This game needs major balance patch at least once per month

And i mean big huge patch which changes half of the stuff, shakes meta and keeps game interesting.
Brutal strength buffed to 40%? Sure. Make distortion infinite? Why not! Change dosens of perks in one patch and then balance them again in hotfix if stuff is too strong. I don't know if devs are too afraid to change stuff or they just don't know what to change.
Or maybe Sony licensing makes it hard to patch game often? Then drop consoles and release patches on PC only and update console like you're updating it now.
5 minor perk changes in 1.5 months is not enough. not even close to be enough to keep game fresh. No chapter or archives can change that.
Hire very good players who can help you to balance the game, or ask fog whisperers or do something to work on game balancing, because current one is a joke
Over watch did similar and honestly it didn’t work.
Sure the meta would switch up and that’s great but I’d rather they focus on new content and reworking the maps as of right now
I wish they did more perk changes though
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If they were to drop console that would suck for cross-play which was their main goal of last year so I doubt they will drop consoles especially if switch cross prog is coming soon. Maybe if they hosted the perk stats on a server and when it is changed it is universally changed similar to the shrine but I highly doubt they will just drop consoles in favour to balance the game.
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They had better not leave the majority of their players with the short end of the stick.
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Payday 2 did the exact same thing with updates....console community was NOT happy
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This guy knows. If they somehow had these things tweakable without requiring an expensive patch push to a wide variety of platforms then they could tweak the perks at any rate they desire. I'm assuming this isn't the case though (i.e. perk stats are baked into the game code) and changing it would be significant.
Theoretically though for perks which are just number values, they could update the game to fetch these values from some server side easily enough. The game already seems to have to fetch a tonne of data on start up anyway.