matchmaking locked

kesLV Member Posts: 50

Just crashed dbd game. Started it again and what i see is ''matchmaking locked'' , saying temporary banned from matchmaking. It doesnt feel right kinda.. because its not my fault when the game crashes and giving temporary bans for that is not right times 2 :/

To fight against those who dc on purpos there should be implemented something different i gues, like ''flag'' those players and after some count ''dc's '' just ban them for a day or so ...


  • mrviirux
    mrviirux Member Posts: 6

    I'd say the system on DBD can't recongise if you DC or crash.

    It takes it you just DC'd from the game and you get locked out.

    But like you said you hate players who dc, so if thats the case your temp ban will only be 5minutes which is not very long to wait.

    If they changed it to a full day, when then people like you whos game crashed would be serving full 24 hour temp ban which would then give you cause to be annoyed about it.

    Their penalty system is very fair to be honest.

  • kesLV
    kesLV Member Posts: 50

    Dont think its fair, bc how can it be fair to ban me from mm after the game crashes wich is not my fault. But okey.. whaaaatever ;)

  • Clevite
    Clevite Member Posts: 4,335

    I used to agree with this. But through discussion on the forums I have had my mind changed a bit. If it is a rare occurrence, then by time you log back in your ban should be over.

    If it happens a lot, while sucky for you, It is still not fair to those you play with. To them it is the same as a DC.

  • JPLongstreet
    JPLongstreet Member Posts: 5,745

    Their system cannot tell the difference between an actual intentional disconnect and game crashes/connection issues, so it treats them all the same for penalty purposes.

  • WheresTheGate
    WheresTheGate Member Posts: 575

    I truly understand your frustration. For nearly 3 months after they implemented dedicated servers I experienced constant disconnections. DBD was the only thing giving me issues. I could stream 4k movies, do HD video calling that requires more upload and download speed than DBD. I could play any other online game and never once had an issue with any of those things.

    It was infuriating. I could only play 3 or 4 matches per day because I was almost guaranteed to be kicked out of at least a couple of them. I would end up having to go several days in a row without playing at all just to avoid a permanent ban. Eventually I just stopped having the problem. I didn't change anything about my internet. So I guess I have to give props to BHVR for changing whatever needed to be changed to make the dedicated servers more reliable.

    I will admit I was extremely angry during that time though. It was infuriating to not only not be able to play the game because of problems BHVR created, but was on the verge of being permanently banned for it on several occasions. In other words while I truly understand your frustration just know it could be way worse. The occasional unwarranted 5 minute penalty isn't too much to bear when you think about the time it saves you being involved in matches where 2 or 3 survivors DC for ridiculous reasons.

  • EvilJoshy
    EvilJoshy Member Posts: 5,295

    It's not fair but the alternative is worse. If people could DC on purpose and skip the dc penalty then the number of quitters would sky rocket. This way at least keeps those players out of the game if they keep doing it. I've had the 5 min ban happen to me too because of connection lost. Since I never quit I only got a 5 min ban. Is 5 mins really that much time? If they could tell the difference between a genuine DC and a quitter that would be great but as of now they can't.

    Id rather suffer the rare occasionally 5 min ban than allow all the quitters to get away with it.

  • MadEyePopo
    MadEyePopo Member Posts: 138

    I got matchmaking loss at least twice today and I did not disconnect, did not crash, and did not lose internet connection.or suffer from high latency.

    I not only lose my add-ons and offerings, but now have to wait 15 minutes. This appears to be a server problem. Not an issue client-side. I hate getting punished for it not being my fault. Plus, all the time I put into the trial and all the lost stacks. Sucks.

  • nateh1997
    nateh1997 Member Posts: 1

    This literally has been happening to me since I started. My game will freeze and then I can’t literally move. Like there’s nothing I can do on my end. Then it get locked out for 15 minutes. Like seriously. 😡😠