At this point, toxicity just makes me laugh

And you all should laugh too. I get it - this game can get competitive at times. But take a step back and recognize this is just a casual game meant for fun. Yeah, fun! You all remember what fun used to feel like!
In a twisted sort of way, I welcome toxicity if only to point and laugh. It's one of those things about DBD that will never change because people will never change. And I unironically take joy in that silly fact.
So I encourage you all to pop a fresh bag of corns. Kick back, relax, and enjoy the clown show :D
~See you in the Fog!
I agree. I'm a killer main and there are things in-game that can genuinely get me tilted, but I just use those opportunities to practice calming techniques. Post-game chat is my domain, though. I don't get tilted in post-game chat, that's my world! haha I'm a 7th grade English teacher and when people rage in chat I correct their grammar and send them on their way. So much salt!!
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I'm the same. A lot of the BS used to get to me. I'd end up yelling at my TV in frustration. Then I realized how ridiculous I sounded and made it a point to relax. Now I either laugh or roll my eyes at survivors/killers when they are being *****.
Also what is a bag of corns?
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Seriously. All these people talking about what they hate and don't like is so pathetic. This is a very fun GAME that constantly has me laughing. Well said man.
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Pop.. corns.. y'know cuz they pop n' stuff :D
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After a few thousand hours in this game you realize how pointless it is to get annoyed :)
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I grew up playing games like dota 2, CS:GO, and league of legends, all of which make DBD look like a hug box in comparison. Some days I miss being yelled at in broken russian just how and where to kill myself. For the most part, the toxicity in this game doesn't bother me.
What does bother me a little however is how pointless it is. Survivors who wait at the exit gate to tbag the rank 13 wraith I'm watching, or people who kill themselves on hook 2 seconds in, ect. Like, if you're upset at something the other side has done, go nuts. If it's just for the sake of being an ######### tho, rethink your life choices.
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I don’t find it funny anymore, I used to; now it honestly just depresses me more than anything...
especially when I see that it is often defended or even endorsed/rewarded.
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The secret is to ramble on about something not related. I find people get angry and leave chat fairly quickly when all they get out of me is quoting I Want It That Way in its entirety.
Its intresting to see how far through the song someone will stop telling me to kill myself.
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100% it got to me when I first started but after so many hours you know there's always going to be players who want to do it so just shrug it off and don't worry about it. Besides why upset yourself over what someone's doing in a video game, I'm to grown to be worrying about things like that.
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This is brilliant. I'm totally stealing this idea.