I have been playing dbd for a few years now and seen popular opinion go from survivors are Op which they were back in the day but now i see a lot of Killers are op threads but a lot of people come to defend this and say survivors are still Op.

I want to discuss with people on this thread and give my counter Arguments on why survivors arent Op but killers are which causes SWF more often . I want to see both sides and undrrstand.


  • Steel_Eyed
    Steel_Eyed Member Posts: 4,033

    It is definitely not that killers caused it. It’s that survivors caused it all the way.

    SWF is good just to know how well your teammates will do. You can get high level play in solo queue, but usually not. Your friends are less likely to crouch around the edges of the map and never touch gens.

    Also, if your friends want to meme around, you’ll be prepared for that as well.

    Then finally, I don’t play with friends who DC. This removes this aspect of the game.

    Killers can do very few things wrong in this game imo. There’s a handful of bad behaviors but the lack of competitive play by randoms is what requires a SWF imo.

  • JudyIscariot
    JudyIscariot Member Posts: 71

    I don't really feel like you can put SWF back in the box, and it is overall a good thing for the game. That being said, I don't think the game is balanced around people using voice chat. I know it's been a suggestion others have made in the past, but personally I'd rather see them directly implement voice chat in the game and rebalance around the communication element. Flavor wise, it absolutely makes no sense to have survivors psychically communicating across the entire map what's going on, but by the same token I'd rather have 4man parties with instant mapwide communication be accounted for rather than ignored. Many of the perks in the game are there to give information that you can just get for free with SWF.

    I'm not saying there's no downsides, I'm just saying that overall I wish they'd account for it in the balancing of the game.

  • Nossy
    Nossy Member Posts: 118

    "I want to discuss with people on this thread and give my counter Arguments on why survivors arent Op but killers are which causes SWF more often"

    => "Killers are OP, Survivors are weak, you can't change my mind but I will call that a discussion"

    (and thats justify they use a third party program as the game not allowing it cause the game is not balanced around vocal comms, therefore giving them an advantage that screw even more the balance of the game and making the dev's work a nightmare)

  • PigEmpress
    PigEmpress Member Posts: 79

    How about just giving the killer bonuses based on how many are playing SWF in the group?

    Let's say that for every friends playing together the speed of the killer increases by 3%, maximizing at 12% if all 4 survivors are playing SWF. That number could then be scaled back and forth to find the perfect middle ground.

    Could also make it so that for each SWF player in the survivor group gen regression is increased.

    I think there are multiple things that could be done to make SWF more balanced.

    We could add, on top of that, if there is a solo survivor playing in a group including 3 SWF the solo player gets 30% more bloodpoints as they are more likely to be screwed over by the SWF(friends before randoms and all that).

    At this point I think we are dealing with BHVR unwillingness to deal with the problem rather than lack of possible solutions.

  • TicTac
    TicTac Member Posts: 2,407

    This entire discussion is dumb. Even when we pretend for a second that more then 3 people in this forum consider to change their opinion after this discussion.

    You just cant measure the balance of this game clearly with the catastrophic matchmaking system.

    Then you have 1000 variables which can influence a match. Addons, maps etc.

    I have for example no idea how someone can say killer are op. There is such a huge difference between the 22 killer. You need to specify more.

  • NoxVeno
    NoxVeno Member Posts: 177

    Why not the ability to turn it off and on. Yes I know all the SWF advocates will say no killers will play, but then there are all the flexing killers saying too easy. Let's them play together. You could give incentives for both. Killers fighting SWF have a better reward tree and Solo survivors vs killers get their better tree. Definitely not a cure all but possibly a start. idk....

  • GannTM
    GannTM Member Posts: 10,868

    People should be allowed to play with their friends. Instead of nerfing SWF like everyone says, they should buff solo queue.

  • PigEmpress
    PigEmpress Member Posts: 79

    Don't have to nerf SWF. Buff Solo Survivors and Killers vs. SWF groups and you can have some modicum of fairness.

  • Epsydra
    Epsydra Member Posts: 89

    I would like at least one SWF indicator in the lobby. It is tiring in the long run to check each player's friend lists only to exit the lobby. Especially since many SWF do not assume and know that no killer wants to play with them so they set their Steam profile to hide their friend list, or even block their profile altogether.

    LMAO, that doesn't stop me from DC from the first few minutes of the game if I see I've been screwed.

  • Aven_Fallen
    Aven_Fallen Member Posts: 16,089

    Just play the game. Imagine checking everyones profile in the Lobby and their friendlist, just to see if they are an SWF. Even if they are, this does not mean that they are any good.

    And believe it or not, people are not setting their profile on private so that Killers in DBD cannot see their friendlist...

