The Dead by Daylight team would like your feedback in a Player Satisfaction survey!

What Killer(s) Do You Like Going Against?

For me, It's Pig and Blight.


  • gendoss
    gendoss Member Posts: 2,270

    Demogorgon, bubba, hillbilly, huntress, myers, oni, most of them honestly.

  • Kebek
    Kebek Member Posts: 3,676

    Nurse, spirit, hunress, deathslinger, pyramind head. I love facing strong chase killers, doing my best to read them.

  • FFirebrandd
    FFirebrandd Member Posts: 2,445

    Legion, Deathslinger, Nurse, and Blight are my favorites to go against. Unfortunately Blight and Nurse are super rare.

  • Luciferr_2nd
    Luciferr_2nd Member Posts: 911

    Huntress and Demogorgon, also Myers.

  • Malum_Midnight
    Malum_Midnight Member Posts: 366

    When I do play survivor on rare occasions, I love playing against pig

  • Yamaoka
    Yamaoka Member Posts: 4,321
    edited January 2021

    Demogorgon, Pyramid Head and Oni come to mind.

    Demo has such great chase music and his shred is a decent zoning tool forcing you to think outside the box at cerain loops. As a result the chase feels more intense than a regular M1 killer.

    Pyramid Head is basically the same thing. His shockwave (when used for more than just zoning) forces you into a lot of mindgames whenever line of sight is interrupted for a brief moment. Will he shoot through the wall or will he come around the corner to M1 me ? Is it a god-like Pyramid that goes for flick shots making it hella difficult to dodge POTD ?

    And Oni ? Well, his agile instadown is one of the scariest things in the game so it's pretty self explanatory why I find him exciting to go against. I love his chase music, too.

  • EntitySpawn
    EntitySpawn Member Posts: 4,233

    Any killer but trapper, f trapper in solo queue lol

  • WantToKnow
    WantToKnow Member Posts: 51

    Everything else than Bubba, Freddy or Spirit

  • QwQw
    QwQw Member Posts: 4,531

    Demo, Bubba, and Oni are my favorites to play against.

  • Mr_K
    Mr_K Member Posts: 9,184


  • hatchking
    hatchking Member Posts: 312

    Nea with self care bond empathy and urban evasion

  • JimboMason
    JimboMason Member Posts: 759

    Pyramid Head, Oni, and weirdly Doc

  • Blueberry
    Blueberry Member Posts: 13,590

    Blight, Huntress, Spirit, Nurse

    All fun because they change up the game play and make me do things differently than I normally would in order to counter them.

    Like 90% of the roster is countered in generally speaking the same way.

  • Slashstreetboy
    Slashstreetboy Member Posts: 1,811

    I like to face Killers I play a lot myself. Trapper, Myers and Oni for example. Still mad at teammates stepping in the most obvious, badly placed traps that I know for a fact would NEVER work if I used them like that myself....

  • Karao_Ke
    Karao_Ke Member Posts: 1,221

    Anyone other than Spirit, dear god.

    To be more specific though, there just aren't enough Demo doggos in this entity realm, which is understandable considering how bad his kit is (imo). We just want the to pet the good bois :(

    I also like to go against Bubba, especially tinkerer Bubba, that's when the real adrenaline kicks in. And Pig. Boop that snoot!

  • magicmaster2020
    magicmaster2020 Member Posts: 499

    Any killers as long as the player isn't a complete [bad word]

  • Dwight_Fairfield
    Dwight_Fairfield Member Posts: 6,890

    Mikey is always a fun match for me. I also like facing Oni, Clown, Bubba (they are much more fun since his rework, seem to have lost the love for camping), and Demo (but he is very rare).

  • DBD78
    DBD78 Member Posts: 3,455

    Demogorgon, Oni, Hag.

  • Equus
    Equus Member Posts: 324

    I love facing killers that I have played a lot so legion, spirit and pig are up top. I can also really appreciate a great nurse.

  • Jarol
    Jarol Member Posts: 1,985

    Hillbilly and Myers.

  • Yords
    Yords Member Posts: 5,781

    Oni, hillbilly, and demogorgon

  • Kellie
    Kellie Member Posts: 1,328

    Pig, Wraith, Demo, Hag, and any M2 killer.

  • GannTM
    GannTM Member Posts: 10,866

    Pig Spirit Blight Billy

  • vacaman
    vacaman Member Posts: 1,140
    edited January 2021

    Bubba and Billy. The chainsaw dudes make very fun chases. Also like nurses (in moderation) because of the unique way to juke her. Oh and the ranged killers like Deathslinger and Huntress, they also have a different approach to the chase.

    The only killer that i think i hate in a chase is spirit because I might aswell go gamble in the casino before guessing what she's gonna do. Or stealth her wich is also boring.

  • Mikeasaurus
    Mikeasaurus Member Posts: 2,327

    Demo because I love his chase music and he is a fun killer to VS. Also Ghostface just because he legit still frightens the crap out of me when he just 'appears' from nowhere and grabs me off a gen

  • HellDescent
    HellDescent Member Posts: 4,883

    Billy, hag and legion

  • danielmaster87
    danielmaster87 Member Posts: 9,085

    Any killer except Nurse, Hag, or Leatherface.

  • TripleSteal
    TripleSteal Member Posts: 1,298

    Hillbilly and huntress

  • EvanSnowWolf
    EvanSnowWolf Member Posts: 1,583

    I like facing Trapper because I feel like I am allowed to play the game and if I lose it is because I was legitimately outsmarted, as opposed to losing to an insta-down maneuver or a teleport/phase move.

  • boostedsurvivormain
    boostedsurvivormain Member Posts: 399

    My favorites to play against are: Demo, Oni, Blight, Hillbilly

  • ChiSoxFan11
    ChiSoxFan11 Member Posts: 1,093

    I love facing off against a good Nurse. There's that moment when you first hear them blinking and realize it's a Nurse you're against, and you wonder, "Is this just a Nurse, or a GOOD Nurse?". When you realize you're facing someone who's put the time and effort to play her well, there's a rush of adrenaline that goes with knowing you need to be at your best to have a chance to survive, and that for me is a lot of fun.

  • Dwigtht
    Dwigtht Member Posts: 462

    Baby Nurse

  • RepliCant
    RepliCant Member Posts: 1,436

    Nurse and billy, someone please give me a time machine back to 2017.

  • SnakeSound222
    SnakeSound222 Member Posts: 4,467

    Any Killer except Trapper, Ghostface, Hag, and Huntress.

  • Zayn
    Zayn Member Posts: 365

    Billy, Demo, Huntress (When the hitboxes or latency isn't screwing me over), Blight, Nurse depending on the map and Bubba if he isn't running Bamboozle since the chase isn't just predropping pallets and instead dynamic.

  • Mnhh.... honestly? I don't mind any killer really if the skill match feels fair.

    The problem I have is that either we all escape with little effort or it's nearly impossible. When a match is close, win or lose as long as it is very close, I love it.

    Even more so when everyone is good sports about it in the end.