Killer Concept: The Damned

The Damned
All the stuff in between the dashes is just a back story here. I also put dashes at the end of other paragraphs to sorta make it easier to read.
I'm not particularly proud of this concept, and it's unedited, so it might look like I had a stroke while righting this
---------------------------------------Arthur Veil, that was his name. It was all he had; it was all he could hold onto in this black abyss, his only grasp on reality lied in his name. Or was it? All of a sudden, he was in a massive church, abandoned and forgotten. He could a man with his back to him, praying to a rotted crucifix. He seemed to be as forgotten as this church, his ripped clothes, his balding white head, his skin which seemed to be gray and cracked. Arthur could have assumed he were dead if it weren’t for the fact that the man was coughing profusely in between long, quavering breaths. Carefully edged to the man, perhaps to tap see if he need medical attention. As he creeped over the musty carpets and fallen beams, his leg fell through the rotted wood floor boards. He struggled to break free to no avail. The praying man jerked to life. He swung around, and revealed a horrific face. His cracked, lifeless skin, his tongue lolling out of his jawless mouth, his empty white eyes. What really frightened Arthur, however, was his hands. On hand seemed to be burned to the bone, and his right was impaled with a crucifix. The man shrieked and started running at him, if it could be called running. Arthur panicked and began pulling his leg free. It hurt like hell, but he couldn’t stop pulling and thrashing. When the creature was only a few feet away, Arthur yanked at, dislocating it from his hip. He closed his eyes and screamed in pain. He heard a thud and looked down to see the creature was now crawling towards him, his leg limp. It was now only a few inches away from him. It reached out it’s hand that was impaled with the crucifix, and touched his face, the pointed tip cutting Arthur’s for arm. It hissed what vaguely sounded like the words “Arthur Veil”. He looked down at the creatures arm to see a long thin cut oozing a thick red pus and he screamed.
He opened his eyes to a world unlike his own, he saw other people in the mist, and while he couldn’t remember how he got there, nor his past, he could remember his name… Arthur Veil------------------------------------------------
"""""tl;dr The Damned and Arthur Veil are the same person, the Archives would tell you how he became that monster"""""""
32 meter TR
Medium Height
--------Shame of the Damned/Cursed Sight
I wasn‘t always like this…
Hitting a survivor grants you a stack of “Shame of the Damned” each token increases your TR by 6 meters and increases your lunge by 5%
Tokens are consumed used to enhance “Absolution”.
Hooking survivors grants you a stack of “Cursed Sight”. Each token increases your fov by 6 and your movement speed by 5%
Cursed Sight tokens are used to activate “Blasphemous Concoction “ --------
--------Secondary active: switch stances
Switch between your right hand, which has a normal lunge and gain access to “Absolution”, or your left hand, which has no lunge and gain access to “Blasphemous Concotion”-------
They must be sinners like me…
You can use absolution on a downed survivor. You impale them with the crucifix in your hand. Survivors who are impaled can’t move or recover, and suffer from the blindness status. Survivors can attempt to escape, increasing the speed of the bleed out timer. Other survivors can pull out the crucifix and then preform a short animation to pull up the survivor. Survivors who are pulled up this way suffer from the Hemorrhage and Mangled status affect and cannot heal other survivors while injured.
If you have 1-3 tokens, you increase the time it takes for a survivor to remove the crucifix. At 4 tokens, impaling a survivor counts towards your hook progress. At 5 tokens you can pull down a standing pallet
Crucifixes and be placed on windows, pallets, and generators. You can place up to 6 crucifixes. These crucifixes can be pulled out by you or the survivors. Crucifixes pulled out by survivors must be picked up to use them again--------
----------Blasphemous Concotion
This must explain the burns…
Start with 3 tokens
Use the active ability to pour your concoction on the ground, leaving a steaming residue on the ground. Pouring the liquid uses up your power gauge. Once the gauge is empty, a token will be spent to refill it.
