Once undying is nerfed im out
It wasn't a help for early game. It was a pair of suppot wheels for bad killers. GIving you an immens ammount of time by litteraly doing nothing. Just like old ruin.
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A quick reminder that ruin is still there and that there were times where undying didnt exist. Ofc we need something for the early game, but I think we need a change in the core game and not just bandaid perks. Also I never felt undying+ruin was for the early game. For my case, I never used gen stalling perks and have fun games at rank 1. I think a lot is about the reason why you playing the game. If you want chill games at red ranks and still "win" , maybe you should consider playing other killers or play chill and depip till you ranked where you have those kind of games.
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Undying received a hard nerf. It´s now a weaker Haunted Grounds. Even Thrill is better for protecting Devour Hope.
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It's RNG in a game riddled with so much of it already. Undying was the thing that tipped it over the edge. It's the same as other hexes, but when it worked well, it worked wayyy too well. And it let high mobility killers keep survivors off all their totems as well as their gens because lmao 6 seconds of map-wide aura reading around every totem who needs to run Thrill amirite. It's now consistent. We don't know if it's still gonna be a good perk, personally I think it'll still be a big part of the meta and everyone's overreacting, but the good thing is that people will stop relying on the RNG for ruin and undying to be effective.
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And whats bad about being RNG?
Remember they are Hex perks. Which are supposed to be high risk, high reward perks.
But as it stands now, Undying is just a high risk, low reward perk. As so many other Hex perks.
Undying Ruin rewarded killers for being pro active and applying pressure everywhere. Which i think is a great way, so everyone can enjoy the match. Lazy killers that camped or tunneled didn´t get anything out of that combo.
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So keeping your tokens for Devour Hope is a nerf? Let’s be real, Undying+Devour Hope wasn’t a thing at all but might be viable now.
they nerfed some aspects but also buffed other aspects of the perk. The current Undying was almost only usable with Ruin.
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Are you seriously asking what's bad about more RNG in this game....
I like the hex effect, I'm not against it being a way to prolong a hex totem, but I don't like when the outcome of said effect can range from "normal" to "######### absurd" when you've used up all that time running around the map to cleanse 4 hexes because you didn't roll the dice good enough all the while your team's getting slaughtered.
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No, Undying DH won´t be viable at all. Haunted Grounds has at least the exposed status effect. But do you see many killer running around with HG DH? I haven´t seen any in ages. Same will happen to Undying.
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Whats wrong about doing totems? They give a ton of points and you prevent a possible NOED.
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And how many people are running Undying with Devour now?
Undying was always supposed to be a general Hex protection perk but the current implementation wasn’t working like that and it’s only real usage was with Ruin.
there will be killers using Undying with another Hex perk (with stacks). It won’t get to be Meta perhaps. But not every perk is supposed to be Meta. And Hexes were definitely never supposed to be as strong as Undying+Ruin was on certain killers.
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Right? The more I play against Ruin+Undying, the more I realize it carries killers by playing half the game for them (usually when paired with Tinkerer so that they always know which gen to drop everything to run to and start a different chase at). You don't even have to be a good killer to make GREAT use out of the combo- you just have to be able to make the rounds (Freddy has been extra oppressive lately due to the Ruin+Undying+Tinkerer combination) and be willing to drop any chases that would prevent you from making it to the gen in time LOL
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There are certainly quite a lot of times where i've seen ruin+undying getting cleansed extremely fast leaving the killer with just 2 perks for the rest of the game.
I feel like this combo is so hit or miss.You either get insane value from it or almost no value at all.
It's one of the reason why i would pretty much never use hex perks (maybe in meme builds i guess) due to their inconsistent nature
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Y are you even still using it?
Once the nerf was announced, I just leave it alone, get used to different builds.
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....? What? Yes it will. Most of the time I see Devour cleansed, it's either
1. Cause it was out in plain sight (bad totem spawn)
2. 3 stacks and people started frantically searching for it til they found it.
With Undying, #1 won't matter unless the second totem was also in plain sight (unlikely on some maps, more likely on others). #2 will also not matter as much because that's still a ton of time survivors are spending after realizing they're screwed and have to desperately search for Devour. Option #3 that will now be possible (and most likely to happen) is that Undying will be cleansed earlier in the match if it spawned in an obvious spot, and then survivors will have to go to option #2, which is still better than #1 for the killer because he, at the very least, has some game time where the exposed status effect is active.
Anyways, as soon as the change to Undying comes into effect, I fully plan on spending extra time hunting down hex totems from the beginning of the match. I 100% believe that Undying+Devour Hope will be a fad build for a while and I'm NOT trying to get caught lacking by that build.
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At least you could keep juggling the survivor and avoid the DS. Now there is nothing you can do other than wait.
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Oh look another airport thread.
Thanks for announcing your departure - I feel so informed.
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Current Ruin helps with early game. New Undying will also help the early game. For some reason your trying to imply the early game lasts 10-15 minutes.
The early game is only the first few minutes of the game which new Undying won't really effect too much.
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Not the best post to make here on the forums because mostly everyone that responds to an Undying post is entitled to think a certain without any thought besides the usual; "Using an OP, no skilled combo", "Undying is Oppressive and Unhealthy for the game", "Only bad players need Ruin & Undying" and many more examples I can think of. I just tend to lose any brain cells going down that rabbit hole and conversating with those people in that circlejerk.
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Hex perks should be strong. They are high risk after all. Any perk that can be simply removed by the other side should be strong.
