Oni or Deathslinger suggestions?

Considering spending some shards on one of the above mentioned, was looking for input from their respective mains. What makes them most enjoyable to you? And any tricks i need to know asap when learning them.
One of the best builds for Oni is: Corrupt, BBQ, Monitor & Abuse, Infectious Fright
Be prepared for a bit of a learning curve, using Oni on certain tiles is a bit more fiddly than it looks if you watch a good Oni player.
Hit up youtube for some tutorial vids, these are usually the best place to start.
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i play both and i like them both a lot. although I find them both fun in different ways. slinger is really good in 1v1 scenarios and oni has ridiculous amounts of snowball chances if you're good with him. with oni knowing how to use your power is very crucial and of course with slinger you need some decent aim as well.
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I play a lot of Deathslinger myself. It's hard to give exact advice on specific shots, because a lot of it just comes with using his power and learning from mistakes. I would say don't be afraid to attempt risky shots when learning him. If I have a game that is basically over I'll mess around in chase attempting shots I would normally not do just to see what objects can be shot through and if landing a shot through those objects is useful.
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I love playing them both. Oni csn be Fiddly on tiles like JPA said but you'll get the hang of it.
And with Slinger? I just love hitting insane quick scope shots with him.
For Oni I run Corrupt, Ruin, BBQ and Infections Fright. I'm in the process of getting back to red ranks but this build is still to let me down.
On Slinger I run the Meta gen defence build. Tinkered, Ruin&Undying and Discordance (sometimes I swap out Discordance for corrupt if I feel lucky.) and he's honestly the most fun I've had in DBD in awhile. When gens are less of an issue killer is alot less stressful thus more fun.
But general tips?
For Deathslinger his reeling meter dosent appear for half a second after hitting a survivor, during this half a second he can still move around corners, take advantage of this!
For Oni when dashing with your power try to strafe from side to side, It'll make Demon Dash which is usually easily avoided harder to evade as the survivors will have to guess
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Both killers are worth the shards.
Deathslinger is slow which can cost him map pressure. But his chase potential is pretty consistent.
Oni on the other hand is just an M1 killer until he has his power up. But once you have your power up, Oni can absolutely wreck survivors that are grouped up. The key is learning when to use your power and using it effectively.
Overall, both killers should serve you well. The question is do you want a killer that is consistently good in chases, or a killer that has tremendous snowball potential?
Once you decide, there's plenty of gameplay for you to watch on Twitch. I know ScottJund has an Oni guide on YouTube.
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I usually pick Deathslinger when I've gotten sick of dealing with looping. The Redeemer and his reeling mechanics make it so he can inflict injuries over anything and get downs over a lot of loops.
In addition, one thing I personally enjoyed about Deathslinger that you may want to know is that you don't have to build him in such a way to make his already good 1v1 potential even stronger. So while M&A and StBfL are good on him, you can take him in other directions. The two I've been most fond of is my... "Deep Wound" build and my "Koolaid Man" build, which both focus on making him much better at bothering more than 1 survivor at a time. The Deep Wound build essentially is built around Sloppy Butcher and then 3 perks that can give info mid chase and basically breaks chase every time one goes off assuming the current chase is injured, even better if they've been Deep Wounded because fully recovering from that will take them a very long time. Currently my other 3 perks are Tinkerer, Deathbound, and Discordance. The Koolaid Man build is based around the fact that Deathslinger carrying somebody with Agitation equipped is either just as fast as or a measily 1.5% slower than Deathslinger without someone on his shoulder. Essentially the idea is to down a Survivor, pick them up, Agi walk him to a hook close to the gen you want to contest, hook, pop the gen, repeat. The guy on your shoulder isn't doing gens while he's up there, meanwhile you're going where you need to be next, your temporary 36m Terror Radius is potentially scaring other Survivors off doing what they were doing, and you frequently get to hook somebody next to an in progress gen which kind of shuts it down.
I just realized that Oppression would work perfect in the Koolaid Man build... Agi, Pop, Thrilling, Oppression. I'm gonna need to throw some more BP at Deathslinger because I don't think I have Oppression on him yet.
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Perkwise id say there both about the same as bad with Oni having the better ones imo, Oni is more fun to go against. Id say Oni is harder but more satisfying to master and deathslinger is easier. And Oni is the better killer overall.
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Oni because he is not only morally superior, he is just better. He is mobile, lethal, and can slaughter survivors if you know what you are doing.
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Many good tips everyone,
I like hearing about your experiences builds, I'm definitely gonna give the cowboy a good go