Most survivors are just bad at the game



  • Yords
    Yords Member Posts: 5,781
    edited January 2021

    They have a good point though. DS + unbreakable is stupid and straight up unfair. DH is pretty BS sometimes because all a survivor has to do is press E to Extend chase. They both require no skill to use.

    Ruin + undying however takes some sort of skill to get good usage out of it. If a killer has these perks, they have to manage their chase times much more effectively. They have to make the decision of "do I keep chasing this guy and get a down, or do I go back to scare people off of this generator so it regresses? And will doing this be more helpful or harmful to me?". It is also fully manageable as a survivor. It can be a little lame to cleanse it 3-5 times, but it is actually much easier than most people think. It is just cleansing a totem or two after all. Your teammates will also be doing the same since everyone hates the combo so much.

    Even a good killer will whine about DS + UB and DH. Look at Otzdarva and every other killer player that streams. Even they say that it is stupid.

  • Sluzzy
    Sluzzy Member Posts: 3,130

    This is because killers are way overpowered for this false observation. Too many survivor nerfs and too many killer buffs. The bar is too high. A 4 man coordinated SWAT team should never be required to be on equal footing with the killer or having a chance to succeed.

  • SilentPill
    SilentPill Member Posts: 1,302

    Not really. The bar for winning is 3-4 survivors who are decent at looping, have decent game knowledge, have meta perks, and actually do gens. Even a 1 minute chase should be costing the killer 3 gens but it rarely does.

    Considering most red rank survivors are extremely boosted and could get bodied by an M1 killer in the first 30 seconds of the game I don’t think it’s unreasonable for them to lose.

    Im forced to run multiple gen perks as killer if I want a game longer than 5 minutes(unless I’m playing a BS killer like nurse); so if survivors want to bring in the cutesy perks like head on and deception they should have to make up for it in skill instead of relying on the usual second chance perks.

    But instead they complain about camping and tunneling when there’s clear answers to both. Tons of maps are still pallet town and M1 killers have very little answer to it if the survivors have even the slightest idea of what they are doing.

  • DBD78
    DBD78 Member Posts: 3,455

    Yes that is the reason killers gets nerfed all the time or people complaining about NOED etc, because survivors overall is not as good players as killers overall.

  • Sluzzy
    Sluzzy Member Posts: 3,130

    But a boosted killer could down a survivor within 30 secs. There's a lot of boosted killers as well, propped up with gen perks, aura perks and even killer sided maps with deadzones.

  • woundcowboy
    woundcowboy Member Posts: 1,994

    Because survivors are at an advantage. Ruin + undying, NOED, old ruin, pop, etc... are nowhere near as powerful as the survivor meta of DH, UB, BT. What’s worse is that most killer perks either require you to risk not having perks, or encourage you down and hook survivors. The problem is that survivor perks have no requirements and usually reward poor play. Base survivor (no perks) can easily waste a killer’s time with god pallets/loops. Base killer has no chance at winning against a competent team.

  • SilentPill
    SilentPill Member Posts: 1,302

    The game at its core is glorified hide and seek. It’s the survivors fault for being found by a killer who can down them that quickly.

    I’m not saying to run urban evasion but even just hiding at a gen for like 15-20 seconds can be enough for gens across the map to pop at the start of the game.

    In competitive play for money the survivors all play extremely immersive. Even if you are good at looping there is no reason to hand out chases for free. I should not be walking up to generators and immediately finding people with 32m terror radius killers but frequently do.

  • Axx
    Axx Member Posts: 392

    I agree.

  • halfmanhalfape
    halfmanhalfape Member Posts: 153

    I agree that BHVR doesn’t favour either side. I’m ok with people venting their frustrations, I just don’t want balance changes to be made based on venting.

    As far as Ruin/Undying, I felt it warranted a nerf. Maybe they overdid it, but I agree that it did need to be changed somehow. I don’t know how some people here manage to have no problems with it in soloq. Maybe they are just really good at the game, but my experience in game has not been such. Ruin/Undying is tough to deal with in soloq.