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Says a survivor who can't live without DS+UB.
The devs seriously need to work on this early game start up they've been preaching for years.
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Well, no one uses this build right?
First game of the day btw. Blight, 1k, ruin never cleansed.
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So what did killers do before undying existed? Just lose
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lmao I am being sarcastic
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Well darn? I've never seen it. Seems like a stupid build to me, like purposely playing one Perk down. :)
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oh thank whatever deity you believe in
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Undying didn't need a nerf. It actually made the game harder tbh. but like you said, the swf complained because it was over powered apparently. It's always killer nerfs and never survivor nerfs in this game.
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That is precisely what you do now; you deny the second chance. Before, it was get one free escape whenever you want.
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Survivors have been getting more nerfs than killers for 4 years
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the speed gas isnt even a buff tho tbh the time it takes to throw it effectively etc at loops doent make him lose any distance
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oh no, you can’t get carried by a perk that literally takes no skill anymore. oh no, what are you ever gonna do now? cya then
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you know you can play just fine without it, right?
also, against good SWFs Undying literally did nothing.
they just coordinate on totems and get rid of it within the first few minutes, leaving you with two dead perks.
the people you destroyed with it were mostly solo survivors you didnt need the perk for to begin with.
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Y'all are still on that "Undying/Devour is gonna be so OP" train? In your dreams maybe.
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Every killer perk is a gamble.
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I played against 3 Freddy players yesterday that used Ruin, Undying and Tinkerer (he also used gen slowdown addons). That was a fun game...
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Bruhh as a fellow killer Main disappointed every time I see an undying ruin post and I mean from both sides the perk is being changed get over it start practicing other builds now. There are other very viable gen regression perks. I personally only run Pop Goes the Weasel every once in awhile on certain Killers maybe thano and not once do I feel ruin and undying is a must. On top of that I am very excited for this change because I'm a big fan of Huntress lullaby end of our hope and this change can help both of them. Two different parts that aren't ran often then gives a much-needed change
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You know, I love Justin Timberlake. What’s that one song of his...I always forget...
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Also, ruin/undying isn’t dead. There’s a 50/50 shot they hit undying first now anyways. Banking on a perk combo to carry ruin/undying to the last 4/5 totems is admitting one’s lack of skill. That’s okay, 100%. But recognize that peeps, instead of externalizing onto a perk combo, the devs, etc.
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Just hex perks are more of a gamble.
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I have a video of red rank 1 swf taking out 3 totems in first 25 seconds today while I was playing killer.
Hexes will be for the green ranks.
At least with Undying today you cleaned dull totems in case the hex moved to it later. Now you never have to clean dull totems except for Noed! Huge advantage!
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Meh, no loss here. Not like it'll be bad, it just won't be as strong post nerf. There's plenty of good killer mains who don't rely on it and use it every game, while still getting 3k/4ks right now. If you can't play w/o it/when its nerfed, just makes me think you were never really a good Killer player. SWF or not. Just a dumb excuse. Have a good one mate.
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Exactly ruin undying, tinkerer, surveillance combo is the equivalent 2 survivors who need to run spine chill, dead hard, ds/ub/sg together, or just Sprint burst away anytime they hear a terror radius you're just not as good as you think you are if you're relying on those crutch perks.
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And just to be crystal clear I have no personal beef with what anybody runs it's your game play how you want just don't think your king s*** when running those builds.
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I think OP should go watch some killer mains like Hexy (who doesnt run Undying, and who hasnt lost a game since Jan 1st) or Otz. Both really smart players, both don't even touch Undying anymore, hell Otz usually runs 3 perks instead of 4 and none of them being Ruin/Undying. Comes out with 3k/4ks regardless. & yea, I don't even touch those survivor perks. I don't remember the last time I ran DS/UB/SG/DH/SC.
All this is, is a temper tantrum. I don't see this as a legit complaint, if you are actually going to leave because your favorite crutch perks you relied on thus far are getting nerfed and you don't know how to play w/o them, then so be it.
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Agreed as I've said before I might actually run I'm dying now so that I can play with Lullaby. I know it's not super strong but it's just a funny perk to me. And devour hope is always really awesome if you can get it to power up it's just really hard in its current state to pull off.
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I mean, plenty of good players have said this before. Good survivors will get on those totems, only 5 spawn per match, all in pretty familiar/well known spots (albeit indoor matches are a bit tougher but regardless). They will get hammered out fast by a good team/good players. I have never complained about Undying or Ruin (I even would go as far to say I'd want Ruin to go back to its old state) but it is what it is. Actually happy the bad killers will be leaving/quitting.
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Leaving over it as a little absurd. But I've been using lullaby on my Huntress I've had one game where it stayed up the entire game a few games were made it to 4 but for the most part by the time I hit three it gets cleanse mostly because I play on the same three or four maps in the totem spawns are not very well on those. I always seem to get those right out in the open totem spots Branson's last game it was the totem spot in the killer Shack. Like that one's not going to get found quickly I'm surprised I made it to Three Stacks.
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Enjoy that while it lasts until survivor mains complain that devour undying is too strong and that gets nerfed.
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Yea go watch players whose job it is to play this game 6+ hours a day for the last 4 years and try to compare myself to them lol
Believe it or not... we’re not all streamers and dont all live with out mothers with nothing to do but play video games and sleep.
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All the survivor mains saying if you need crutch perks then ur bad.... mean while using Borrowed/ds/unbreakable/spinechill/etc. You need to look back at yourself in the mirror and re-evaluate your words