100 of all Items challenge January update

15 Rainbow Maps
21 Skeleton Keys
16 Alex's Toolboxes
23 Dull Keys
19 Engineer's Toolboxes
16 Ranger Medkits
16 Utility Flashlights
12 Broken Keys
7 Commodious Toolboxes
20 Emergency Medkits
10 Maps
13 Mechanics Toolboxes
12 Sports Flashlights
28 First Aid Kits
28 Flashlights
44 Toolboxes
50 Camping Aid Kits
62 Worn Out Tools
Combined total: 412
Increase in items from last month: 175
Commodious Toolboxes are definitely going to the the problem going forward but i am pretty happy with over doubling and in some cases tripling my count of certain items, wish me luck for February
Might try this with clown addons at some point. Nice idea👍
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It'll probably be harder for you since i'm making use of both games and the bloodweb and you'd have to play addonless clown for god knows how long but if this is a idea that catches on then i'm happy for more people to try it
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Something about DS just poking it's head in on the end of that build is genuinely funny to me. It's like "I want items, I want a fun chase perk, but also NO TUNNELS!!!" Not shaming or anything, it just genuinely made me giggle for some reason.
Seriously though, it's an interesting challenge and I hope you're having fun with it. I'd never be able to do it myself - I like hoarding as much as the next person that also likes hoarding, but that's just because I don't feel comfortable without items/add-ons in the bank for me to use the crap out of.
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- Glad you found the loadout funny, DS is there to give me a second chance because otherwise i'd run the risk of getting tunneled out of the match instantly,
- I am indeed having a lot of fun with this challenge, and it's actually helped me rank up somehow because i have more of a reason to escape
- 3.Hope you're having a nice day :)
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I only use reload addons now anyway so with the rework I’ll be fine addon less
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im 1 add-on from 100 of all add-ons all items now
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I love the fact that green items seem harder to find than purple ones
Out of curiosity, are you using Up the Ante only to have a slight better chance of unhooking yourself? because afaik luck has no effect on chests, and probably Pharmacy would be more helpful for the "challenge"
Good luck tho! 🍀
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I'm using Up the Ante to both increase self unhook odds but also to get rarer items from chests more often, maybe it's just a placebo effect but it works
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Ye definitely a placebo effect, confirmed that Luck doesn't affect chests
As long as it works for you! 😁