The concoction lasts 75 seconds and can be poured on pallets, windows, and downed survivors. Survivors that interact are affected with the “Scorned” Status affect. Survivors that are Scorned leave a sent trail that only you can see. Scorned survivors that interact crucifixes or objects that have a crucifix on it are damaged an additional health state. (If you recall his right hand was impaled with a crucifix)
Survivor can attempt to cleanse themselves by interacting with a crucifix. Survivor receive 3 tremendously difficult skill checks, succeeding all 3 will remove the Scorned status affect and heal them. Failing any of the skill checks will damage you for 1 health state.--------
---------Hex: Damnation
For each great skill check a Survivor gets, the next time they let go of that generator it loses 6/8/10% progress. Good skill checks are now invisible--------
If there is a Survivor within a 12 degree cone in front of the Killer, that extends 4/8/12 meters in front of them, this perk will light up -----------
After the last generator is completed, gain the undetectable status affect for 30/40/50 seconds----------
----------Pink #1
Survivors that interact with crucifixes suffer the Exposed status affect for 30 seconds-------
--------Pink #2
Injured Survivor affect by the Scorned status affect, suffer from the broken status affect-------
--------Purple #1
Walking through the residue left by your concoction increases your movement speed by 15% lasts for 15 seconds, survivors must now stand in the residue for 5 seconds to be scorned---------
-----------Purple #2
Crucifixes can now be pulled out instantly by survivors. Crucifixes now block windows, pallets, and generators when placed on them----------
---------Purple #3
Breaking a pallet give you the Undetectable status affect for 30 seconds--------
---------Purple #4
Considerably increase the amount of your power gauge for “Blasphemous Concoction”----------
Arthur Veil
After working on a generator for 5 seconds, that generator is highlighted as yellow, it will remain yellow until it starts regressing. After healing a survivor 1 full health state, add 5/7/9% progression to the generator if it's yellow. The generator's aura is hidden to the killer so long as it's yellow--------
After healing 2 health states the next time you heal a survivor for a full health state, that survivor gets the gets the haste status affect for 7% for 10/20/30 seconds----------
After interacting with a window, pallet, or killer belonging, reveal the aura of what you interacted with to you and the rest of the survivors for 10/12/14 seconds----------
The power is very powerful, but seems to be balanced. I like it!
The perks definitely don't have the same quality as the power, though.
Damnation: It's the opposite of the original Hex: Ruin, but imagine this on the Doctor. Pain. I'd say maybe make it a Hex perk, for each great skill check a Survivor gets, the next time they let go of that generator it loses 6/8/10% progress?
Scrutiny: It's just better Whispers. It also doesn't change between stages. The effect itself is fine, but I'd say make it like a short ranged Whispers.
Scrutiny - If there is a Survivor within a 12 degree cone infront of the Killer, that extends 4/8/12 meters infront of them, this perk will light up.
Forgotten is just ridiculous, in my opinion. If it were to have an effect relating to when the last generator is completed, I think that'd fit better. The reason I think this perk is ridiculous is because of how easy it is to not enter a chase with the Undetectable status effect. Billy and Bubba would easily get downs with this perk for free, with the right add-ons.
Salvation confuses me. Are you saying that a yellow highlighted generator is repaired for a MINIMUM of 30% when you heal a Survivor? That's... no. Maybe if after healing a Survivor, for the first 3/4/5 seconds on a gen you repair it 10% faster or something. Rewarding altruism with doing the objective faster.
Compassion is fine, but how much of a Haste? Both Sprint Burst and Hope are Haste effects, but one is by 7% and one is by 50%.
Remembrance is missing multiple very important words. For how long? It's also better Better Together. Maybe anything but a generator?
The Killer itself is very good, but I'm sure you can see the perks weren't as good. Even despite that, the Killer was very good.
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Well, thank you for the feedback. The perks were very rushed, especially for survivor. Your suggestions, however, are pretty spot on. I'll go ahead and edit those a bit now