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Why do you leave teammates behind?



  • Member Posts: 2,452

    I can understand this. Sometimes you have a bad day and just want to have the challenge done. You never know when you get this far again with randoms.

    And im the guy who normally doesnt care. I try to save against a camping myers with instadown when im alone. Without bt. I die so many times bc of it, but when it works it feels great. And nobody expects a random teammate to do it. They are really grateful.

    I dont expect others to do it but for me its more fun then to escape.

  • Member Posts: 2,358

    Lets ask this too. Why do 2 people start a gen together after someone is hooked. See that the obsession is being chased. Complete the first gen and go to another gen and leave the solo q to die on first hook?

    To me that is worse than being left at end game.

  • Member Posts: 629

    I did 3 out of the five gens while you urban evaded around the entire map then got caught

  • Member Posts: 312

    Facecamp noed

  • Member Posts: 294

    I don't. I selflessly sacrifice myself. Mad a few friends that way.

  • Member Posts: 4,883

    I play solo and 50% of the time my teammates are useless, so I'll happily leave them behind. Other situation is when killer plays like an a-hole and I don't want to give him more points or another kill

  • Member Posts: 8,816

    There's literally dozens of reasons to leave. It might be as simple as I now have somewhere to be in real life, or I need to survive to finish a challenge or ritual. Could be several different killer perks or powers I don't want to risk going up against. It could be that I don't think you deserve to be saved. It could be the basement. Maybe I'm currently lagging and worried I'll get ######### over because of it. Maybe my game is glitched out. Maybe I think the killer is new or had a rough match and I don't want to give him a hard time. Maybe I just feel like leaving.

    I feel like this is something you could sit and think about for a couple minutes and come up with your own answers. Nobody is obligated to save you.

  • Member Posts: 1,710

    No way this is probably the best reason imo. Maybe if you already have all the stuff you need, but me i need the bloodpoints. I can risk 5k thats fine but 20k-60k thats like 1-3 good games, I ain't risking that there's too much bloodpoint grind to risk that.

  • Member Posts: 153

    I run kindred so I can tell right away if someone is being camped. And depending on the killer and if I see anyone else near I won’t do it. Either way even if I got them off and I end up on the hook it’s just trading places and the killer gets even more points for that.

  • Member Posts: 2,632

    The only annoying thing is when you carry the game for Meg, Claudette, or Bill to just bail on you. Then they go and say they did everything.

  • Member Posts: 127

    I've only had a few matches where people just left. Sometimes it's people that didn't even do much during the match. I always try to get the gate to 99% and make sure my teammates are safe before I open the gate. I always try to do a rescue unless the Killer forces me out. Even if the Killer has NOED, while I get downed and hooked - I want people to go rescue the other person. I don't care if I die. And if I can't save the person, then we'll die together xD

    Usually when there is a NOED, everyone looks for the totem before attempting a save. I remember a teammate of mine in one match getting downed and hooked because the Killer had NOED. The other two teammates left because I believe they were forced out. I was trying to decide if I wanted to attempt a rescue or not. I'm not good at looping and juking. I decided to look for the totem quickly and I found it and cleansed it. The Killer was staying close to the hook, but I managed to rescue my teammate and we both got out. To my surprise, my teammate thanked me in the chat. It made me so happy xD;

    I've also left by accident. I haven't figured out exactly where the actual exit part is. I'll try to get as close as possible but end up leaving instead.

    If I do get hooked and there's NOED or the Killer is camping - I just want people to leave. It's not worth risking their lives to save me. If the Killer is camping, I often try to stay hooked as long as possible so people can finish gens and open the gates. The Killer ain't leaving me, so they're safe to do things. But in doing that, people will try to rescue me. I end up yelling at the screen "No no no no! Stay away! It's not worth it! uB"

  • Member Posts: 1,201

    Some killer players can be intimidating weather they have a one hit down or not. My altruism has limits and you will have to have impressed me as a good player to go back in sometimes.

