Which survivor meta perk do you want changed the most?

Simple question. Which Survivor Meta perk do you want changed the most?
Which survivor meta perk do you want changed the most? 63 votes
Object of Obsession
Object should get the mettle of man treatment, nothing less. It´s the most busted thing in the game currently (potentially, potatos fail to abuse it properly).
Every lobby has at lest 3 DS anyway, but for some reason I almost never get hit by it. The only thing I want to change about the perk is addressing situations where there is nothing to do other than standing above a slug or in front of a locker for a minute.
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Object of Obsession
Object is absolutely ridiculous for swf squads, if playing 3 or 4 man squads weren't a thing this perk would be kinda okay
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Decisive Strike
Decisive Strike comes up way, way more often.
It's the most busted perk in the game right now.
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Object of Obsession
Object of obsession should be changed to actually fit the name and only work if you're the obsession. So if you're the only player with object you're guaranteed to be the obsession unless some uses ds or the killer has the perk nemesis. This will also make the perk nemesis actually useful if it is brought on its own and not just as part of an obsession based build.
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Object of Obsession
OoO is bullshit and should be changed entirely into something else.
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Decisive Strike
######### ds and ooo. #########. THOSE. PERKS. Seriously.
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Decisive Strike
DS and Object both need a change but since DS can be broken even out of a swf id say that
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Decisive Strike
I picked DS over OoO because DS is used far more often, therefore needs the most attention. But I will list off what I think needs to be changed to both:
I would change DS to be:
- You are able to use it twice in a game instead of once.
- DS deactivates once you touch a gen, heal somebody, do a totem, etc after 3 seconds of doing said action (this is to prevent accidental deactivation). It will not deactivate if you are being healed because the killer can always come back to hook.
- If the killer downs & hooks somebody after you get unhooked, it deactivates.
- You can jump into a locker for DS, but your timer goes down at 2x the speed. This is to be able to prevent actual tunneling but not abuse the mechanic at the same time.
- Perhaps the timer should be slowed when being chased by the killer, to actually prevent tunneling instead of it just being a waiting game.
I would change OoO to be:
- Instead of the survivor looking at the killer to see each others auras, it is the opposite. The killer has to look at the survivor instead & this is so the survivor has an advanced Spine Chill, but also so the killer can have more control over the situation.
- The person with OoO is always the obsession, no matter what (unless the killer has a perk such as Nemesis). If multiple people are running OoO, the game will randomly decide between them. The point of this is so no other obsession perk such as DS sways who the obsession is.
These are the only changes I can think of off the top of my head & they may not be the best but they are definitely better than what's currently in the game.
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a little bit buff unbreakable
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Decisive Strike
DS so it can finally be nerfed properly
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Honestly I'm sorry Adrenaline just should not be an exhaustion perk. It still activates even if you're exhausted. They should either A. Make not activate if you're exhausted or B. Just make it a non exhaustion perk. But that's just my little pet peeve. DS honestly needs the biggest change of all. Maybe something like its active indefinite until you do something progressive (get FULLY healed, touch a gen, enter a locker? <sidenote the enter locker option is debatable so who knows> or unhooks)
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Dead Hard
At least most second chance perks can only be used once. But drastically extending a chase because you pushed a button? Multiple times? I ######### hate it more than anything else.
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Dead Hard
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Object of Obsession
Since both ds and OoO is being changed, I'd pick dead hard for a change. Lags my game for no reason sometimes
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Decisive Strike
Yeah, was not expecting those announcements will have to do a new one.
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Object of Obsession
OoO should just reveal the obsession's aura when they're getting chased and if you're the obsession your aura should be revealed to the other 3 survivors
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Iron Will
Any perks that completely remove a part of the game with no downside, requirement, or cooldown is busted imo. Off the Record is how iron will should have been done