  • EvilJoshy
    EvilJoshy Member Posts: 5,295

    I don't think dbd NEEDS swf but if they ever get rid of it. We will see a good drop in player basis.

  • WowBessie
    WowBessie Member Posts: 4

    Thanks for everyone who responded to this discussion . Yes I agree with most if not all of you that SWF is op if its a full team or 3 out of 4 and yeah giving killer extra blood points wouldnt be a issue as well. I still feel survivors need a boost in that regard as well. My thing is that for a person like me who doesnt play Swf that often and if i do its only like with one of the person so 90% of the time I play with randoms Which I enjoy the risk of doing that but at the same time its really a struggle to win a game 80% of the time. Before i get into that i want to state this . Rank doesnt play a really huge role as most people think because in most cases you can reach a high rank but you might not be at the skill lvl that rank represents or you are that skilled but your other teammates are lacking ( which is why i want a ranked revamp) . But on the other hand if a killer is on a similar rank or higher than more often than not that killer skill is on par with that rank or even more so because they only have to count on them selfs plus with the perks killer have can really kill off a whole team quickly. Now i am not saying a killer will win 100% but they have a way higher chance than survivors which is supposed to be the case but i feel its at a unhealthy lvl. Yes survivors have cancer perks as well but remember most of the time outside of SWF using them. the perks that killers are bothered dont overwhelmed to the extent that they imagine because it comes down to skill lvl again and the team aspect of working with strangers. Which leads me back to my orginal point that because of this mix match of skills + with killer perks causes a lot more people to want to play with a full SWf team but lets not get this wrong Swf will always exist for multi reasons but in game chat would be nice like how in friday the 13th if your close enough you could talk to one’s partner.

  • Epsydra
    Epsydra Member Posts: 89

    Every time I give a SWF lobby a chance, I regret it. I don't care if I do 4K, I just want to play quietly with the power of a killer that I like and with perks that I like.

    However, against SWF, the generators are done in three minutes, there is always one that follows me to disclose to others where I am and what I do, always one that throws me a pallet or blinds me as soon as I get your hands on a survivor while i have no camps, tunnels, or slugs.

    If I play Trapper, Hag or Demogorgon, there is one following me to destroy my traps. If I play Wraith, I've even had some that follow me with a flashlight to keep me from being invisible. It's still toxic, no-life, and tryhard gamers with + 1k hours of playtime who are happy to T-bag and laugh at the end.

    Maybe some SWF are nice, but I haven't come across any.

  • WowBessie
    WowBessie Member Posts: 4

    Yeah not expecting many people to change their opinions if at all lol. But I like the discussion to get people perspective on the matter.

  • DeceptivePastry
    DeceptivePastry Member Posts: 48

    Being able to play with your friends is fun and I'm glad it's in the game. But the game will never be balanced unless randoms are given more options to communicate and then the game is balanced around communication. Even just a social wheel similar to Vermintide 2 would be great. Things like "come here", "killer nearby", "work on this gen", "heal me", etc.

  • Johnny_XMan
    Johnny_XMan Member Posts: 6,430


    Bravo! Someone who actually bothers to understand balance beyond just “Game is not balanced because SWF”

    For me the game is too heavily RNG-based to make it balanced let alone nit-pick one thing when it is much more broader than that. People think that comms provide an advantage yet disregard bad maps, abusive mechanics/ tactics being in play, and sometimes even their own lack of skill (Yes you can win against swf but if you lack skill you would have lost either way).

    This game will shut down, and people will still be wondering why it isn’t “balanced”.

  • Squirrel_Thicc
    Squirrel_Thicc Member Posts: 2,677

    You should be able to play every pvp game with your friends. They need to make swf and solo queue on the same level. How? Idk, it's not my job to figure that out

  • Mister_xD
    Mister_xD Member Posts: 7,669

    to answer the title:

    yes, you should always have the option to play together with friends.

    its not like DbD was a highly competetive game, so i dont necessarily see a problem with it - it just sucks when you try to play casually as killer, while you get a 4 man tryhard SWF playing as competetively as they can against you.

  • ASpazNamedSteve
    ASpazNamedSteve Member Posts: 1,784

    The game absolutely needs SWF.

    I don't think killers are OP (not all of them anyway...), but too often in solo queue your teammates are uhh... let's say UP.

  • MrPeanutbutter
    MrPeanutbutter Member Posts: 1,586

    For the long-term financial viability of the game, yes they need it. SWF encourages a lot more people to play and thus buy DLCs and cosmetics. When I play as killer I hate SWF, but I also realize there would be far fewer players without it. Playing survivor as SWF is much more enjoyable than solo, so I don’t want to see it go away