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Pig Buff Brainstorm

For me, playing Pig is a very tedious process. In my opinion she's far too luck based, and if luck is on the Survivor's side, she completely loses her main power and has no way of regenerating it. I think that at least the RNG for her traps needs to be reworked. I think it would be much better in a Trapper RNG style. Like so; first box searched has a 15% success chance, second box has a 30% success chance, third box has a 50% success chance, and fourth box has a 100% success chance. The RNG can also be tweaked to work for add-ons, although I do believe some of her add-ons should simply be reworked.

Lastly is her crouch and ambush ability. Without this, Pig would indefinitely be the weakest Killer. I wouldn't touch the time it takes for her to crouch or uncrouch. Instead, I would lower the ambush time and make the roar come later, giving survivors less time to run away.

(Upon revision, I'm not sure if that would be too overpowered or not, but I'm sure about the base power RNG part.)


  • Shymare_11
    Shymare_11 Member Posts: 494

    I think that pig’s ambush attack can be changed to where if the pig uses it and they are within hitting distance of a survivor, instead of the survivor taking damage (and the survivor is in an action like repairing or vaulting), a short animation occurs where she places a trap on their head with the survivor remaining at the health state they are at and having the hit cool down (though it will be 30% shorter and it can be affected by unrelenting and save the best for last). Otherwise, if the survivor is already in an animation or the pig has no more traps, it is a normal hit with a shorter cool down for both successful and missed attacks. Traps can still be placed when the survivor is downed.

    Other changes are, her traps automatically activate when placed on a survivor’s head, however, the timer is paused if the survivor is in a chase, in the dying health state, has the deep wounds status effect, is hooked, or attempting to remove their trap. When the timer is paused, it resets (the time is shortened because of this).

    The puzzle boxes are changed to allow for all sides to be used to remove traps, however only survivor can use it at any one moment. Survivors can no longer achieve great skill checks for puzzle boxes.

    Pig should also get more traps and obviously the roaring should be removed for when she ambushes with more dedicated addons for it as well.

    Some ideas here:

    •Rusty Blade [ultra rare or very rare]: Ambushing with traps and resulting in the survivor getting a reverse bear trap placed on their head causes the trapped survivor, if the survivor is healthy, to additionally become injured by one health state. If the survivor is injured, they suffer the deep wounds status effect.

    •Septic Gears [rare]: Any traps placed while ambushing take moderately (25%) longer to remove.

    •Remote Radar Sensor [ultra rare]: When a survivor removes their bear trap, the Pig can the aura of all survivors that do not have a trap for 3 seconds.

    •Heel Guards [uncommon]: Moderately (+8%) increases your movement speed while crouched and ambushing.

    •Jigsaw Hand [common]: Remain undetectable slightly (+3 seconds) longer after uncrouching or ambushing.

  • Mooks
    Mooks Member Posts: 14,709

    Jigsaw boxes should give a negative status effect after being used, to better represent the games/traps from the movies. Something like Deep Wounds or Blindness after removing the trap. It almost alway required self injury to escape in the movies..

    Ambush is pretty cool as is, but needs some QoL adjustments, better maneuverability for controller for example, the roar should come a little bit later..

  • Huge_Bush
    Huge_Bush Member Posts: 5,303

    Pig Buff-

    If a survivor is unhooked while wearing a reverse bear trap, the survivor will transform into a little pig, wandering around for 30 seconds unable to perform any action except healing teammates. Transformed survivors will squeal once they heal a teammate to full. They also have increased healing while in piggy form.

  • TrollToll
    TrollToll Member Posts: 77

    revert her to her launch status when she had smaller terror radius and endgame traps. also make brown crouch addons basekit so its more usable.

  • Phasmamain
    Phasmamain Member Posts: 11,531

    They probably won’t do the terror radius for consistency sake. But I’d rather them makes traps less rng instead of endgame traps. This makes the pig better able to manage her timing on her traps and causes less survivor frustration due to bad rng

  • danielmaster87
    danielmaster87 Member Posts: 9,108

    The most creative idea I came up with is giving her a second, different kind of trap. I know reverse beartrap is a staple of the SAW movies, but it isn't the only trap. There's rummaging through syringes, holding your breath, cutting the key out of yourself or someone else. The SAW games have loads of ideas, like the shotgun traps at doorways or the gear puzzles. There's just so much they could do with her.

  • ukenicky
    ukenicky Member Posts: 1,352

    This. This this this this this.

    I think Pig would benefit MASSIVELY from the reduced TR. End game traps just need to be a thing somehow anyways. I understand that they're great for slowing down the the match but it's insulting that they're completely useless after the last generator is complete with no way to trigger them.

    Maybe powering the Exit Gate could activate traps?

    Anyways, aside from all that I think Pig is pretty good and underrated. Maybe buff certain add ons.

    I really wish they'd completely rework the skill check add ons to be something more unique but I don't think that's ever going to happen.