    That being said, I do agree that DS and UB combo needs to be looked at too. I don’t quite know how you would fix that, but suddenly seeing one of my teammates just get up off the ground doesn’t seem too right. The swing in momentum of the game is so drastic. It’s bad enough if it happens once, god knows it’s busted if it happens more than once.

    I mean even DS alone is problematic. I like how it is part of an anti-tunneling tech, but the number of times I see teammates making silly decisions only to realise later that they did so because they knew they were invulnerable doesn’t sit right with me. I mean I appreciate that we have a way to punish tunneling but can we not abuse it people?

    I don’t know how to fix these problems, including how Ruin/Undying should have been balanced, but I know we can be more decent to each other and not abuse what has been given to us. That is all.

  • sojalol
    sojalol Member Posts: 35
  • bluedusef
    bluedusef Member Posts: 288

    agree. hexes shouldnt still be up after 5 mins from the start, but thats what happened in lots of games with it. it made it too easy and thats a fact. for solo queue that is, most of the playerbase are not 4 man sweat squads equal less than 5 percent of the playerbase.

  • FilthyLegionMain
    FilthyLegionMain Member Posts: 1,148

    I’m great with everything except chases.

    Stealth: P3 blendette bush god

    Objective: Gen-Jockey pro

    Leader: Clear communication with only two emotes.

    Running the killer around: 25% of the time, i’m pretty good and the rest is just me dying within the first 20 seconds in a chase.

  • Freddy96
    Freddy96 Member Posts: 767

    I won as clown against full team of ub+ds. Does it mean that build and swf is fine?

  • Shirokinukatsukami
    Shirokinukatsukami Member Posts: 1,624

    I'm pretty sure most balance changes aren't done out of venting.

    People who think that the ones throwing tantrums on twitter, youtube, reddit or the forums are what cause changes are delusional. Sure, they can bring the dev's attention to the issue, but balance changes are ultimately done because after careful consideration BHVR realized they needed to be done.

    If throwing a tantrum were all that were needed to get changes done DS would have been removed from the game ages ago. Same with camping and tunneling, those two are the biggest whines survivors make, been consistently that way for the past 4 years. All of those are still alive and well in the game.

  • Shirokinukatsukami
    Shirokinukatsukami Member Posts: 1,624

    This is the funny thing about killers.

    They claim that most survivors at Red Rank are boosted incompetents who can't even outrun an M1 killer. Then in the same breath will claim that they require meta perks to make the game last or else they insta lose.

    I'm like, just rolling my eyes at the irony and hypocrisy of it.

    I an't take any of you seriously as long as you keep spouting hypocritical gibberish like this.

  • Katzengott
    Katzengott Member Posts: 1,210

    The difference is: These meta survivvor perks will stay. Do you know why? Because 95% of the killers don't have the time to go for 12 hooks without Ruin/Undying.

  • Kalinikta
    Kalinikta Member Posts: 709

    So... fair treatment for all and those perks should also be nerfed? See how that argument holds no ground, undying is being nerfed while those are not?

  • halfmanhalfape
    halfmanhalfape Member Posts: 153

    Yeah sorry I didn’t make it clear. I don’t think balance changes are made because people vent either. Just worded it wrong. I think BHVR has been very reasonable thus far, albeit slow from what I hear.

    As long as that remains the case I’m happy.

  • Erak
    Erak Member Posts: 97

    Most players are bad at the game. Because there are tons of maps, killers, killerpowers, perks, add-ons ... to learn. Almost every player lacks of game sense. They don't know what to do best in many different situations. To learn all that you need to play thousands of hours. It goes well when you started to play this game early on, and new content got added over time. But when new players start this game they are bombed with a massive amount of content they have to learn all at once.

    An because the ranking system isn't based on skill but rather on playtime during a season, even players with only 100hrs are reaching rank one (especially in SWF, or with ruin undying tinkerer support wheels). And that's why so many bad players are on Rank 1!

  • xEcoLog1cDuk3Xx
    xEcoLog1cDuk3Xx Member Posts: 441

    I mean, it's been like this since the game released. The only reason Killers "win" is because Survivor players were just plain bad.