Why is a new HUD needed?

Why is a new HUD needed when the current one is perfectly fine? I've been asking myself this question ever since the 4.5.0 PTB. I think the new HUD looks like it belongs in a mobile game and it's placement takes up too much of the screen. I think BHVR should implement a modular HUD so you can move the different elements around.
I don't think it's needed or appreciated. It feels like a slap to the face when you consider the other issues they could be working on. They could have worked on a new HUD so they don't have to balance the actual game?
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I have to question BHVR's prioritises when it comes to this game. No one asked for a new HUD but people have been asking for optimization since 2019.
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Well, if they're gonna change things nobody asked for, they could've at least changed them for the better.
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That too. I mean if they wanted to change the HUD they should have taken a page from MMOs. Let us customize the HUD. Allow us to move the various windows to where we want them. The old HUD everything I needed to know was in one spot. Now I need to look at the bottom left, the middle left, and the middle top to get all the info that used to be in the same place.
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I saw this posted in the 4.5.0 PTB feedback section and it pretty much sums up the issues with the new HUD, credit to the creator.
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its not, there just doing it cause they think its a good change when its the exact opposite.
im just wondering when they community will give up on them so they will stop doing this #########.
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I like it.
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What do you like about it?
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I actually DO want to know what names are attached to what Survivor models, thanks.
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Everything. Why?
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In the stream they said they basically wanted some new info and felt like the old HUD didn't offer the space for it. The new info is fine and very welcome, although I think the hook count for killer is redundant and the hook count as survivors see it would be better. But the rearrangement is imo totally unnecessary and scattered, as many have already stated. You need to look everywhere now, rather than bottom left and bottom right. depending on your build you even wouldn't need the bottom right.
The following alternative was already posted on this forum and contains all information they brought in while having no rearrangement necessary at all. I like that one way better than the PTB version
Also pointing out that the PTB version still replaces the portraits when slugged or hooked, so just a half finished attempt for me, compared to this image. I also prefer the sketch style of the portraits, fits better to the rest of the icons, compared to the PTB version. Why do we still have 2D black&white gen and hook icon but colored '3D' portraits? The whole new layout doesn't seem consistent to me
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Just give us the option to switch between the new and the old one because i don't like the new one at all. I believe it's not that hard.
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Literally how?
It's aesthetically unappealing.
From a visual design standpoint, the CGI character heads make no sense when the rest of the images are drawn images, it should be the portraits as shown above. It's confusing, offputting, and confusing. The injured effect is also bad, since it's not as immediately obvious as the current downed image. Its location doesn't help it either.
Speaking of which.
From a game design standpoint, it makes no sense. The information is all over the place, there is too much negative space and too little information with one look. You'll need to move your eyes to multiple locations to get all the info you'd need, this is bad. Players should get as much information as possible with as little eye movement as possible to not spend too much time knowing what they need to do and what is going on.
Literally nothing about it works as it has been shown.
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Everyone has their own opinion. I personally love it.
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From what I've gathered, they're implementing a new HUD for two reasons. One, in preparation for adding new elements to it. Two, to get the game e-sports ready.
I hate the new HUD. It's visually unappealing and it's difficult to use. In a game of hide and seek where you need as much of your screen as uncluttered as possible so you can catch glimpses of the enemy. they've decided to scatter distractions all around the edges. Keeping as much of it in the bottom corners as possible was the best. The majority of my screen was free so I could try to spot the killer or the Claudette stealthing in a bush, but the icons were large so I could see the information in my peripheral vision.
While playing killer I've actually been annoyed by the Undetectable smokey edge effect that wavers on the sides of the screen, because it can be distracting and limits what I can discern along the edges of the screen. This HUD is along those same lines.
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If the HUD change goes live this only reinforces the fact that BHVR doesn't listen to feedback. It's not a change we can all get used to over time as it's so poorly executed.
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But what if the new HUD will go live with changes? Then you will admit that BHVR does listen to feedback?
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Said it in other threads about this, but it all smells very much of 'let's optimize the HUD for esports, at the cost of regular gameplay':
The hookstate? Get points in a tournament for how far it progresses/how fast you save someone
The pointevents? irrelevant in a tournament as they are automatically counted.
So yeah, it all feels as if this is meant solely for tournament playing, but not regular playing. And even in tournaments this is more hindering than helpful, as this HUD is for those keeping track of points, aka the judges/spectators, not the players.
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If something is current fine then it does not mean that it does not need to be updated. If devs want to make the game always relevant, then let them do so, the new HUD has problems, but this does not mean that we have to go back to the old one and live the old, devs just need to correct the mistakes.
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It’s to accomodate new features they have planned in future releases.
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I would welcome that.
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What honestly baffles me is the fact that not one person in the design team thought this new HUD was bad whereas essentially the whole community finds it to be poorly designed.
The worst part is that despite everyone I’ve seen commenting on the new HUD (streamers, forum users, even Fog Whisperers) disliking the new HUD, it’s most likely going to be in regardless.
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I suggested a modular HUD similar to what you see in MMOs.
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Oh sorry, I said about reverting changes cuz almost anybody want to just reverse changes and it annoys me. Your suggestion sounds cool anyway
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No worries, thanks!
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Wouldn't it be a better idea to wait with the new HUD until they have those important features for it ready?
Because otherwise it sounds like we get something unfinished here
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They already added a new feature with the hook count. Other things may follow and you can’t expect them to make a complete new overhaul for every new little feature..
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My guess is they plan on adding a new gamemode which requires this hud to add more players and more things to be added on the screen. What I think should be done is give the option to adjust where you want things to be on screen. I cant see how that would be too hard to add
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Careful about having those on these forums friend. Some will have to go out of their way to tell you why you shouldn't. :O
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A good UI is a simple UI.
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Agreed, less is more...
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Glad you like the image.. You're welcome :) Honestly there's a lot more wrong with it than those 9 POV's; but I didn't want to tear the HUD apart too much
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You did a great job critiquing the new HUD, thanks for sharing it.