Old HUD or new HUD?

ChuckLit Member Posts: 60

It's probably been asked before, but I'm gonna ask anyway. I personally really dislike the new one, it's all over the screen.

Old HUD or new HUD? 95 votes

OnryosTapeRentalsMeg_MainAven_Fallenmaaadinsomniacdoitagain_jasonvoorheesPlantCollectorfakelkalin91OBXAwkward_FiendMadLordJackChurchofPigKayTwoAyySquillDBDdarwinsbrainskinuGhouled_MojoGuest1567432Rogue11 29 votes
JotaJawsIsTheNextKillerLeonardo1itaMazoobiHazDaBoiJinSimedarkcloudlinkReverseVelocityhorrortale_sansSOMENINJANAMEItzZane_Tinker 12 votes
They should've simply added the survivor portraits and hook counters
GibberishHorsePowerGHERBEARRULESTapeKnotDemon_SwordsAttckcatDimekTragicSolitudeUnnamed_Freakthen4321musstang62ElikKeezoTaigaAhoyWolfGoshJoshCritical_FishDawnMadCornHubFilthyLegionMain 54 votes


  • Leonardo1ita
    Leonardo1ita Member Posts: 2,317
    New HUD

    I misvoted again ######### me

  • Gibberish
    Gibberish Member Posts: 1,071
    They should've simply added the survivor portraits and hook counters

    New one looks like trash. They should have just added the hook icons, and instead of the colored portraits, make use the character icons from the Adept achievements.

  • Tinker
    Tinker Member Posts: 94
    New HUD

    No joke, I like the new HUD, sure, it's confusing, but you can get used to it and it looks more contemporary

  • Jackpot
    Jackpot Member Posts: 10
    They should've simply added the survivor portraits and hook counters

    New HUD reminds me of a typical mobile game with how everything is spread out due to limited space of mobile phones.

    Honestly, old HUD was more ideal, could've just added the survivor portrait AND what hook count survivors are (and how many for killers)

    It just seems so... Eh. I mostly hate it since it looks like Mobile games and I'm not a fan of those, and it was simplier with old hud, one area to look at.

  • Karao_Ke
    Karao_Ke Member Posts: 1,221
    They should've simply added the survivor portraits and hook counters

    Love the portraits idea.

  • Adeloo
    Adeloo Member Posts: 1,448

    Well sadly i cannot vote coz there is no "midground" option as there are stuff i love from the new HUD and stuff i love from the old ONE

  • skinu
    skinu Member Posts: 34
    Old HUD

    The old HUD is the best in my opinion and I think that they didnt have to try and add a new HUD.

  • Beelzeboop
    Beelzeboop Member Posts: 1,306

    Can we get a side-by-side comparison?

  • ChuckLit
    ChuckLit Member Posts: 60
    They should've simply added the survivor portraits and hook counters

    Well, midground option to me is the 3rd option, because I do like the portaits and hook counters, I just don't understand why did they have to move almost every element to a new place, now I gotta look in 50 different directions across the screen.

  • Adeloo
    Adeloo Member Posts: 1,448

    Well the hook counter is good on the survivor side but useless in the killer one. Killer should have the survivor one as well ^^

    As for the portrait i like the idea but it's just too hard to see or notice when a survivor is injured or not. Also i know portraits are added so killer knows who they are chasing etc but in a full blendette team or if two survivors wears the same exact cosmetics, it will be useless :(

  • ChuckLit
    ChuckLit Member Posts: 60
    They should've simply added the survivor portraits and hook counters

    They are still better than the blank survivor icons, aren't they? And to be fair, as killer I usually dodge 4-identical-survivor lobbies anyway and it's not even that frequent. I do agree with the injured state indicator tho, the red flashing icon is just terrible, they should keep the original injured icon or something.

  • Adeloo
    Adeloo Member Posts: 1,448

    i think that for the injured state maybe instead of flashing red it should alternate between the portrait and the injured icon or even just make the portrait red toned ?

    Yeah even as survivor when i see an other one dressing exactly like me i either dodge or change character ^^ but i also love to play the same character if everyone else is like a Nea i'll change to a Nea aswell just to not feel left one ahah

  • Attckcat
    Attckcat Member Posts: 64
    edited February 2021
    They should've simply added the survivor portraits and hook counters

    I like the hud style as is because its minimalist and streamlined. I don't want to have to be staring at all the edges of the screen looking for information that can be put in one or two places and streamlined and I HATE seeing the names wasting space over the upper screen area

    Games shouldn't be designing their UIs to accommodate streamer webcams, but if its such a big deal, add a hud option to move either the left or right huds towards the center so the streamer can squeeze in without blocking the hud.

    Hook counter could be solved just by putting strikes under a survivors name. It shouldn't be that difficult to adjust the scaling of a streamlined hud and make it streamer friendly.

    Edit: And after thinking about it, if I were a streamer, I'd probably want the option to turn all names off period, because If I know David has 2 strikes, I don't need to see that he named himself FlaccidD, or that NaughtyName is the Meg with 1 strike.

  • Meg_Main
    Meg_Main Member Posts: 28
    Old HUD

    I am seemingly the only person who doesn't like the idea of having the black and white survivor portraits. I actually like the full color portraits much more because I find the achievement portraits to be straight up ugly.