhelming her with large amounts of pressure.

  • Kazim
    Kazim Member Posts: 229

    With the red map or normal map with the Red Twine accessory you can see where are the traps or Small Game warns you when you are near of a trap.

  • HellDescent
    HellDescent Member Posts: 4,883

    Follow her and trigger traps that she places. That's enough to piss off any hag player, lose his focus and waste their time

  • Darkskies
    Darkskies Member Posts: 1,158

    Watch your altruism definitely so many times I've seen hag snowball from stupid plays regarding hook saves.

    Also while she downs and I'd carrying someone take time to brake her set ups.

    Hopefully this helps 🐷💖

  • Mister_Holdout
    Mister_Holdout Member Posts: 3,144

    Usually, I try and keep track of all the places where I'm pretty sure the Hag hasn't set any traps. Then, if she chases me I run to the side of the map with no traps.

  • Darkandsinful
    Darkandsinful Member Posts: 39

    This is just my oppinion as a hag main and occasional survivor against a hag.

    1. The first 1:00 to 1:30 is crucial that is when im laying my web, i'm in it for the long game so do as much generator totem damage as you can while im busy.

    2. Never run to a hooked survivor.

    3. Never run when saved off hook. Pisses off the survivor that just unhooked you cause you wasted their precious time.

    4. Swf helps but a good hag is still a good hag friends or not.

    5. When i set up a trap near a hook i only drop 1 anything more is a waste bad hags will drop more then 1 so watch where the hag sets their traps. I will also set a trap where i think you may run or your comrades might run from so watch.

    6. If a hag drops someone wait for them to actually pick them up before you start running because i will ignore the potato and go for you.

    7. Just because im chasing someone and have them injured does not mean i will only stick with that person. if you set off a trap while im in a chase i will go for you. Some hags do some dont depends on the hag.

    8. Expect traps in unexpected places, i dont always set near a generator or in a choke hold sometimes i will set in the open. it really is a guessing game so just always be aware.

    9. If looping near a pallet and you drop the pallet if i set a trap down and continue chase stay away from pallet. i always chuckle when they jump over the pallet after setting off the trap just to get hit by me then jump back over as i port and drop them. I dont always teleport.

    10. Stay the hell away from the basement if you get dropped a good team will leave you to die cause that's just asking for a rectal exam without lube.

    11. hags have poor visability being so short so use that to your advantage.

    12. have fun

  • onemind
    onemind Member Posts: 3,089

    Try to keep track of where she's placing traps and keep triggering them also pro tip look at the trap when you trigger it so you you dont turn your entire body and get stuck within lung range

  • CashelP14
    CashelP14 Member Posts: 5,564

    Hope your in a swf. If your not then just give up tbh.

    Hag is just Hag.

  • Jacoby2041
    Jacoby2041 Member Posts: 843

    Step 1: Dive bomb a locker

    Step 2: Wait

    Step 3: Die

  • RaSavage42
    RaSavage42 Member Posts: 5,546

    Kindred... to see how many traps if at all she places near the hook (sometimes I do others I don't)

    She's 110 movement speed take advantage

    Hag's tend to have a plan... 3 genning, basement, ETC... annoy/ disrupt... if you're good at chases try to stay close to her (I don't those types of survivors when playing Hag)

    Also be aware of addons... I tend to use teleport distance/ trap duration with setting time mixed in (sometimes I'll teleport instantly while other times I'll wait a bit... if a trap is set off far away I'll walk toward it to teleport depending on the situation)

  • ALostPuppy
    ALostPuppy Member Posts: 3,398

    If you're with friends, run into her traps, run out of her little web, heal, and repeat until you get all the gens. If someone gets in the basement just rush gens because Hags are way too insecure to go far away from the basement. If someone's on another hook rush gens and then try and trade before they get sacrificed.

    If you're solo just die on hook, it's not worth even trying.

  • SwampViking
    SwampViking Member Posts: 34

    Don't let yourself 3 gen, ignore basement hooks, crouch for saves and gens

  • edgarpoop
    edgarpoop Member Posts: 8,253

    Hag is super exploitable. She's just made a career out of that one bad teammate.

    As others have said, be mindful around hooks. Crouch to save and make sure you're holding crouch as you get unhooked.

    Pay attention to gen layout and focus on eliminating any 3 gens.

    Set off traps when she picks someone up. Make her spend time resetting her web.

    This is the biggest one that almost nobody does in pubs: in a chase, hold W up the edges of the map. The Hag is not going to commit traps to the walls of the map. Run early and force her to close the distance as a powerless 110% killer. Even if you take a hit, W in a straight line on the edge of the map all the way across the map. It takes a 110% killer forever to close distance. She either commits and loses all her pressure or she gets nothing out of you. Once you're well outside of her web, then you can loop like normal. But don't try to play loops on her half of the map. You'll die quickly.

    If you're in a chase and she traps a tile, leave it. You have plenty of time to make it to the next one.

  • TheClownIsKing
    TheClownIsKing Member Posts: 6,278
    1. Vault spam or locker spam.
    2. Wait till Hag arrives.
    3. Point at hook.
    4. Walking over and sit under hook.
    5. Suicide.
  • GannTM
    GannTM Member Posts: 10,869

    I think to counter a Hag, you need to do your best to spread out the remaining gens. If you get Hag in a really good 3-gen scenario, it's about impossible to win. That's why a good SWF team can bully Hags.

  • megswifey
    megswifey Member Posts: 826

    I'm a basic b, I use UE in every match because I like bein sneaky but it helps with PH's trails, Hag's traps, and sometimes even dodging hatchets lol! Crouch wherever you think traps might be, and I like to do gens with other people because it forces her to choose one person to chase per trap trigger/gen and slows her down! Hope that helps a bit

  • sojalol
    sojalol Member Posts: 35

    If you are decent at looping you follow her around and trigger all her traps after she places them or while she's carrying a survivor to a hook. Note that this will get you facecamped about approx. 75% of the time though.