  • Member Posts: 3,275
    edited January 2021

    I will only bail if:

    • 1) The killer has NOED.
    • 2) The killer is behaving in a way that indicates they have Blood Warden (downing someone and then opening a gate themselves, etc.).
    • 3) A teammate opens the gate and starts the timer, then someone gets downed and picked up (this is an extension of the Blood Warden fear).
    • 4) If I have some annoying Tome challenge that I desperately want to get behind me, that requires escaping, I won't bail outright but I will be less likely to take big risks (very rare for this to happen, and I will always stick it out for as long as I can).

    Otherwise, I always try to go back and unhook or provide a distraction. At the very least, if the gate is already open and I'm not actively engaged in the shenanigans, I will stay in the match so the killer has to account for the fact that I have not left yet.

    EDIT: Oh, or if someone is a colossal dingus who is constantly sandbagging or doing literally nothing, I probably won't stick my neck out for them if everyone else is safe and we have a clean getaway.

    Post edited by Rydog on
  • Member Posts: 5,449

    I looped a mediocre nurse for two gens. She got me in the end, my teammates finished the last gen and left me. I am done with console players. No more chances.

  • Member Posts: 1,710

    Yeah thats a good call ive had the same thing with both console players and pc players from now on every one no matter what should just leave regardless

  • Member Posts: 8,330

    When there's no NOED:

    I have challenge to escape.

    Player was one that screwed over the team a bunch during the match.

    Killer has instadown ability so avoiding giving them more kills.

    I had been left on first hook until struggle earlier in the match and they weren't the one that made effort to save me.

    I don't run BT and killer is face camping.

    I'm tired of the match and just want to move on to the next.

  • Member Posts: 100

    You can't be a survivor if you dont survive. And I've still piped when I was the only one

  • Member Posts: 9,419

    They served their purpose.

  • Member Posts: 282

    Sometimes it better to live to see another day than die trying to save someone.

  • Member Posts: 712

    Majority of the time for me it's because there is a challenge or achievement on the line (Adept Cheryl for example took me three "escapes" because the first two I WAS altruistic and got caught)

    Which leads into another point. It sucks to be altruistic and than see teammates just leave amd mot try to rescue you. I understand they have their own challenges and achievements so I never hold it against them, but it does suck. This may cause others to not br altruistic.

    My bro for example plays, and every time he goes to get an unhook or be altruistic it bites him and I end up being the only one who tries to help him. This has caused him to become the Urban Evadion Self Caring Cheryl in the back who uses Calm Spirit and Spine Chill and he hides if a Killer so much as farts in his direction.

  • Member Posts: 2,452

    What i meant was that you dont get 100% a pip for only surviving and you can get a pip when you not survive. Otherwise you could camp the hatch from the start.

    And the entity doesnt let you die, so you survive anyway. You survive even death ;)

  • Member Posts: 100

    I'm talking about endgame not really during the game. If your last left you find hatch and leave. Endgame if im injured and a teammates on hook or i don't think me or my teammates could make it back to escape imma leave. There are many variables on your decision making. Some games im personally like yea screw this im out. I view endgame as a free for all. Either stay behind to save others if they need it or leave.

  • Member Posts: 2,924

    Self Preservation, i'll save you from the hook but if i'm on death hook with no DS and i have the make the choice between saving you and possibly giving the killer 2 kills or leaving and denying him one then i'll pick leave every single time

  • I usually won’t.

    I will even die to get someone else out unless they did some really dumb things to others or to get themselves in that position, or if trying to get them out will result in just another kill on top of it.

    I mean if noed is active and you are being camped in basement the priorities are:

    -99 or open at least the nearest gate to you.

    -search for the totem to break it.

    -Save you.

    If there is no gate to run to, and we cannot find the totem there is nothing that can generally be done and we would just have to leave.

    I will also leave you if like we are all at open gates ready to go, and you try to t-bag a deathslinger with noed or something dumb instead of leaving and get shot and hit. I consider cases of natural selection not worth saving.

  • Member Posts: 2,340

    My survival is more important to me than your survival, just like in real life 😜. If you stumble while we are being chased by zombies...✌

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