We need more NoED users!

There are some perks, the existence of which in Dead by Daylight makes the difference. We all know perks like:
* Decisive Strike -- you are invincible for a minute
* Borrowed Time -- killer won't hit unhooked person
* Dead Hard -- killer rather wait for some time before attacking
also Unbreakable, Soul Guard, Adrenaline, Power Struggle?
Those perks affects the killer's game play and decisions even if non of those perks are in the given match. Killer just don't know.
It is safer to assume the survivors has those perks.
While are honestly think survivors need to bring more Decisive Strikes in Solo Queue... because quite often the match starts... and we have no obsession... Sadge.
I also think we need more NoED killers, just to remind people: we have this perk in the game and the killer will take one or more lives at the end game unless you cleanse the tots.
How many of those surprise perks do killers have? Not much -- NoED and Blood Warden. That's all.
Let's remind the survivors -- we have NoED.
Use NoED!
Sorry I hadi to do it, its the 1rst time I see "tots" for totems xD
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If the killer is doing poorly and some questionable choices, I personally just presume the NOED is coming, that's no big deal.
I actually think it's fun when I'm talking to my friend in the middle of the match and we're something like "Can you feel it in the air? Smells like NOED is coming" hahaha And then we bet which of use may be the lucky one to be camped right next to the totem. Sometimes when we're finishing a gen some of us two say "Are you ready? Here it comes". It's funny.
But on a more serious note, I just have to say that I actually get surprised when the killer is doing poorly and don't have NOED. A daily maybe? Because when I do dailies I most likely don't have even have NOED and play worse than usual as killer (because of not beind used to the power). But I'd rather not use it though. Depending on the way the survivor choices, you can get a pip (which makes more likely you'll go against people more skilled than you) and feed the future MMR telling you're better than you actually are because of it.
As killer, I'm trying to perform as I do hoping that with the MMR I'll get more people up to my level, actually. If this makes sense.
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As someone who mains both sides at red rank, no. "I also think we need more NoED killers, just to remind people: we have this perk in the game and the killer will take one or more lives at the end game unless you cleanse the tots." If you need a perk to almost guarantee a free kill or more already at the end game then you're not good at killer and need to get better without using a perk like that.
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Hmmmmmm... no.
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Same thing about second chance survivor perks. Survivors made a mistake in the loop -- ez press e for dead hard and extend the loop for next 30-40 seconds. Got unhooked? -- You have DS, just go and work on the gen in front of the killer and then jump into the locker. How many second chance perks do survivors have? Maybe multiply them by 4?
How many second chance perks do killer have? Like 2: NoED and Blood Warden? Sure, killer with second chance perks are bad, survivors are good.
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Never once did I say survivor second chance perks were okay or good. Second chance in general is annoying. Play well so you don't need them or get better without them. It's not that hard assuming matchmaking isn't broken.
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I'm 130 hrs into the game and I run NO SHAME NOED. I also consider it a given that there will be an EGC and I will have survivors trying to escape at the end. As I have gotten better, there are some builds on Spirit where I don't run NOED. I'll use it less as I get better at the game.
But I'm not there yet!
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When you have 130 hours, I would definitely agree -- not running NoED is a good idea, which let's you become better and chases and predict where survivors are. But, there is NO SHAME in running NoED either. Yep, I also thought it is a shame at some time, but after plating for some time I have changed my mind. Again, if someone shames you for running NoED in the game chat, you could shame all of them back for running any second chance perks
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There absolutely is nothing wrong with running NOED. Do I run it? No, not that often. That is because I don't have room for it. I don't like to plan for the End Game. :) I want to win before we get there. However, there is nothing morally wrong with NOED, nor does it make you a bad sport. If it works for you, use it.
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No one says killer have to be playing worse then usual if they use NoED. Just play as good as you can, no need to stand in the corner until all gens are done. But if the team is coordinated and very efficient in doing gens -- well, NoED would not hurt.
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Wise thought!
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I always run noed, very rarely get to last gen but still keep it for sweaty gen rushing SWF, I like how toxic they become when they realise I run devour hope and noed, hey if it works its good
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I just wanted to summarize a bit,
This post is about running NoED more often to remind survivors the perk exists in the game and for instance, they could try to find and cleanse some tots instead of just holding M1 the entire match
NoED won't turn you to a bad killer. Try to do your best and become better during the match
Take that one kill during the end-game, so at least you'd get a hope to get a Brutal Killer if have struggled the entire match. When I start match on Haddonfield, for instance, I already feel I am loosing the game.
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You should know the rules by now.
Only survivors are allowed to run second chance perks.
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I love NOED purely for the amount of salt it generates in the postgame chat. It could provide enough salt for the entire global population if it were harvested.
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Just so hard to find those bones sometimes unless you have a perk for it or a map.
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What u mean? It's a good map for both sides I like playing it as killer, and apparently it's a survivor sided map due to all the windows pallets and balanced landing
I got 500h ingame, maybe 80h as survivor, it's not hard to find them at all, I ran det hunch for a few days but even before that I knew the areas where they spawn. Just gotta count them
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These rules? :P
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I run noed/bloodwarden on nurse fairly often. It's pretty darn hilarious, and a nice fall back if I'm just not feeling it or the survivors are seriously good.
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Phaw I got hit by a blood warden NOED gamer yesterday and it was the most fun and tense 60 seconds of a match I've ever had. The obsession was about to be hooked and me and the other guy were injured, so we went to leave, but as I was about to go through he was hooked and blood warden activated, I nearly ######### myself istg, so instead me and Quentin pulled off an injured rescue mission against a Freddy with the killing intent of a tiger hunting a gazelle.
Fun asf ngl
But side note NOED is broken
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I don’t run NOED anymore, but I remember what it was like learning to play the game as killer. It’s incredibly frustrating and discouraging at first. You’re going to get all gens popped on you a lot and if NOED helps new killers feel a little less awful as they’re learning the game, I have no problem with it. For the health of the game we need people to learn killer, stick with it and get better. Eventually they will get better and learn to play without it, just like many others have